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life is miserable please help with my birth chart

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DOB: 8 dec 1982

time of birth: 17:30:00

Place of birth : Latitude: 17° 41' North, Longitude: 73° 59' East

Rashi: Kanya


this year is very much miserable for me I am looking for a job but cant find one. I am staying all alone. I lost my all friends. I have some problems going on with my family (e.g. mom and brother). financially I am broke. I cant even earn to survive myself. feels like I am loosing the battle. why life is so harsh to me? dont I have a right to live happily like millions of others? I am trying each n every way to make my position good but nothing at all works. How long I am going to remain in this position?


somene told me that my sade sati is going on. when I will have the prosperous life? I am tired of living in all

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Kundalinijagaranam Ji,


I am not an astrologer, but I feel moved by your condition. I reckon you are somewhere near Maharasta, I might be wrong. Could you state your birth city? It is easier for people to use that in their programme.


I know I am not in your shoes so I certainly I wouldn't know your sufferring. Keep your faith in god. Remember always when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. It is just one phase of life. There are many bright things to look upon your life, just be positive.


I am sure respected astrologers here will respond to your post. Good luck

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" Never feel alone in life. God is always with you. Everyone will leave you but God will never leave you". "This too shall pass.No problem is permanent. It is not that one will be stuck in the same problem forever."


I know it's easy to write this but atleast it will help in reducing your worries.


Start praying to God.

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DOB: 8 dec 1982

time of birth: 17:30:00

Place of birth : Latitude: 17° 41' North, Longitude: 73° 59' East

Rashi: Kanya


this year is very much miserable for me I am looking for a job but cant find one. I am staying all alone. I lost my all friends. I have some problems going on with my family (e.g. mom and brother). financially I am broke. I cant even earn to survive myself. feels like I am loosing the battle. why life is so harsh to me? dont I have a right to live happily like millions of others? I am trying each n every way to make my position good but nothing at all works. How long I am going to remain in this position?


somene told me that my sade sati is going on. when I will have the prosperous life? I am tired of living in all


You are currently running Ra/Sa, yes this is extremely difficult for everyone. Your chart is quite strong though with an exalted mars and Saturn. It is important to worship Kali during this time. can you get to a kali temple? Shiva is important to worship too. Listen to the Shiva Mahamritunjaya mantra. I'm already assuming you are wearing Ruby and Yellow Sapphire. Best of luck!



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Dear Amar,

sorry I couldnt reply to your private message as it seems the website has a restriction ( may be as I am not a member).

I am not an astrologer rather than a learner only but the lttle bit of I have seen it seems there will be some troubles till 2011. Till then please do not try to go abroad and take care of your parents. If something happens to them you will be in more trouble. I would suggest you to look for a local government job - chances are high that you will get one. If not try to teach in some local college or private institute/ coaching institute - you will live on your own with that for now. I had a problem witth your chart - that of you said and that mars and rahu mahadasha? I had a different version.

Anyway dont be afraid of Sade saati and mangalik.

The first one is causing you many trouble but you donot have to keep a high head, just lay low. your boss, relative & friends even parents may look down upon you now but the situation will change for better after 2011. And never, I repeat neve be angry or say bad things to any one of them in spate of anger - just listen whetevr anyone says - donot react.

As for mangalik there are plenty of mangalik girls also, you will find a suitable partner but it may be bit late.

For now just concentrate on step by step rebuilding. It may be very much a humiliation for you but take a simple-lowpaying job teaching - it is your best chance for now.

Pray regularly to god and try to observe fast/not eating nonveg on saturday and do see a good astrologer if you want.

All the best and face the bad times with grace-it will ultimately make you a better person.

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Please Only follow Ppenaji's advice. He is the most learned member in the forum and you are very lucky to have a response from him.


If only stones could change our destiny, then the world would have been worshipping only stones and not our great deities.


As he says, the time is not good. Please be patient and keep restraint. and apart from these only submission to almighty asking for forgiveness for our ill-deeds can take us through the battle of life.


Best wishes

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