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FASTING as a remedy against malefic planets

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Respected Medical Astrologyji,


Kindly advise fasting on which day will be beneficial for me in terms of my Career,Health and general well-being?


My birth details are:


4th January 1983

Time: 06:36 AM

Place: coimbatore


Thank you

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Dear Medical Astrologyji,


Kindly advise fasting on which day will be beneficial for me in terms of my Career,marriage and general well-being?


My birth details are:


Name : Puneet

Dob : 13 Sep 1983

Btime : 23 Hrs.-05 Min.

Gender : M

Birthcity : New Delhi

Birthstate : Delhi

Bcountry : INDIA


Now-days, am going through job related hardships. Also, if possible, I would like to know when is a good time to change the job.


Thank you

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1. There are certain conditions(medical) when person can not do fasting than recitation of mantras is equally good as an alternative.

2.Over fasting is injurious to health and don't try to change your destiny by over fasting

3.You can change your destiny only be doing handwork in proper way


4 Be optimistic all the time and don't stop your effort.


God bless All


Rishi Vatsyayan

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Dear Medical Asrtrologer,

I'm Sam.My DOB are as follows:

DOB:April 27,1989(Wednesday)

Time:11:58 PM

Time Zone:5.45

Birth Place Lalitude 27.42 North Longitude 85.12 East

Please suggest me about fasting on days.Which god is useful for me to worship?How is my overall birthchart?My best marriage time?My abroad studies?And specially my studies.I'm studying Information Technology(I.T).Is it good for me?And how's my Moon mahadasha coming in few months.Is it good or bad?Is wearing horse-shoe good for me?Is rudrakshya good for me?

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Dear Readers, I have not visited indiadivine for some time, so I have not replied to queries posed since 10.06.2009


As there are quite a few queries asked since then, I shall reply to them, one by one, as time permits.

Please excuse me for the delay.

I shall PM each person as soon as I have answered their particular query.


Again, I hope you will excuse the delay.....

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  tkmsr said:
DOB is 28 Nov 1982

Place Fatehgarh (UP) 27N22 79E38

Time 19:40

Please tell me on what day and what purpose I should fast I wont mind having fast more than one day all planets are in hothc potch position in my horoscope.


Dear tkmsr.....


Here is my analysis of your horoscope and my advice based on it, for fatsing. (I hope you will excuse the dealy).


I am giving only the salient features necessary for this answer.

You ought to fast on TUESDAYS, preferable the whole day and until well after sunset, for your health and general well-being.


Mars is 6th (and 11th) lord in 7th, accompanied by ketu and aspecting your 10th, first and second houses.


It is the dispositor of 4 planets in the 6th house namely, Jupiter, Venus, Sun and Mercury, many of which are likely to be combust due to their proximity to the Sun.

Mars is also the dispositor of your rashi swami, the Moon.

So it is the dispositor of 5 planets, 4 of which are ill-placed in the 6th house and Moon is maraka for your Gemini lagna.


Also, Saturn aspects Mars from the 5th house.

Mars has interchanged houses with Jupiter.


You are in Sun dasha upto Oct 2010 and Mars is in the nakshatra of the Sun (Uttara shadha).


Mars is not a benefic for Gemini lagna and fasting on Tuesdays, the day ruled by Mars, will obviously help you a lot in your life.


Having herbal bath for Mars will also help, but for that you will have to write to me through my website, listed in my profile here. (However, though the churna I would supply is not costly, it is not entirely free, either).

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  chavalipcv said:


My birth details are as below:



Dob : 03 Jan 1956

Btime : 13 Hrs.-40 Min.

Gender : M


Bstate : a.p

Bcountry : INDIA



I want to know if i am a mangalik !


If so when and how i should fast as a remidial measure !


Dear Mr. Prasad, according to the ayanaunsh I use, your Mars is at 29*42' in your 7th house, Libra.

By another anyaunsh, it would be in the beginning of Scorpio, with Rahu and Saturn in the 8th.


So the answer is yes, you have a strong Martian influence.... ie, you are a Manglik.


However, at your present age, I would say this is immaterial and you would rather concentrate on health matters and mental peace!


You are in Jupiter dasha and Rahu bhukti and I'd advise you to fast on MONDAYS mainly, for these purposes, as Rahu is ill-placed in the 8th with Saturn, a strong malefic for Aries lagna.


Since fasting on two consequtive days is not recommended in Ayurveda, I wouldn't advise you to fast on Tuesdays also. Mars being lagna lord, will not be too great a malefic, even if it is taken to be in the 8th house.


(If you are inclined to, you may consider fasting on SATURDAYS in addition to Mondays, as well).


