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How to evaluate D9 chart.

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Peviously we talked about Nakshatramsa which is the General Strengths and Weaknesses of a person. This resulted in an individual exhibiting certan general behaviour.


But what about Drekkana? Does it not reflect the action of a person and therfore behaviour?


To clarify :


In psychology we talk about behaviour as exhibiting two components. One componet is attitude and the other is our psychological response ie. action. Drekanna refers to action and Nakshatramsa refers to attitude.


What is the difference?


An attitude (Nakshatramsa) results in behaviour that is unvarying sometimes degenerating into habits. It also shows our evaluation of situations around us eg. what is your opinion of beggars? When you pass by a beggar would you always drop a coin in his bowl, frequently, sometimes or never? It is long-term behaviour.


Your psychological response to something is different (Drekkana). It is situation specific. You may respond to something quite differently when you are in the presence of your mate or in a group of friends than when you are alone. This response may result in action or inaction on your part. Subject to therapy, this part of your character is easier to change. One way is to stimulate you with a stimuli when you perform the right action under a trained observer during a training period. Otherwise you will be given a token punishment. This results in a conditioned reflex action ingrained into you.


Drekkana also shows the active side of you to change something that is not right in the environment. In a way, this can also be considered as a psychological resonse to an environmental stimulus.


In olden times employers always judge an employee on their overall evaluative strengths and weaknesses (Nakshatramsa). But not anymore. Now these days management circles use management tools like situation intervention and management laboratories to name a few, to guage potential job candidates response to specific situations. This is especially crucial if the job involves a high managerial component.


If the psychological response expected for the job does not dovetail what you exhibit during the training obsevation, then your employer may either decide to take you out from further consideration or to change your psychological response to the correct one. IN THE LONG TERM, THEY HOPE WTH CONTINUOUS LEARNING, THIS CHANGED BEHAVIOUR BECOMES INGRAINED TO YOUR ATTITUDE.


So there is an interaction between the Nakshatramsa and the Drekkana analysis.




(1) So to summarize :


(2) Behaviour = Attitude + Psychological Response to Specific Situtations (Specific Action)


(3) Actions in turn can be classified into different types which can studied in other divisional charts besides Drekkana and Nakshatramsa.


(4) Specific Actions (DREKKANA) can be changed into Attitude (NAKSHATRAMSA) through conditioned reflex action training.


(5) RASI denotes physical activities. So it is general action related to the physical body.


(6) DREKKANA analysis gives psychological response to specific situation.


(6) NAVAMSA is specific inherent activities you are good at and therefore gives you fortune.


(7) NAKSHATRAMSA shows your attitude in general towards things.


(8) DASAMSA is specific career-building activities.


(9) SHODAMSA denotes activities you enjoy doing and therefore good at. (Practice makes perfect!)


(10) SAPTAMSA denotes activities tied to your creative self.




Hock Leong

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