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What's in a name anyway?

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This is an honest question, so I hope someone can answer in depth. People say chant mantras like shiva, hare krishna etc., but what's so special about these words? What's the difference between coca-cola and hare krishna? They're just sounds that dull your brain and make you go to sleep. I agree that these mantras come in handy for insomniacs. Otherwise, what's the point of it all? How could a name be so powerful? It's just a normal sound, similar to the sounds we hear every day. So why make a big deal out of it?

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This is an honest question, so I hope someone can answer in depth. People say chant mantras like shiva, hare krishna etc., but what's so special about these words? What's the difference between coca-cola and hare krishna? They're just sounds that dull your brain and make you go to sleep. I agree that these mantras come in handy for insomniacs. Otherwise, what's the point of it all? How could a name be so powerful? It's just a normal sound, similar to the sounds we hear every day. So why make a big deal out of it?


Jinglebells isn`t a name, it`s a Christmas carol. The significance of names is that you can`t reach your destination if a place your going to say, heaven, don`t have a specific name. If I want to go to heaven, Krisnahloka, I have to say the name Krsnah if the driver of the spaceship, USS Enterprise, asks me where I`m going. If I say Coca Cola where would the driver take me? To Coca Colaloka, of course.

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This is an honest question, so I hope someone can answer in depth. People say chant mantras like shiva, hare krishna etc., but what's so special about these words? What's the difference between coca-cola and hare krishna? They're just sounds that dull your brain and make you go to sleep. I agree that these mantras come in handy for insomniacs. Otherwise, what's the point of it all? How could a name be so powerful? It's just a normal sound, similar to the sounds we hear every day. So why make a big deal out of it?


There is nothing magical about a name. The value of a name is just what we consciously choose to attach to it.


The name Krishna means nothing to the majority of the world's population. But it is a big deal for some others. The name Sai Baba commands high value among his followers, but outside the set of his followers, a Guru's name has no value.


We create the aura, we attach the value. It is always our own creation.



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This is an honest question, so I hope someone can answer in depth. People say chant mantras like shiva, hare krishna etc., but what's so special about these words? What's the difference between coca-cola and hare krishna? They're just sounds that dull your brain and make you go to sleep. I agree that these mantras come in handy for insomniacs. Otherwise, what's the point of it all? How could a name be so powerful? It's just a normal sound, similar to the sounds we hear every day. So why make a big deal out of it?

sound lies right at the begining of creation according to both hindu philosophy and modern physics . sound in form of music can be extremely influential to human mind . we communicate , and lead our existence through this sound . this potent medium was taken up by the early practitioners of spiritual discipline as an effective pathway towards enlightment . the mantras ( most of it ) were 'heard' by the sages and seekers at higher level of conciousness . even today you can hear of advanced sadhaks hearing sounds in meditation . such sounds are interpreted by some as omkaar and some as the flute of krishna . much in a similar way the ancient sages heard those words and utterances which they used in their own sadhana and got enlightment . then it was passed on to his disciple . now these mantras were used to denote god and have been used by innumerable sages for millenias . the bhava or the mood of these enlighted souls have settled deep in these sacred words . just like you sometimes feel the gloomy mood the moment you enter a house where a funeral ceremony is taking place . you might have never saw the person but you shall still feel bad . this is the transsmission of the bhava to your mind . similarly the enlighted bhava of the sages get deep inside these mantras . when you get these mantras and repeatedly recite them you are simultaneously causing the same sound vibrations that have caused enlightment for centuries . this cleanses you mind and purifies it for the light to shine . psychologically you are reinforcing your belief every time with every chant . now you might say why do i need to reinforce by belief ? the answer is because it is indeed hard to believe in something that you have never felt directly . but once you feel him even a little your doubts shall wash away ! till that you have to hold on steadfastly with sincerity .


and one more thing -- definitely it is our own creation !! actually everything that has ever materialised is our own creation of mind . we are useless without our mind and cannot go beyond it easily . it is our own creation for reaching to the truth , just as a fan is our own creation to get some comfort . just as electric chairs are our own creation to execute someone . but mantras are our purest of creation . it aims at purification of heart and broadening of mind . since evrything is our own creation , why not follow that which is our best creation (at leat one of the best , if not 'the best ' )

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"People, Place & Things"


Mr K: "The value of a name is just what we consciously choose to attach to it."


So the fluttering wings of a Butterfly cause ripples of air that affect destiny(s) across the world "HAS NO INFLUENCE"?


[i wont mention that Birds and bees pollinate the earth flora --I don't want to confuse peoples speculations with elemenatry truths that are too far removed from their super-duper-lives]

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Before people get excited and thought they are answering a genuine question they should read this

freak's other posts

You posted a link to http://www.indiadivine.org/audarya/


I guess you intended to refer to posts #27 & #29 in http://www.indiadivine.org/audarya/world-review/452986-pakistan-nuclear-weapons-danger-falling-into-hands-taliban-2.html ..