Alternatively, you may overcome the ill-effects of Saturn in 8th through herbal baths..... for which you should see the website listed in my profile here.

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  mora said:
Respected Medical Astrologyji,


Kindly advise fasting on which day will be beneficial for me in terms of my Career,Health and general well-being?


My birth details are:


4th January 1983

Time: 06:36 AM

Place: coimbatore


Thank you


Dear Sir,

Lagna lord Jupiter is weak in 12th house (of Mars).

Mars, though a friend of lagna lord and exalted and moreover in its own nakshatra Dhanistha, is very strong in this horoscope.

And present dasha is of Mars.


Being in the 2nd house, Mars has acquired marak properties. It can influence Venus (lord of 6th and 11th) and Mercury (lord of 7th and 10th), both of which are also placed in the 2nd house.


Other planetary factors are not so strong at the moment, though Ketu bhukti is on and Ketu is posited in lagna.


In my humble opinion, all things considered, if the native is facing any problems related to health and / or career, fasting on TUESDAYS may prove beneficial.


Similarly, avoiding heavy food on Wednesdays (oily, non-veg, etc) and avoiding sour foods on Fridays may also help.


I wouldn't be able to elaborate on this any further....... please excuse.

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  login999 said:
Dear Medical Astrologyji,


Kindly advise fasting on which day will be beneficial for me in terms of my Career,marriage and general well-being?


My birth details are:


Name : Puneet

Dob : 13 Sep 1983

Btime : 23 Hrs.-05 Min.

Gender : M

Birthcity : New Delhi

Birthstate : Delhi

Bcountry : INDIA


Now-days, am going through job related hardships. Also, if possible, I would like to know when is a good time to change the job.


Thank you


Dear Puneet,

Your horoscope shows that you are in Venus dasha till March 2020 and Rahu bhukti till May 2010.


Your Venus is in the 3rd house with Mars, lord of 7th and thereby a maraka. Mars has exchanged signs with Moon and is also the rashi dispositor of two other planets besides the Moon, viz. Jupiter and Ketu.


Mars is a malefic for your Taurus lagna.

Moreover, it is in its neecha sign Cancer, in this instance. In navansh it is in Aquarius, in the 7th house, as navansh lagna is Leo.


The 7th house is 10th of the 10th house (of career) and is also considered for career, besides being an indicator for marriage spouse.


Therefore, you would do well to fast on TUESDAYS, as this would help you in your career and marital matters, too.


Saturn, lord of 10th house and yoga-karaka, is weakly placed in the 6th. Fasting on Saturdays would not help at all, as you need to increase (not decrease) Saturnine influence in your life!

Herbal bath would help in this.... please visit my website listed in my profile here, to see what you can do. Scroll down until you come to Saturn.... there is some information which may help you.

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Respected Medical Astrology ji,


Please accept my warmest wishes for the noble deed of yours for helping people like us in need.


Sir, I would be really grateful if you could advice me which fast/puja i should do to bring peace , stability and career improvement in my life.


I got married in April 2008 and came to UK in May2008. Recently, I got blessed with a baby girl in April 2009. Prior to that, I was working in Mumbai in financial services company from past 2 years. I did MBA in Finance and have 2 years of work experience.


My problem is since coming to UK, I ave applied to every kind of job but haven't got a single interview call. Moreover, I gave a finance exam in NOv 2008 which i flunked.


I am planning to give exam in DEc 2009.


It would be really helpful if you could advice me which fast/puja i should do to achieve success in studies and career.


Currently I am fasting on Monday and on Saturday(as both me and my husband have sade sati running as advised by astrologers).


My birth details are

TOB ; 11.20 PM

Pob; Bhilai

DOB; 1st JUne 1982.


Thanks for your time. Your help is deeply appreciated.



- jaya

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  hemaghai said:
Hello, I'm Hema. my birth details are as follows:


DOB: 15th April 1978

POB: Jaipur, Rajasthan

TOB: 11.17 p.m.


I have a severe problem of excessive sweating in my palms and soles of feet. and it totally destroys all social contact and is a deterrent in personal relations also. this problem is there since childhood.


also, i have a rash on the left cheek on my face. this is there since past 10-12 years. some itching is there every few months. no doctor has been able to diagnose what it is...its like a small patch of rash which is not overly visible.


additionally, my hair have turned completely white. now i have 80% white hair and im just 31. this started when i was around 22-23.


kindly suggest a fast as well as any gem stones or ayurvedic remedy as all these problems are very grave and create a great deal of stress and problems in my life.


and the main and most important questions is, when will i get married?


Thank you.


Hello Hema,

You are in Mercury dasha till 2013, and Jupiter bhukti till March 2011.


