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Can anybody Please Help me....

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i want to marry a boy... who has gone far away from me i feel in just a week time , we met through his mom 4 years back....Trishan his name ... now here is the story i would like to tell you that trishan's (name Changed) mom always use to treat me as her bahu.. in the functions she always use to intoduce me that she is the girl i am planning to get my son engaged and Trishan use to love me a lot.. our families were very close by this year february Trishan's mom was staying with us and nobody stopped us to go anywhere together whether day or night as everybody had a thought that we would marry... but suddenly everything has changed in my life and i dont want to think of marry anybody else.. and Trishan is going around with other girl and want to marry her , that girl just met him 2 months back... and his

mind has completely changed against me... till february he was completely with me and we were trying to resolve family dispute but when Trishan has changed like this what can i do alone?

my parents did a lot for me , they went and also touched Trishan's mom feet that please get them engaged but she did not listen.. but now my parents are also against and saying that we have done lot and now you will do whatever we are saying and marry where we want... what should i do

? please help me.... i have asked some people who said that something has been done on Trishan by his so that his mind go completely against me... now when Trishan changed suddenly... it amazed me within a week he changed... now his mother came to my house saying that how can i get agnry to you and all that stuff to me and my parents... and on the other hand she has only done something using some tantric on trishan so that his mind changed...


one hand family dispute happened by his mother and suddenly trishan's mind changed completely and thirdly and big problem is that , the other girl has come in his life who is doing everything, telling him that she cant live without him and all... in this situation how can i get him back? What can be done now to resolve this... I dont want to marry anybody as its been four years we were together and i always was treated as i am already married to trishan but suddenly everything happened... can somebody do something and how can it be resolved? how suddenly everything changed and everybody is aganinst me now including my parents...please help me .. or suggest me real good trantric or Pandit or anything who can help me and who is not going towards money...


Contact me at sandhyaprabhat@gmail.com


Thans you

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no one is going to help u here.u will get suggestions only.a lot of suggestion that let it happen whatever is going on.bcz each suffering is punishment of our past life karmas.u will get only this answer from all the people.bcz no one can understand other's pain.bcz only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches.

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Guest love_alliance18


no one is going to help u here.u will get suggestions only.a lot of suggestion that let it happen whatever is going on.bcz each suffering is punishment of our past life karmas.u will get only this answer from all the people.bcz no one can understand other's pain.bcz only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches.


Respected all,


Roninji is very true. Dear niteshm, i can understand you are going through tough times but that doesn't mean you will blame others. Your sufferings today are ofcourse due to your past karmas and what you are doing today is going to give your future results. Stand with courage dear and don't blame others coz none can change rational truths. Believe in god and surrender to him you would be automatically rather mechanically taken care of.


With Best Regards,


God Bless All!!


Om Namah Shivaya!!

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niteshm ji

how many people have you helped in life so far & how many can you help now? Can you help me with 2 lakh rupees without interest, you seem to be so generous. Plz tell me how can i collect money from you ?


hi..ronin ji.here is the answer .......i think u r misunderstanding me.

firstly see the problem of the person i replied there.she was not demanding monetary help.she was asking help against black magic.which exists.actually i am too a victim.i wrote that bcz i too have requested help in the forum against these evil forces.but got suggestions only that this is a punishment for past life karma.ok it is a punishment.but we must do something to get rid for all this.so,i wrote no one is going to help here u will get suggestions only.

secondly u have asked how many people have u helped in life so far.......

i helped a lot even though i too belong too a lower middle class.i am associated with an NGO.and definitly i will help a lot in my life if i can too all needy person i will get in my way.

if u do not believe then very soon u will get in the forum i am already helping a person requested here for help.also paying for her from my side bcz she is staying outside india and really in a big problem.and i am also not demanding my amount back bcz i too want her problem to b solved.

sorry u misunderstood me.

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Respected all,


Roninji is very true. Dear niteshm, i can understand you are going through tough times but that doesn't mean you will blame others. Your sufferings today are ofcourse due to your past karmas and what you are doing today is going to give your future results. Stand with courage dear and don't blame others coz none can change rational truths. Believe in god and surrender to him you would be automatically rather mechanically taken care of.


With Best Regards,


God Bless All!!


Om Namah Shivaya!!


al least u plz do not misunderstand me.i am not blaming anyone.i only said u will get suggestions only not a remedy here.

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black magic effect is not there on a boy.. its just some spell has been done on him so that his mind changed completly against me and in just a week time and after that its going worse.... before he was completely with me and my family... but what should i do now to get him back...? my family// relations everybody involved in it means knew about us.. and had athought that we would marry but what should i do now? his family also knew and treating me as they have already accepted but now everything has been changed since he has changed and i really dont know what to do... as i can only convince my family when he is with me, otherwise how can i?

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here is a remedy if black magic is there to break a relation:

it will take 11 days.start from tuesday.go to hanuman temple .take ladoo (no: equivalent to ur age).do not touch hanuman ji while pooja.(for females).also take loung and insert one loung in each ladoo.after praying hanuman ji about ur pblm.also read hanuman chalisa there.then give those ladoos to pandit ji to offer hanuman ji.do not offer urself.after touching pandit ji's feet.take those ladoos and distribute between poor children.after that go to hanuman temple for 11 days.read hanuman chalisa daily.u will see change in ur relation.

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For Female: Take your male partner's or husband's cloth or handkerchief and fold with 27 white or gray chenna(uncooked).

Stitch the cloth and keep inside in your pillow(you only has to use that pillow)

and stitch the pillow.

Sleep with the pillow up to 27 days(keep your head only not under leg or arm).

Remove the cloth stitched with chenna after 27 days, keep that in between your palm and pray the Gurugraha to get back the person and stay with you (108 times. no special mantra required).

Leave the cloth with the chenna in a river or sea (not in a well or lake).

You will be happy in 90 days.


For Male: Pray the statue of dual snakes in Shiva temple for 90 days continuously to get back your female partner with in that 90 days.

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