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Haha, Muslims are freedom fighters? Come on what freedom is there in a Muslim country? ...and I just read that Chandu posted the same thing in the thread.


Islam has some real love of God in there, but it upsets me when I think of the bad bits.

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Yes, and also he answers the thread asking for bija's well being.

I wonder why moderators allow freaks like him to troll this forum.

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I am always amazed how a mundane criticism of something that millions of seekers hold as sacred is allowed to be passed off as a spiritual topic on the forum.

Isn't there a little corner of this forum somewhere for atheists and blasphemers to vent their negative energy instead of allowing them to intrude into "spiritual discussions"?


Why don't these atheists go find a forum for skeptics and atheists and leave the faithful alone to their own space?

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Jinglebells admits he is an Indian in the thread "Pakistan Nuclear Weapons in Danger of Falling into the Hands of Taliban." From his vitriolic poisonous comments here and his claim that the Taliban are freedom fighters, I can only conclude that he is actually an Indian Muslim propagandist straining to discredit deity worship. Of course a demon like he is easily defeated, and HAS been defeated by many of you here, yet he is too unintelligent to recognize it. Kaiserose is a well known atheist on this forum who is too dull to understand the difference between mundane sound and shabda brahman.



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Guest love_alliance18


This is an honest question, so I hope someone can answer in depth. People say chant mantras like shiva, hare krishna etc., but what's so special about these words? What's the difference between coca-cola and hare krishna? They're just sounds that dull your brain and make you go to sleep. I agree that these mantras come in handy for insomniacs. Otherwise, what's the point of it all? How could a name be so powerful? It's just a normal sound, similar to the sounds we hear every day. So why make a big deal out of it?


Rescpected jinglebells,


Your question is really very honest but your comparison of god with coke is wrong. You need to reconsider your question.

Meanwhile, i will tell you difference between words. People around the world follow more than 22 religions and speak not less than 10000 languages. They all have group of peoples who are theist and atheist. They all address God with different names but they all address the one and only "supreme" the possessor of all spiritual powers. God need not be addressed by name, need not be worshiped in specific form.

I don't believe that chanting mantras take you to sleep. Sleep to which you are referring is actually peace. If you had wanted sleep you would get sleep by mantras coz u r remembering god for your need and God being your nurturer won't deny you anything in this materialistic world. You just need to learn how to pray to God.

There are millions of myths prevailing about hindu deities which represent our god's and goddesses in wrong forms but the power in the name of Rama, Shiva or Jesus or any other God is due to the presence of the supreme in them. All Demigods are also made up of five elements and we are from our Gods but not from the supreme. Our Gods are from the supreme so they have powers to fulfill your wishes. This explanation need not be symmetric.

When an atheist wishes something he indirectly prays to god and god being his nurturer listens to his wishes too. Coz we all are god's sons.


Further, explaining the power of the mantras, Mantras have the power to create energy traversing the scientific belief of energy can't be created nor destroyed. If energy flows there must be some source for it. The source to create energy for the humans are mantras. When you chant " Om Namah Shivaya" or say "Hail Jesus" or chant any other mantra you are creating energy and with this energy created you are strengthening the communication link with God or in simple words you are strengthening your relationship with God..


But your comparison of divine source of mantras for humans to coke is unacceptable.

Mantras have the power to give you anything..


For any clarifications between God and Supreme plz see my earlier posts.



With Best Regards,


God Bless All!!


Om Namah Shivaya!

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Look at jinglebell's posts in "Nehru's view on temples" here:




Ask yourself if he can even ask a sincere question or just attempt to spew poison. Prabhupad said Nehru took birth as a dog in Sweden. Therefore, anyone extolling Nehru must have a dog's (or lower) mentality. Don't give him any response, he is nearly wholly insincere.



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Guest love_alliance18

Respected jeffster,


I believe jinglebells is a theist and he is just trying to satisfy his curiosities. Let's satisfy his curiosities 1st and let's see what happens then..


With Best Regards,


God Bless All!!


Om Namah Shivaya!!

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Hello Love-alliance,

Please read jinglebells posts in the Nehru thread. Then judge for yourself if it is curiousity or far worse.


What are you jinglebells ? You are Indian, by your own admission. If you are a theist, reveal your practice. Although I could be wrong, it seems pretty transparent that you must be a Muslim, since you people hate the murtis with such vehemence. How many murtis and temples you have already destroyed over the centuries. How many innocent practitioners of sanatana-dharma you have ruthlessly killed. Our tolerance can go only so far, before you provoke our severe reaction to your ignorance !! And when it comes, it will be well-deserved !!



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Jingle bells your a donkey.

No but why should you take offense whats there in a name any way.

But if it does bother you then you know that even such material names can affect you and cahange your emotions.

So think of spiritual names.

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Guest love_alliance18

Respected all,


My word : Everything in this world is spiritual. Plz don't react to an ignorant person's mistake. His soul is misguided, we just need to guide him to the right path. He needs guidance of you all. Plz don't be harsh on him.


With Best Regards,


God Bless All!!


Om Namah Shivaya!!

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