Of the four problems you have mentioned, I feel I am competent only to answer the first one.

The second problem (rash on cheek) cannot be analysed from the horoscope.

Premature greying of hair has no known remedy, as far as I know.

As for your question about marriage.... I wouldn't risk a comment, as my field is Medical Astrology, really.


Now, about excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis, in medical terminology):


Mercury (retro) with Ketu in Pisces, both vargottam, and vargottam Jupiter in the 7th in Gemini, may be responsible.


(You have vargottam Mars and Moon in the 8th house, as well.

Mars is the rashi dispositor of Venus, in the 5th house.

Your lagna is vargottam, too.)


Try fasting on THURSDAYS, it should help.


I could give you a churna that might also help to reduce the excessive sweating (please see my website.... Homepage... listed in my profile, for details).

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  junior_jyotish123 said:
Dear Medical Asrtrologer,

I'm Sam.My DOB are as follows:


DOB:April 27,1989(Wednesday)

Time:11:58 PM

Time Zone:5.45

Birth Place Lalitude 27.42 North Longitude 85.12 East


Please suggest me about fasting on days.Which god is useful for me to worship?How is my overall birthchart?My best marriage time?My abroad studies?And specially my studies.I'm studying Information Technology(I.T).Is it good for me?And how's my Moon mahadasha coming in few months.Is it good or bad?Is wearing horse-shoe good for me?Is rudrakshya good for me?


Hello Sam,

I wouldn't know about the other things you have asked, but can tell you the following:


Retrograde Lagna lord in 12th house, mutually aspecting Mars in the 6th house, with Mars being your dasha lord, indicates that you would benefit generally as well as health-wise by fasting on TUESDAYS till well past sunset and if possible, on Saturdays, too until sunset.


This is the horoscope I got from the data given.... Capricorn ascendent 13* 18' and not Moon dasha, but Mars dasha.


Where is the glitch, I wonder.

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  hemaghai said:
Hello M.A ji, since PM is disabled for me as of yet, can you tell me which churna should i take here? or you can send me a pm..can wearing panna help in this condition? im going to wear one on 1st July for marriage purposes..Thanks a lot for taking the time to advise me. i really appreciate it.


If you haven't been able to receive my PM, I'd like you to check what my Homepage (website) listed in my Profile on indiadivine, says about churnas!

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I'm Sam.Sorry I posted wrong date of birth by mistake.I wrote 27 April 1989 but actual is 26 April 1989 which is as follows:


DOB 1989 april 26

Time:11:58 PM

TIme zone:5.45

Birthplace:Lalitpur,Nepal(Longitude:85.12 East Latitude:27.42 North)


How Moon is affected in lagna with Saturn?What is the effect of Jupiter and Mercury in 6th house(Dustasthan)?PlZ kindly explain me with reasons.I can understand the your explanation with planets.And please suggeszt others.

Please suggest me about fasting on days.Which god is useful for me to worship?How is my overall birthchart?My best marriage time?My abroad studies?And specially my studies.I'm studying Information Technology(I.T).Is it good for me?And how's my Moon mahadasha coming in few months.Is it good or bad?Is wearing horse-shoe good for me?Is rudrakshya good for me?

Which gem can i use for my good life?I have poor digestion is it due to jupiter in bad house?What's the remedy?

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  durga2009 said:
Respected Medical Astrology ji,


Please accept my warmest wishes for the noble deed of yours for helping people like us in need.


Sir, I would be really grateful if you could advice me which fast/puja i should do to bring peace , stability and career improvement in my life.


I got married in April 2008 and came to UK in May2008. Recently, I got blessed with a baby girl in April 2009. Prior to that, I was working in Mumbai in financial services company from past 2 years. I did MBA in Finance and have 2 years of work experience.


My problem is since coming to UK, I ave applied to every kind of job but haven't got a single interview call. Moreover, I gave a finance exam in NOv 2008 which i flunked.


I am planning to give exam in DEc 2009.


It would be really helpful if you could advice me which fast/puja i should do to achieve success in studies and career.


Currently I am fasting on Monday and on Saturday(as both me and my husband have sade sati running as advised by astrologers).


My birth details are

TOB ; 11.20 PM

Pob; Bhilai

DOB; 1st JUne 1982.


Thanks for your time. Your help is deeply appreciated.



- jaya


Dear Durga / jaya,


As you are already fasting on two days a week, I wouldn't even consider asking you to fast for one more day!


You have started your Jupiter dasha and bhukti.

Jupiter is retrograde in your 10th house, but otherwise unafflicted.

In transit, Jupiter is currently in your 6th house from the Moon.


