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sant, I don't know what counts as samadhi, I have been in a heightened awareness to the emptyness of everything, what type of experience are you thinking of?, I'm sure many have had different experiences that they say is samadhi.

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If you have a fully developed astral body, then you can just place your body in a cave somewhere and fly out into outer space, I'm sure there are very few on earth who have come this far.


In a strong Salvia experience, you do fly out of the body, and into astral realms, but it is a guided trip, and you don't have the freedom that a yogi has when flying. Even witches used plants to fly, datura.

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Guest Melvin1


Melvin1, how dare you talk about Salvia Divinorum this way, you show no respect for what is holy, this plant is considered to be an incarnation of the virgin Mary, and has a long history of shamanic use.


I guess I have this remarkable story to tell my wife, a Marian devotee, that salvia devinorum ( slave devilnorum) is an incarnation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. & that this plant should also be worshiped by her.

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There are a number of common names for S. divinorum and nearly all

are related to the plant's association with the Virgin Mary. It is known to

the Mazatecs as ska Maria Pastora, the leaf or herb of Mary, the Shepherdess.

The name is usually shortened to ska Maria or ska Pastora and the sage is

also known by a number of Spanish names including hojas de Maria, hojas

de la Pastora, hierba (yerba) Maria or la Maria. The Mazatecs believe this

Salvia to be an incarnation of the Virgin Mary, and care is taken to avoid

trampling on or damaging it when picking the leaves, which are used both

for curing and in divination


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Guest Melvin1


There are a number of common names for S. divinorum and nearly all

are related to the plant's association with the Virgin Mary. It is known to

the Mazatecs as ska Maria Pastora, the leaf or herb of Mary, the Shepherdess.

The name is usually shortened to ska Maria or ska Pastora and the sage is

also known by a number of Spanish names including hojas de Maria, hojas

de la Pastora, hierba (yerba) Maria or la Maria. The Mazatecs believe this

Salvia to be an incarnation of the Virgin Mary, and care is taken to avoid

trampling on or damaging it when picking the leaves, which are used both

for curing and in divination



Why don`t you try for a change chew on an old fallen tulasi leaf. Then chant Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare. I bet you`ll lose the taste for salvia divinorum. It happened before to Mrgari ( a ruthless hunter), who after chewing on it suddenly metamorphosed into a person who could not even hurt or kill an ant. So, I see no reason why it can`t effectively stop your obssesion for salvia if you try.

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Well I would never kill an ant. And I realised this from Cannabis use, over time cannabis changed me, and has with a lot of other people too, they go from war-mode to peace-mode.


You talk about me as I'm addicted, I use entheogens rarely, I have only used cannabis 3 times for the last 2 years. Salvia does not have any addictive properties, and neither do any other entheogen, Cannabis is the only one that people have a tendency to get addicted to.


Addiction arises because of the addiction to the body.

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Guest Melvin1


Well I would never kill an ant. And I realised this from Cannabis use, over time cannabis changed me, and has with a lot of other people too, they go from war-mode to peace-mode.


You talk about me as I'm addicted, I use entheogens rarely, I have only used cannabis 3 times for the last 2 years. Salvia does not have any addictive properties, and neither do any other entheogen, Cannabis is the only one that people have a tendency to get addicted to.


Addiction arises because of the addiction to the body.


I didn`t say you were an addict. I did say you are obssessed with salvia. You`re psychologically not bodily dependent on this so-called incarnation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. So, I said why don`t you try chewing( & be psychologically dependent) on an old fallen tulasi leaf for a change. & I said I bet it will work wonders for you, too. But don`t forget after chewing on it to chant Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare.

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Guest Melvin1


I love all the plants, especially Blackcurrant and Strawberry.

Salvia just happened to be the plant that I used yesterday, and therefore I have written much about it.


Well, I bet you will come to love the tulasi more than the salvia, blackcurrant and strawberry plants. Only if you will try even once to chew on an old fallen tulasi leaf . But please don`t forget after chewing it to chant Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare.

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"By offering Lord Krishna a single Tulasi leaf, one attains the result of offering Him every flower and leaf that exists."


why should it be old, and fallen? I am interested in all of this, can't seem to find where to order dried leaves on the internet. I have Tulsi Mint Yogi Tea right in front of me now, would this be just as good?

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I just tried, and have to admit that the tulsi tea and the mantra goes very well togeter, made me laugh:)


Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare


Still don't think that you should go calling one plant good, and another evil.

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