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Four Jyestas

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Dear Sir/Madam,


I'm the eldest son and my birth star is Jyesta. Can I marry an eldest daughter( her birth star is satabisham)?

I heard about the tr-jyesta dosha. If this is the case, can we marry in the jyesta maasa so that the number of jyestas would be four and the tri-jyesta dosha is avoided?


Please guide me with the appropriate answer at the earliest possible.


Thanks in advance.



Best Regards,


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I have a similar problem. I am the eldest son (jyesta) and my fiancee is the only daughter (only child) born in jyesta star. Does this make 3 Jyestas? Eldest son + Only daughter meaning eldest?? + Girl born in Jyesta star....is the only child referred as jyesta ?? Any help is appreciated. Thanks - Kumar

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