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Hi Atul ji

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Hello doctor,


First of all I will like to congrats for the wonderful match :).


Your wife's profession also seems related from medical line But education seems not to be related with Medical line Although she really seem to do well in education, Although sun seems combusting 5L but Su nis considerable weak and both are in different constellation, so not much bad effects I expect . (As you know I am just a student of astrology, I will expect you to Please correct me if I am wrong, It will help me learn)


Her lord of profession is exalted in D9, although 10H is occupied by gullika. 2L is vargottama She will do farely well in he r profession, although she may not be able to accumulate too much of wealth. But she will not feel any big financial crunch. Current Saturn Mahadasha is also supporting her ambitions and her hardwork.


Good chart overall. I wonder if you want to ask anything special? Although I will advice you to handle your relation with each with extra care


Again, I am a novice in astrology, I will be thankful if you pointout my mistakes


Kind regards


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