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Indra doesn't live here anymore

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I learned from a vision that Indra has been kicked out of heaven, by Krishna, because he worked for a wrong cause, and that he probably are incarnated on some kind of earth plane, maybe earth. I saw people living in Indra's heaven were not sure what had happened to him, that maybe he has become "evil", but some still believes in him and that he will come back one day.


Does anyone know where old hindu gods are today?


I mean a lot has happened since the story told by the scriptures. Does some scriptures tell of future events concerning this?

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Fine, I'll say it. I learned this from my past life on another higher planet. We learned about everything concerning the gods, yes I do remember past lives, and many of them, more than I can count. Sorry I didn't have the guts to say it earlier.

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I was meant to be awakened to my past lives in this incarnation, so it's not about entheogens, had a spiritual crisis that lasted for two months when I started remembering, I am here on earth now partly as a result of me killing a person in the 1700's. But other than that I have done good in previous incarnations, and from what I have heard, this may be my last incarnation in this sort of place, at least I have stopped killing animals and eating meat, so that should help. I am meditating everyday, meditation is absolute necessecary. When I was informed that I should come to earth, it is one of the worst thing a being can experience, but I am very happy now that I have remembered, and my whole reality seems so much brighter because of this. I still miss those other places, but I should try to learn to see this world just as I saw the world on those other planets I have been on, this place truly can be like heaven, if seen through the right eyes.

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it helps me remember more sometimes, I always said that it is a help, not the way. I don't want this to be about entheogens, I posted this wonderful spiritual experience on this forum earlier and they deleted it, and they have closed the other threads, so I guess someone got an overdose of it.


It's all about god in the end anyway, and whatever fruit you present with love to the lord he will accept.


The best gift to the lord is the fruit of your actions.


I always wanted to learn to travel out of my body and into the astral realm by meditation, does some guru actually know how to learn someone do this?, I know it is possible. Maybe I should just sit down meditating until it happens, how long would this take?


I was incarnated in my past life on Neptune in a lower astral vibration, the main god there is Varuna, there is no wars, the education was perfect, and we had means of travel outside our bodies, so there still is some physicallity.

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Yes yes baba avdhoot shivanand hes a sidha he gives shambovi shakti to people .ivd seen people change and heal from disease hes very great.experience and believe he says.though ive not gone to him due to some reason i hav faith.dont wory hes genuine u can tel yourself.u can watch his videos does astha chanel come there in norwy

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