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How To Remove Toxins From Our Body

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Live on a Liquid fast for 2 weeks.

All foods, for 2 weeks, must be veggies that are pureed (turned to pulp) and consummed as a soup.


4 Liters of water per day.

The water, ideally, must be correct pH [7 to 8] --therefore, ideally, use distilled water with a teaspoon of baking Soda added.


You must avoid acid-producing foods [they use the body's store of alkaline minerals --these alkaline minerals are used to neutralise the acid-states in your blood stream]: All wheat products, aged cheeses, meats, liquors, sugar, heated oils, processed foods & drinks, canned foods, . . . they form yeasts & fermentation within the body.


In short: Educate yourself on the principles of "How to maintain the Body's proper pH" ---and then you will be DE-TOXING' the body.

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panchkarma is not a thing

its a therapy, sorry for confusion

u have to go to a ayurved clinic

in panchkarma there is five different procidure according to ur constitution the doctor adviced u .


sorry for the site, the site is working but it is underconstruction, after some time try the link, its my site, i m updating it

for futher query contact me

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  • 3 weeks later...


Please help me to find a solution to remove toxins from our body. Can someone please provide multiple ways and how often should we do that?

The most effective way to remove toxins form the body is to take the juice from Durva grass which is sacred to Ganeshji in the morning on empty stomach.Powders are also available,however fresh grass is better

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