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Ayurvedic Treatment for PCOS

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Sara,

Even though I am not qualified to talk about Ayurvedic treatments I happen to be an herbalist specializing in fertility (I work with Chinese herbs which originated from Indians going into China so many of our herbs are the same) and I treat this all the time. It is a very complicated to treat even with allopathic drugs. So when all else fails they find me.

Even though her insulin levels are normal now this a condition that leads to diabetes most of the time so she should really get sugar and simple carbohydrates out of her diet. This is very hard for someone with PCOS because this condition makes a woman crave these things. It is about as hard as asking a heroine addict to stop taking heroine. It is very very hard.

What she should be eating is lots and lots of cooked vegetable, whole fruits (never fruit juices), plenty of protein and only small amounts of whole grains. This means brown rice instead of white rice and whole grain bread rather that white flower. That kind of thing. Mainly she should be eating cooked vegetables and dal but not rice and her Chappati should be made with whole wheat.

She might get her menstrual cycle back with this diet if she is being very strict about it and doesn't eat to much of these foods.

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There certainly is herbal treatment available for PCOS but I wouldn't know if you could call it Ayurvedic, in the strict sense of the word, because not all the herbs in the herbal formula for PCOS are from India.


These herbs reduce the cysts in the Ovaries, reduce the cramping pain and dysmenorrhoea associated with PSOS. They also reduce excess hair (called hirsutism) on the body, if any.... hirsutism is often associated with PCOS.


Your friend needs to reduce her weight too, as her BMI is way beyond normal (69 kg and 5' height).

As as already been written, she would do well to include large portions of fresh fruits and vegetables in her diet, along with high-fibre foods.


I do not know if she can do vigorous exercise, because her PCOS may prevent her from doing that, but she should do whatever exercise her condition allows her to do.


Perhaps getting PCOS treated first and then starting an exercise regimen would be best for her, but she could start eating an appropriate diet from now itself, to stave off problems associated with obesity, later.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi there


there is a Ayurvedic product called Hyponidd, which you can buy online from:

Ayurvedaforall.com, indiaabundance.com as well as many others..


I also have PCOS and am going to start using Hyponidd, so I will post how it goes.


There has been new research that people with PCOS will eventually get Diabetes and heart issues, as it is controlled by the same gene..


Being a vegetarian and doing at least 30 minutes exercise (this can be as simple as a 30min walk) daily will defnetly help.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Please have her get thyroid hormone treatment with a product called Armour/Nature thyroid. IT is NOT the standard meds the doctors will give...

She needs A t3 AND T4 medicine.


Please see Stop the Thyroid Madness - Thyroid info and life-changing truth about thyroid treatment and this lady's story about her PCOS..


Laura’s Story | Stop The Thyroid Madness


There are many many studies that have been done to indicate that those with these problems are low in BOTH T3 and T4 hormones.


The western tests ALWAYS come back normal!!!!!!!!! So even if it comes back normal, she probably still needs it!

you have to get URNIEtests to properly test the levels of thyroid hormones...FREE T3 and FREE T4 plus TSH and antiboies should also be tested. Antibody tests are the only tests that should be blood.


Other sites to check that are amazing


fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, thyroid hormone resistance ...30 years of thyroid medical research..he is the

most advanced in the field of thyroid treatment..one of the best in the world..huge amounts of information here

DrLam -The Authority on Natural Medicine

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  • 1 year later...

Hi ,


I am doing yoga from past 3 years. My cycles got normal. Then I stopped for a while, when again my cycles went abnormal. I had a ultrasound then and realised that my cyst had increased.


I resumed my yoga practice again and did it for almost 2 years. I had an ultrasound recently in june. The report stated i had no cyst. But my cycles are not normal yet. I dont understand the problem


At times yoga helps

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  • 1 year later...

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