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FASTING as a remedy against malefic planets

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Medical Astrology Sir:

Here are the details again. I received your private message but as I am fairly new to this website I was not sure how to reply to that message. If you could kindly send me your reply through private message I would appreciate it.


Hello Sir:

I am looking at this native's chart and I was wondering if you could please help me:

DOB: March 6, 1983

Latitude:27° 43' 0"

Longitude: 85° 19' 0"

Appox time: 2am


Native has skin problems.



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Medical Astrology Sir:

Here are the details again. I received your private message but as I am fairly new to this website I was not sure how to reply to that message. If you could kindly send me your reply through private message I would appreciate it.


Hello Sir:

I am looking at this native's chart and I was wondering if you could please help me:

DOB: March 6, 1983

Latitude:27° 43' 0"

Longitude: 85° 19' 0"

Appox time: 2am


Native has skin problems.




That's East and North, right?

Also, I would need to know what type the skin problem is, if you don't mind. That is necessary because different planets have 'amal' on different types of afflictions.

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Medical Astrology Sir:

Here are the details again. I received your private message but as I am fairly new to this website I was not sure how to reply to that message. If you could kindly send me your reply through private message I would appreciate it.


Hello Sir:

I am looking at this native's chart and I was wondering if you could please help me:

DOB: March 6, 1983

Latitude:27° 43' 0"

Longitude: 85° 19' 0"

Appox time: 2am


Native has skin problems.



Dear Atila, I have taken the time zone GMT +5.45 hrs, taking the place to be Kathmandu.


Acne would be seen from the Second house which rules "face".

Lord of 2nd house, Saturn is retrograde in the 11th, from where it aspects lagna and dasha lord Ketu, the latter being in its own nakshatra and in rashi of Jupiter.


Ketu is the present dasha lord and Jupiter is the present bhukti lord, but this may be a co-incidence.


Ketu is said to give the effects of Mars (therefore acne have left scars).

Fasting on Tuesday, avoiding red colour in clothes and personal accessories, avoiding pickles, papads and spicy food will all help in reducing the problem of acne.


Mars shows infection as well. A topical antibiotic cream like might be necessary.

Fresh Durva grass, crushed and applied over the face, will also help.

Attention to diet is a must. Non-veg food should also be avoided, if possible.

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Thank you for your response. Just a few follow up questions:

1. Can you determine what dosha (vata, pitta or Khapa) is imbalanced in this native from looking at the birth details which is leading those these conditions?

2. So if I under you correctly the reason for the skin affliction has to do with a retrograde Saturn and ketu? I was under the impression that such skin afflictions are related to sukra or budh?

3. Also is the skin condition related to weak digestion? Would you say the native should really improve digestion to improve his skin?

4. Is this a common planetary combination for people who suffer from this sort of problem?


Thank you so much.

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Saturn is aspecting kalatrakara Venus and manah karaka Moon, both of which are in the 10th house in the nakshatra of Mars who, in turn, is in the 7th house (spouse / marital life).


So yes, fasting on saturdays will help.

But I'll tell you one thing.... herbs will work faster.


If you would PM me the issues that are causing friction, I can tell you which herbs would help.


Dear Sir,


Please advise your email address. Thank you. I am interested in the herbs.

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Thank you for your response. Just a few follow up questions:

1. Can you determine what dosha (vata, pitta or Khapa) is imbalanced in this native from looking at the birth details which is leading those these conditions?

2. So if I under you correctly the reason for the skin affliction has to do with a retrograde Saturn and ketu? I was under the impression that such skin afflictions are related to sukra or budh?

3. Also is the skin condition related to weak digestion? Would you say the native should really improve digestion to improve his skin?

4. Is this a common planetary combination for people who suffer from this sort of problem?


Thank you so much.


1. To some extent. Mars is pitta + kapha. Saturn is vaata.

Cyclical effects of the palnets are seen, in the different stages of acne leions.

In this instance, it is an imblanace of pitta-kapha doshas.


2. Mercury is connected with the skin in general (Mercury here is in nakshatra of Mars and rashi of Saturn).

In specific disorders, other parameters should also be thought of, and appropriately used.


3. Not weak digestion. Certain foods are to be avoided for reasons of pathya. So that doshas (pitta dosha in this case) are kept under control.


4. No, this is not a specific planetary combination at all. It is based on individual features of a horoscope, unique to native only!

