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End of the world?

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Christians claim that here will be an end of days and a last war and so on.. Do Hindus have a prophecy for the end of the world as well?


It won`t matter if the world ends tomorrow. What matters is what were you thinking prior to death. This is very crucial. I guess you know what I mean.

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It won`t matter if the world ends tomorrow. What matters is what were you thinking prior to death. This is very crucial. I guess you know what I mean.


Death is physical body is nothing. It is the Life after Death which is the crucial part.


In the same way, maybe after the Universe dissolved and we all wait for a new Universe to form (when Brahma wakes up), there could be a time/place where we could all sit down and talk. Who knows, one can only hope. :)

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Yes on brahmas night whole material worlds is destroyed

Actually, only the planets up to the Svargaloka or the heavens are destroyed after the day of Brahma is over.

Above the heavens are Tapa, Jana and Satyaloka.

So, they survive.

But, on the Tapaloka planets the heat is too much so they transfer to Janaloka to wait out the destruction and then return after it's over.


But, all the planets up to Indraloka are destroyed.

Beyond the heavens are the planets of the great yogis and jnanis.

Those planets are only destroyed at the time when the whole universe is withdrawn back into the body of MahaVishnu at the end of Brahma's lifetime.

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Death is physical body is nothing. It is the Life after Death which is the crucial part.


In the same way, maybe after the Universe dissolved and we all wait for a new Universe to form (when Brahma wakes up), there could be a time/place where we could all sit down and talk. Who knows, one can only hope. :)


When that time comes I hope to sit down and talk with you, Sephiroth, my friend.:)

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There is no death, I was raised as a Christian, but some things did not seem correct, and I thought, why should I turn to man for the truth when I can go to the source itself, so I did.

The method I used was ceasslesss prayer, also stopped Eating meat, stopped smoking, gave up all material life, tv etc and one day, I got the shock of my life. I found myself engolfed in pure love, in space, and in the presence of what people call God, this experience caused me great conflict at first, because of what I was taught as a Christian, the presence I was in (God) did not have a body, just is, was, and always will be. I was shown many things, IE, Earth is an illusion, we are all connected, and not to worry about anything as all will be well, I had other things happen after this experience, visions, I was shown Earth giving birth to a new Earth.

I have some friends who suggested I should look up Hinduism because of other things I am still experiencing.

Please forgive me for the long post, but I am trying to undestand all that I have been shown and experiened.

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Christians claim that here will be an end of days and a last war and so on.. Do Hindus have a prophecy for the end of the world as well?


End of an era. A transition period from one Yuga to another. That is what Hindus have about this theory. There is nothing called 'The End'. But always a new beginning.

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There is no death, I was raised as a Christian, but some things did not seem correct, and I thought, why should I turn to man for the truth when I can go to the source itself, so I did.


The method I used was ceasslesss prayer, also stopped Eating meat, stopped smoking, gave up all material life, tv etc and one day, I got the shock of my life. I found myself engolfed in pure love, in space, and in the presence of what people call God, this experience caused me great conflict at first, because of what I was taught as a Christian, the presence I was in (God) did not have a body, just is, was, and always will be. I was shown many things, IE, Earth is an illusion, we are all connected, and not to worry about anything as all will be well, I had other things happen after this experience, visions, I was shown Earth giving birth to a new Earth.


I have some friends who suggested I should look up Hinduism because of other things I am still experiencing.

Please forgive me for the long post, but I am trying to undestand all that I have been shown and experiened.


Don't try to understand it. It will only make you feel confuse when you are unable to gasp.


Just experience it for what it is (knowledge and Love).

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Just be like a rock in the middle of the stream. Water flows around you and you are not moved (due to your ignorance which still lies in your heart). Till you have stop wishing to gasp it, you will have ignorance in your heart.


Same way, Love and Knowledge will flow around you, till one day, just as a rock will be dislodge by the Water over time, you too will be carried off by Love and Knowledge.


And when you could finally open your eyes, you will be with God.

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Guest love_alliance18
I could be your spouse.:)
The world will certainly end for a new beginning. Coz the true nature is that whatever starts has to end someday and then again begin from the start again to end some day. Humans are God's nestlings so whatever you do will be overlooked by him and he will take you into his haven!!!! So ppl don't worry even if the world ends the supreme will be your savior.. God Bless You ALL. Om Namah Shivay.
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The world will certainly end for a new beginning. Coz the true nature is that whatever starts has to end someday and then again begin from the start again to end some day. Humans are God's nestlings so whatever you do will be overlooked by him and he will take you into his haven!!!! So ppl don't worry even if the world ends the supreme will be your savior.. God Bless You ALL. Om Namah Shivay.


Yes, love_alliance18. We shouldn`t worry when the world ends, but there`s got to be one among us here who first goes to hell. Otherwise how would one know he`s in haven.:)

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There is no death, I was raised as a Christian, but some things did not seem correct, and I thought, why should I turn to man for the truth when I can go to the source itself, so I did.

The method I used was ceasslesss prayer, also stopped Eating meat, stopped smoking, gave up all material life, tv etc and one day, I got the shock of my life. I found myself engolfed in pure love, in space, and in the presence of what people call God, this experience caused me great conflict at first, because of what I was taught as a Christian, the presence I was in (God) did not have a body, just is, was, and always will be. I was shown many things, IE, Earth is an illusion, we are all connected, and not to worry about anything as all will be well, I had other things happen after this experience, visions, I was shown Earth giving birth to a new Earth.

I have some friends who suggested I should look up Hinduism because of other things I am still experiencing.

Please forgive me for the long post, but I am trying to undestand all that I have been shown and experiened.


Now that's awesome, in the proper sense of the word. It makes me happy to hear stuff like that.

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Religions which concentrate only on life after death are mostly cheating. Religion which does not concentrate on developing spirituality here and now is of unverifiable value. Cheating cults concentrate on doomsday predictions - they have been around for at least 2500 years - always waiting for some Messiah or for a major cataclism.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hindus do believe that the world will come to an end, but not in the literal sense. I've learned many theories about 2012 (the year when the world will end). The Mayan calendar shows no dates after December 21, 2012. The hindu calendar is similar, as well as the Chinese calendar. Many people are worried because of the fear of death. I've spoken to many people who are so scared by the end of the world that the mere thought of it makes them change the subject. But is it really that awful?


If we live our life to be great human beings, then why do we have to be scared by a date? We should be living every day of our lives fully and the best we can live them. No one knows when their last day on earth will be, so what difference does it make if we know the date?


I spoke to a Christian (who is also a friend of mine) who feared the end of the world. I asked her "If you believe that the purpose of life is to be good human beings and ultimately enter the gates of Heaven, shouldn't the "end of the world" be a good thing because you will then be with God?Shouldn't you live your best life no matter what since you don't know when you are going to die?" She told me she was afraid that death will be painful. I then asked her "Regardless of how death occurs, isn't it usually always painful? If you die in your sleep, it's because of a reason, i.e. heart attack, etc., so why does the end of the world have to be a fearful event?" Because of that conversation we had, her whole mindset changed. She now isn't afraid of that day, but is living life to the fullest regardless of a set date.

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according to the vedas the universe is destroyed at the end of kali yuga, the current age..everyone has a different opinion on where the greater cycle of kali yuga ends (because these 4 cycles can operate in shorter time periods as miniature cycles), it is thought by many scholars the end of the great Kali yuga is still 400 000 or more years in the future, once this happens everything is dissolved again back into the void, until the cycles, four ages begin again, it is an infinite cycle without an end, the material world dies but it is only a temporary death..

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