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i was browsing through the net, until i came across this wonderful website about a book that reveals tons of authentic secrets about the Original State of Bhāratavarṣa.


The website, by the Book's name (The True History & Religion of India), offers a voluminous synopsis of the book online.


It Proves numerous surprising facts and exposes hidden mysteries and common misgivings about the Vaidīk Literature and the Sanātana Vaidīk Dharma in general.


a truly amazing source of Information for any sincere researcher or seeker...




don't forget to read the 21 intriguing questions and their startling elucidation...





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Yes..The site is under the able guidance of Sri Prakashananda maharaja,who is the realised devotee of Sri Kripaluji Maharaj.


Prakashanand Sarasvati Maharaja was offered the seat of one of the Shankaracharya peethas(jagadguru title.)He refused it because he considered it futile.Instead,he leads his life devoted to the Lotus feet of Maharajji.


Radhe radhe.

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