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Hello Sir:

Thank you for your response. Last follow up questions and than I will stop bothering you.

1. What mantras should this native practice to abate his afflictions.

2. Which planets should this native focus on to help abate his afflictions.

Can you recommend some steps to balance pitta-kapha.



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Dear Medical Astrology ji


DOB: 15th March 1983

TOB: 16:32

Birthplace: Birmingham, UK


Thank you very much for your answers. I will try fasting on Saturdays. Just one concern, according to various astrology software and what other astrologers have told me I am presently in my ketu mahdasha under the antardasha of the moon. My Sun antardasha is already gone, and the ketu mahadasha runs till 2013. Also, would you be able to predict when marriage is possible for me and what my husband will be like? Do you have other suggestions...herbs ect which can help me build my confidence? Your helpful comments are greatly appreciated.


Many thanks



This dasha-antardasha difference might be due to different systems used.


I follow the Vimshottari dasha according to the Date (pronounced "Da-tay") panchang and it says you are in Ketu mahadasha until 12th Sept 2014 and Sun bhukti until 15th August 2009.


Another reason for this difference could be using a different ayanamsh... and gosh, that is a whole controversy on which entire books have been written, by itself!


I feel you might get married now till 1st July or if not, then after December 2009. I feel you are not able to get married because of your hesitance to choose a Partner (as you have said) and that is because you lack self-confidence.


If you can tell me where you stay, I might be able to suggest some herbs for this difficulty (as you will need them right through three consequtive bhuktis ...Sun, Moon, Mars...), because not all herbs are available everywhere!


You may pm me the information if you wish, but please post on this thread that you have sent me a pm, or I might not see it!

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Dear Sir,


Please advise your email address. Thank you. I am interested in the herbs.


Please check you pm in the Inbox.


If you haven't received the pm due to some reason, please click on my user name on the left and you will get the option "send pm" and another option "view public profile" which takes you to my profile, where my website is listed and my website has my email ID.

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Hi , Wanted to know , on which day fasting will help me in getting a good job



Time:-08-54 AM

Place--FCI , Talcher -Orissa


Name-Rashmi Kanta Moharana




Most of us have observed fasts, at some time in our lives, often because we were told that a particular planet or planets are adverse for us and fasting on their day/s would help.


Fasts are generally observed from the break of dawn until after sunset, that is, during the day.

Very few fasts are observed for a full 24 hours, Ekadashi being one of them.


But mostly we fast during daylight hours only.

If Mars is adverse for us in our horoscope, we fast on Tuesdays; for Saturn, Saturdays; for Jupiter, Thursdays and so on and so forth.


What happens when we fast? How does fasting help us?

Here is an explanation, given with the help of Ayurveda.


SUNLIGHT is made up of the seven visible colours of our spectrum.

Each colour corresponds to one of the seven planets.


When we eat food, our jatharagni is stimulated and we begin to digest our food.

Jatharagni is a concept in Ayurveda, which means the Energy required to 'burn and digest' our food........ it is the energy that releases digestive enzymes.


This jatharagni is said to be powerful only during daytime and is very weak at night.

(Hence, Ayurveda also says we should avoid eating at night. Night is called Raakshas kaal, when the agni of Raakshas ganas is strong).


On each day of the week, the jatharagni is stronger in that colour of light which rules that day.


Food eaten on that day would be digested by an Agni stronger in rays of that particular colour and the ras-dhatu formed from the food would bear greater association with the planet that governs that ray of light!


(Ras-dhatu is the first of the seven dhatus that form our body. The other dhatus are formed, one by one, beginning from it).


When a person fasts, less food is consumed, less ras-dhatu is formed and so the dhatus (which are the building blocks of an individual) would contain lesser planetary effects of that particular planet!


With regular fasting therefore, a person would suffer less malefic effects of that planet in his life!


This is why fasting on certain days of the week is advised as a remedy for bad planetary positions and actions, in our horoscopes!


(This applies to the natal chart, dasha-bhuktis as well as transits).


Fasting can be combined with other remedial measures, too!


You may ask me on which day fasting will help you and I'd be glad to tell.

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This dasha-antardasha difference might be due to different systems used.


I follow the Vimshottari dasha according to the Date (pronounced "Da-tay") panchang and it says you are in Ketu mahadasha until 12th Sept 2014 and Sun bhukti until 15th August 2009.


