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how to find true love?

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i have been in a relationship for nearly 6 years with the love of my life. we got engaged last year and recently, she has called off the engagement and decided not to move to be in the same city with me as we had planned. naturally, i am devastated beyond belief and getting through each day is difficult.


is there anything i can do in terms of a puja to help me. i lost the love of my life and im not sure if i can love someone again like i loved her...

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Great opportunity to learn the beauty behind detachment.

Secondly, don't force things, and don't wait much either.

Continue with what you are intended to do concerning your Dharma; if she'll come back then it is fine, else workout for a new relationship after a given lapse of time. But do learn from the failure of your breakup(s).

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Great opportunity to learn the beauty behind detachment.

Secondly, don't force things, and don't wait much either.

Continue with what you are intended to do concerning your Dharma; if she'll come back then it is fine, else workout for a new relationship after a given lapse of time. But do learn from the failure of your breakup(s).


thank you. i really hope that i can find someone else to love again as i loved her...

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Puja can help you overcome the grief and heart ache provided you perform it for the purpose of gaining knowledge in relation to the experience. It's very sad to hear your story, we all want loving and lasting relationships, but in this world we just can't get that. She may come back to you, or she may not. This is the fact. Please don't be fooled that you can find someone who will give you some magical mantra to bring her back. In this day and age it is not possible. Separation in love is a very hard experience to deal with, but we must learn to tolerate it and understand the meaning behind it. This is part of everyones growth in life. We will all experience this at some stage.


Please try to keep yourself productive, perhaps focus on spiritual things. You know a relationship with God is the most fulfilling, you could try that.


Hope you're well. There will be love in your future - don't worry.

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Puja can help you overcome the grief and heart ache provided you perform it for the purpose of gaining knowledge in relation to the experience. It's very sad to hear your story, we all want loving and lasting relationships, but in this world we just can't get that. She may come back to you, or she may not. This is the fact. Please don't be fooled that you can find someone who will give you some magical mantra to bring her back. In this day and age it is not possible. Separation in love is a very hard experience to deal with, but we must learn to tolerate it and understand the meaning behind it. This is part of everyones growth in life. We will all experience this at some stage.


Please try to keep yourself productive, perhaps focus on spiritual things. You know a relationship with God is the most fulfilling, you could try that.


Hope you're well. There will be love in your future - don't worry.



Beautiful post. Thank you so much. I guess I was being unrealistic in trying to find someone to help me get her back. Thank you, again.

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Sometimes I think Krsna intentionally puts us through these things so we can learn about the seperation that he feels from his divine love. I have been through where the love of my life left me and I have been forced to leave someone that I loved because the path she was on would have been degrading for me to follow along. It takes a lot of pain and introspection but there are tremendous lessons to learn in these experiences in my opinion.

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Guest Melvin1




i have been in a relationship for nearly 6 years with the love of my life. we got engaged last year and recently, she has called off the engagement and decided not to move to be in the same city with me as we had planned. naturally, i am devastated beyond belief and getting through each day is difficult.


is there anything i can do in terms of a puja to help me. i lost the love of my life and im not sure if i can love someone again like i loved her...


There`s always a reason why your true love dumped you. Maybe she realized you are not her true love. You should be happy because it happened when you were not married yet. The remedy here is not Puja. Just go and find another girl and let her be for the second time your true love.

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Originally Posted by chitown82



i have been in a relationship for nearly 6 years with the love of my life. we got engaged last year and recently, she has called off the engagement and decided not to move to be in the same city with me as we had planned. naturally, i am devastated beyond belief and getting through each day is difficult.


is there anything i can do in terms of a puja to help me. i lost the love of my life and im not sure if i can love someone again like i loved her...



Maybe god has something better in store for you.

If you want to get that girl back you can try ,

but it is all upto what you want.


No point in having the desire of that girl with you

It can cause pain.Either fulfill it or eradicate it.

desires left unsatisfied can cause trouble.


sure you can always ask god to get your loved one back.

you can do vrat.

tantrik vashikaran are also there.



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You're going through a very tuff phase in life. Please recite hanuman chalisa everyday. It will give you tremendous mental peace.


Also try to hangout more with friends, join some hobby classes or gym where you can meet more people and you never know when you will fall in love again. Its very tuff to accept it right now but believe me it will happen to you some day.

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thank you. i really hope that i can find someone else to love again as i loved her...


There is nothing to find outside. The true love lies within thyself. Turn inwards and drink the nectar. God is in the subtle and not in the gross and love within you is nothing but the expression of the divine.

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There is nothing to find outside. The true love lies within thyself. Turn inwards and drink the nectar. God is in the subtle and not in the gross and love within you is nothing but the expression of the divine.


Is that description the same as,


Narcissism which describes the trait of excessive self-love, based on self-image or ego? The term was derived from the Greek mythology Narcissus. Narcissus was a handsome Greek youth who rejected the desperate advances of the nymph Echo. As punishment, he was doomed to fall in love with his own reflection in a pool of water. Unable to consummate his love Narcissus pined away and changed into a flower that bears his name, narcissus.

Sigmund Freud believed that some narcissism is an essential part of all of us from birth and was the first to use the term in psychology. Andrew Morrison claims that in adults, a reasonable amount of healthy narcissism allows the individual`s perception of his needs to be balanced in relation to others.


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Why she does not want to move to your city. clear the doubts in her mind. Talk to her parents...maybe they don't trust you. Try gaining their trust.


In case your efforts fail then remember time heals everything. Drown yourself in your work & Mantra chanting so that you can overcome your thoughts. With the passage of time you will be happy again.

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In love, at one of its poles you find the personal, at the other the impersonal. At one you have the positive assertion - Here I am; at the other the equally strong denial - I am not. Without this ego what is love? And again, with only this ego how can love be possible?--Rabindranath Tagore

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