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gemini ascedant & jupiter in 7th house

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Respected astrologers

I have heard that in case of gemini ascedant, jupiter creates problem to that house it occupies. In my horoscope it is occupying 7th house also sun and venus are together in 2nd house , mars and saturn in fifth house . so could you please tell me what impact it will have on my married life .

thanking you

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hey buddy

I am a gemini ascendent with jupiter in the seventh house. What I hv been told is that Jupiter in 7th house being sagittarius is the most powerful placement for it (provided its not retrogate). It can be predicted that U would get a wife who would be good looking, well educated and well off in life (as compared to u) and u would gain from her repeatedly thoughout.Furthermore,there is a great possibility that u wife would be from another country, religion or race.

More interestingly,since jupiter is also co ruler of your tenth house (pisces), u would find such a woman while ur persuing ur education or during the course of your profession..

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To start off I am not an astrologer. Just a curious student and a beginner at that. I will share whatever little I know.


According to BPHS benefics lose their benefic nature (i.e they become neutral) if they own quadrants. For Ge ascendant Ju owns the 7th and 10th house. But since in your case it is in the house of its moolatrikona it restores its benefic nature. In any case, Ju is a karaka for many aspects (Dhan,Putra,Bhagya and Labh bhavas) and being placed in a quadrant (even if not own house) will still make it highly beneficial for these aspects provided it is not conjunct with a malefic or in the house of an enemy.


Retro planest in general work the same way as an exalted planet. I have read some people saying that Retro planets in their exaltation signs work lke malefics. In your case this is not applicable since Ju is not in Cancer.

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Since Ve is an enemy of Ju, placement of Ju in Li is not ideal. But for Gemini lagna Li is the 5th house. Hence Ju is reasonably well placed. However, since he is also the karaka for the putra bhava he may not give you good results in matters relating to children, specially the male child. This is because a akaraka placed in the house of his karakatwa is supposed to destroy the effects.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Respected astrologers

I have heard that in case of gemini ascedant, jupiter creates problem to that house it occupies. In my horoscope it is occupying 7th house also sun and venus are together in 2nd house , mars and saturn in fifth house . so could you please tell me what impact it will have on my married life .

thanking you.

hello astrologers

unfortunately jupiter in my horoscope is retrograde ..so could u please predict it's impacts.

thanking you.



Thanks audacrs for your attention.


If anybody else wants to add some comments on it, he is most welcomed.

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