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Veda line translation

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Hi I would really appreciate it if someone could translate this line from arthaveda back into sanskrit. I was reading it in english from a site.


IV, 6. Charm against poison

1. The brahmana was the first to to be born, with ten heads and ten mouths. He was the first to drink the soma, that did render poison powerless.


Thank you for your help.

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If anyone knows where to get this translated please let me know; or any information regarding this at all, I would really appreciate it. This is a matter very personal to me, and I would really appreciate it very much if I could get any help in.


Thank you.

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Hi SulavSingh,


The translation you provided was Maurice Bloomfield's translation of the Atharvaveda, 4.6.1.


I have provided both the accented and the unaccented forms of the Sanskrit in ITRANS, Devanagari, and IAST format.



  sulavsingh said:
The brahmana was the first to to be born, with ten heads and ten mouths. He was the first to drink the soma, that did render poison powerless.




Accented ITRANS:


braa\_hma\_No ja\'j~ne pratha\_mo dasha\'shiirSho\_ dashaa\'syaH .


sa soma\'M pratha\_maH pa\'pau\_ sa cha\'kaaraara\_saM vi\_Sham.h .. 1 ..



Accented Devanagari:


ब्रा॒ह्म॒णो ज॑ज्ञे प्रथ॒मो दश॑शीर्षो॒ दशा॑स्यः।


स सोमं॑ प्रथ॒मः प॑पौ॒ स च॑कारार॒सं वि॒षम्‌॥ १ ॥



Accented IAST:


brā̱hma̱ṇo ja̍jñe pratha̱mo daśa̍śīrṣo̱ daśā̍syaḥ |


sa soma̍ṃ pratha̱maḥ pa̍pau̱ sa ca̍kārāra̱saṃ vi̱ṣam || 1 ||



Unaccented ITRANS:


braahmaNo jaj~ne prathamo dashashiirSho dashaasyaH .


sa somaM prathamaH papau sa chakaaraarasaM viSham.h .. 1 ..



Unaccented Devangari:


ब्राह्मणो जज्ञे प्रथमो दशशीर्षो दशास्यः।


स सोमं प्रथमः पपौ स चकारारसं विषम्‌॥ १ ॥



Unaccented IAST:


brāhmaṇo jajñe prathamo daśaśīrṣo daśāsyaḥ |


sa somaṃ prathamaḥ papau sa cakārārasaṃ viṣam || 1 ||


Hope this helps,


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