Another reason for this difference could be using a different ayanamsh... and gosh, that is a whole controversy on which entire books have been written, by itself!


I feel you might get married now till 1st July or if not, then after December 2009. I feel you are not able to get married because of your hesitance to choose a Partner (as you have said) and that is because you lack self-confidence.


If you can tell me where you stay, I might be able to suggest some herbs for this difficulty (as you will need them right through three consequtive bhuktis ...Sun, Moon, Mars...), because not all herbs are available everywhere!


You may pm me the information if you wish, but please post on this thread that you have sent me a pm, or I might not see it!




Dear Medical astrology ji


At the moment I am living in london, uk. If you let me know what hwrbs I need, i can even order them as I have family in India,. Thanks for your help.



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Dear Medical astrology ji


At the moment I am living in london, uk. If you let me know what hwrbs I need, i can even order them as I have family in India,. Thanks for your help.




Ask them to get you 100 gms churna of dried bark, leaves and fruits of vad (Banyan)-pimpal -audumbar. Let me know after you get the churna.

To prevent allergies from the churna, it must be pure and non-contaminated and from a reliable source.


This churna will definitely help you.

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Hi , Wanted to know , on which day fasting will help me in getting a good job



Time:-08-54 AM

Place--FCI , Talcher -Orissa


Name-Rashmi Kanta Moharana


Retrograde Mars in the 4th house, aspecting the 10th which is its own house, in a parivartan-yoga with yoga-karaka Venus and in nakshatra of 6th lord Moon, is not aspecting dasha lord Jupiter neither bhukti lord Rahu.


In transit, Jupiter has moved into the 9th from the natal Moon, Rahu is in the 8th and Saturn is in 3rd.


The above circumstances are not denying a good job.


But lagnesh Saturn, retrograde, in the 6th house shows that fasting on Saturdays might improve your general situation in life (and certainly your heath, if required).

So, you could fast on Saturdays.

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Please help me.. I want to loose weight. I have extremely hard time to control my food habits and I am addicted to eating. I am very depressed because of the weight issues which indirectly brings the confidence low. Please help me find a day to fast to control my weight. Nov. 4th, 1977, 17:00 Hrs, New Delhi. Thank you.

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Please help me.. I want to loose weight. I have extremely hard time to control my food habits and I am addicted to eating. I am very depressed because of the weight issues which indirectly brings the confidence low. Please help me find a day to fast to control my weight. Nov. 4th, 1977, 17:00 Hrs, New Delhi. Thank you.


Yes, I will cast your horoscope and tell you, please tell me if you would fast on two days a week, if necessary?

I'll let you know by Wednesday, latest, as I have a backlog of answers to be cleared, still.

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Dear Medical Astrology ji,


I am a tauras acsendenet,

DOB 20.10.1981 at 19:30 gurgaon india


I am facing problem with respect to progeny, which day fast should be good for me, and what is the reason of trouble with progeny. (I had miscarrage three time.)




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Sorry I forgot one thing.

You mentioned to avoid non-veg food. Is that related to balancing the pitta-khapa or is there something else specific to the native's chart.



Actually, non-veg food increases the pitta in our bodies by cooking it with all the spices used in Indian cooking.

We use a lot of oil too, while cooking non-veg food.


Along with this, Ayurveda says that while trying to reduce a particular dosha, along with treatment for the dosha, we should stick to non-veg food during the time of treatment, for a better effect of the treatment.... but I think this would be more applicable to the more serious illnesses like liver diseases etc.

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Please help me.. I want to loose weight. I have extremely hard time to control my food habits and I am addicted to eating. I am very depressed because of the weight issues which indirectly brings the confidence low. Please help me find a day to fast to control my weight. Nov. 4th, 1977, 17:00 Hrs, New Delhi. Thank you.


Thanks for your kind comments!


Your lagna lord Mars is in the 4th in a watery sign with lord of the sign Moon.

Dasha lord Venus in 6th (with Rahu and in nakshatra of Mars) has exchanged signs with Mercury who as 6th lord in the 7th, is aspected by retrograde Jupiter from the 3rd house.

Both Venus and Jupiter have got neech amsa.

Further, Rahu is in nakshatra of Mercury.


As you find fasting difficult and would like to fast on only one day a week, it would be best for you to fast on WEDNESDAYS.

You could try and do this upto the end of Venus dasha; that is, until Feb. 2015.


Please feel free to ask, if you have any further questions.

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