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Atul Ji, Help again!!!!!

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Respected Atul Ji,


Hope this message finds u in good health. Thanks a ton for the previous advice. Atul ji, what does my luck in speculation (Stock Market) say do i have those strong stars or shall I avoid it, trying to do something better for my parents.


How to contact u directly Sir!!


DOB: 02/02/1981

TOB: 04:10 a.m

POB: Hyderabad




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Respected Bharat,


I will advice that you should avoid stock market at least for now. for three reasons


1) Your planets are not favouring you for the time being.


2) being a active investor in stock market I think this is only a short term rally and only persons who will be benefit from this rally are our stockbrokers. Investor should invest with caution because medium term return from stock market doesnot seemd to be good and is supposed to be negative. How ever if you want to invest for a long time (at least 3 years) then it will be a good option


3) Stock market is not a game for luck. It is not a gamble, it is a serous business. Don't leave anything for a single percent on your luck. DO proper research and investigate everything about a company before investing including past performance and future outlook for at least 3 years, reseach whether mutual funds are buying or dumping that partiular stock etc etc there are a lot of factors. For me, I had never sold even a single stock in last three years with even a single rupee loss. Not because I had good stars because I did a lot of research before investing.


I advice you to stay away from market if you are thinking to earn in short or medium term. I am sure for this


Best of luck


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