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Amba Stotram by Swami Vivekananda

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ka tvam shubhe shivakare sukhadukhahaste

aaghurnitam bhavajalam prabalormibhangaih

shantim vidhatumiha kim bahudha vibhagnam

maatah prajatnaparamasi sadaiva vishwe .


o benevolent mother , in your two hands are the happiness and the sorrow . who are you ? the mighty waves in the ocean of material existence is ever tossing over with roaring sound ! are you the one who patiently endeavours to re-establish the broken peace in this world ?


sampadayantyaviratam twabiraamvrittwa

ya vai sthita kritaphalam twakritasya netri

sa me bhavatwanudinam varada bhavani

janamyaham dhruvamiyam dhritakarmapaashaa .


the devi who assigns the fruits of the actions to the respective persons , and one who takes the persons who have transcended karmic law back to her doors , let that bhavani bless me . i know for certain that it is she , who holds the rope of karma in her hands .



kim va kritam kimakritam kkwa kapaalalekhah

kim karma va phalamihaasti hi yam vina bhoh

icchagunairniyamita niyamah svatantraih

yashyah sada bhavatu sa sharanam maamadya .

let that devi be my eternal shelter , without whom there can be no dharma , adharma , writings of fate or karma and whose free will appears like natural laws to us out of ignorance.



santanayanti jaladhim janimrityujaalam

sambhavayantyavikritam vikritam vibhagnam

yasyah vibhutaya ihamitashaktipaalaah

naashritya taam vada kutah sharanam vrajaamah .

all over this entire samsara is expanded the inconcievable energy of devi as the net-trap of birth and death which is destroying and illusioning even the best of souls . tell me , with whom shall i seek refuge other than she ??!!



mitre ripau twavishamam tava padmanetram

swasthehasukhe tvavitaathastava hastapaatah

chhaayaa mritestava daya twamritancha maatah

munchantu mam na parame shubhadristayaste .

the compassionate glance of your lotus eyes falls equally on both friend and foe . your mercifull touch is felt by both happy and sorrowfull persons in this earth . o mother , this mundane life and its end(death) both are but fragments of your unlimited compassion . o mahavedi , do not remove your purifying glance of compassion from me !



ka ambaa shivaa kva grinanam mama hinabuddheh

dorbhyam vidhrtumiva yami jagadwidhaatrim

chintyam shriyah sucharanam twabhayapratishtam

sevaparairabhinutam sharanam prapadye .


there is a huge difference between my actual mother and these insignificant praises that i am singing in her name. as if i am trying to embrace the creator of this cosmos with these small arms of a child ! i seek the shelter of that mother on whose lotus feet does laksmi meditate and below which is the abode of the rare mukti .



ya mam chiraya vinayatyati dukhamaargaih

aasiddhitah swakalitailalitairvilasaih

ya me matim suvidadhe satatam dharanyam

samba shiva mama gatih sataphaleiphale va .


one who is taking me through the beautiful path filled with mind captivating plays(lila) of unending sorrows and always appearing as noble intelligence in this world , let that benevolent mother be my one and only way , whether i ever succeed in my path or fail in my struggles !!





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