This 6th house transit can keep you lagging in exams and career, but not to a major extent.


I think it is only saade sati, that is causing you the problems you have mentioned, and you are already using remedies for that.


Your Saturn is caught up with Mars (and Moon), so I can understand how stressful things must be for you.


Try relaxation techniques.... Pranayam etc..... they can really help, believe me.


Please email me through my website listed in my Profile, if you want to know anything further, and all the Best for your forthcoming exam!

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  pkan456 said:
My dob : 03.08.1974

time : 1.36AM

place : Chennai


Could you please suggest me the day of fast to get a peaceful life ahead?


Your lagna lord Venus is closely placed with Saturn in 2nd house.

Lagna is vargottam and so is Ketu posited in it.


You are in the early phase of Jupiter dasha and Saturn bhukti.


If you have a tendency to worry too much, I would suggest reducing the effect of Ketu, by fasting on MONDAYS.

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Dear Medical Astrology Ji,


Could you please recommend which days to fast for a better career and health prospects and protection from malefic planets.

I currently have Jupiter/ Guru mahadasa and Sukrudu or Venus antardasa until 2012-2-28.


Name - Narendra Manga

Date of Birth - July 04, 1977 @ 5:12 AM

Star - Dhanista

Janma Rasi - Makara or Capricorn

Place of Birth - Visakhapatnam , Andhra Pradesh

Latitude/Longitude - 24 N 52, 67 E 03

Current Dasa - Guru mahadasa with sukrudu antardasa


Kindly give your well considered view with regard to the necessity for fasting as remedy for better job and career.

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  srinivas1950 said:
Dear Medical Astrology Ji,


Could you please recommend which days to fast for a better career and health prospects and protection from malefic planets.

I currently have Jupiter/ Guru mahadasa and Sukrudu or Venus antardasa until 2012-2-28.


Name - Narendra Manga

Date of Birth - July 04, 1977 @ 5:12 AM

Star - Dhanista

Janma Rasi - Makara or Capricorn

Place of Birth - Visakhapatnam , Andhra Pradesh

Latitude/Longitude - 24 N 52, 67 E 03

Current Dasa - Guru mahadasa with sukrudu antardasa


Kindly give your well considered view with regard to the necessity for fasting as remedy for better job and career.


Dear Sir,

with regard to your rather specific question about 10th house concerning job and career, 10th lord Jupiter is with Venus (both vargottam) in 12th house.

You are in dasha of 10th lord and bhukti of Venus.


Lagna and Mercury and Sun posited in it, are all vargottam, too.


In navansh, Ketu (which in posited in 10th house) is in rashi of Jupiter (Pisces).


Therefore, fasting on MONDAYS might benefit you for the said purpose.

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Dear Sir,

My details are: 26th Aug 1974 11AM Delhi India.

I am going thru a very disturbing phase in my life.

can u guide me. I am not currently employed. I had a small business till April 2009 which i had closed down due to immigration to Canada, but my visa to canada was rejected and i am in distress.

Pls help.


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  God loves me said:
Dear Sir,

My details are: 26th Aug 1974 11AM Delhi India.

I am going thru a very disturbing phase in my life.

can u guide me. I am not currently employed. I had a small business till April 2009 which i had closed down due to immigration to Canada, but my visa to canada was rejected and i am in distress.

Pls help.



(1) You are in Sun dasha till May 2011 and Mercury bhukti till May 2010. Both Sun and Mercury are conjoined with Mars and aspected by yogakarak Saturn from 9th house and by retrograde Jupiter, 6th (and 3rd lord) from 5th house.


(2) 10th house lord Moon is in 2nd with Rahu.


Therefore, fasting on THURSDAYS and MONDAYS (respectively for the above indications and afflictions) will reduce your problems.

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Dear Medical Aastrology Ji,


My birth details are: February 2, 1974; 1333 hrs; New Delhi, India

I have not been able to get a full-time job in the usa for more than an year now after having completed an mba degree last year in May.

Kindly provide your kind advice regarding when to fast to get a good job and have a smooth and prosperous career. I currently fast on Mondays.


Kind regards

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  Medical Astrology said:

DOB :03.08.74 TOB : 1.36 AM Place : Chennai

Your lagna lord Venus is closely placed with Saturn in 2nd house.

Lagna is vargottam and so is Ketu posited in it.


You are in the early phase of Jupiter dasha and Saturn bhukti.


If you have a tendency to worry too much, I would suggest reducing the effect of Ketu, by fasting on MONDAYS.


Thank you very much. My married life is in a mess and we are separated since May 2005. Could you please suggest a remedy to patch my life problems


Thanks a lot

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