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Problems in Job

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Respected Sanwal,


I am just a student of astrology and not an expert, let me aks a couple of questions about your husband's chart. This is for

my own learning purpose.


His chart shows that he has strong yogas for living away from home, Is he settled abroad? and Is he related to

finance/banking related work? Please correct me


For his profession, most of the planets are favouring him in his profession, although some problem in profession is indicated

for some time, but definite indication for change is not there. Even if there will be change, change will be for good


Please let me know where I am wrong


Kind Regards


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Hi Sanwal


I just went through your husband chart and would like to comment on some of the points which I saw in it


1. Is he having some Stomach related troubles


2. How many daughter or son do you have


3. Is he facing some issues with his brother or friends


4. Try to avoid unnecessary mental tensions if any


5. Did he had any major setback during last 5 years related to family.


The chart looks good and he will earning good in his life and would increase comforts in life


Kindly let know about the above points



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to answer you r questions:-


a) he usually cannot stay empty stomach and yes he does suffer from ulcer like symptoms nothing major though


b) We have Only one son as of now.... who is 3 years old... Born on 4th November 2005 in beijing china at 2.30P.m


c) Relationship with brothers have been strain for long time but nothing major.. ( we lIve in US so no t big fights happening)


d) we were married on 3rd JUly 2005 and ever since we have moved out of INDia.


e) His father died when he was in class 12 so may be aorund he was 18 or 17


Nothing else.


Please let me know what you predict and why you ask tehse questions.

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The reason of asking these question were because i could see these effects in the chart due to KETU which is the Current Mahadasha for the Native


a) he usually cannot stay empty stomach and yes he does suffer from ulcer like symptoms nothing major though


It will not be major but it will surely carry on


b) We have Only one son as of now.... who is 3 years old... Born on 4th November 2005 in beijing china at 2.30P.m


Should have been 2006 as the birth year of your son


c) Relationship with brothers have been strain for long time but nothing major.. ( we lIve in US so no t big fights happening)


It was good that you moved out as the Strain with brother will surely be there thus bringing instability in the native


d) we were married on 3rd JUly 2005 and ever since we have moved out of INDia.


e) His father died when he was in class 12 so may be aorund he was 18 or 17


Ketu Mahadasa will not be bad to your husband and will come out with new things ..So don't worry things will be better



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Chances of such a happening is less. As teh Ketu Dasha finishes this year in Sep 2009 and Venus lord of Next dasha and it has direct aspect on the 10th house and it is the Lord of 8th house and situated in 4th house so it may a point why someone would have predicted sucha thing



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Can you also look at my chart to see if i will have job probelms....


Also I am helping My Mom and Dad and tehy live with us Now... my DAd was hopeful that he might get a job... But its not working out.... I really want to helo... BUt if i have probelms with my Job I wont be able to help them so much


My birth date is 13th November 1978, Calcutta 00.12a.m


Thanks... This will help and give me some comfort....

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Kindly give me some time and I will surely try to write something for you as defined by you in the query..If you could send the details of you and your husband together in my email it will be great..


Kindly write in detail about your problem so that it could give more insight


Email :vaastu4you@gmail.com

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