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How to find a Human Guru???

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Guest love_alliance18

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Guest love_alliance18

Respected all,


Can someone tell me where can i find a human guru who is not fake. I would also like to know that are there any specific grounds for choosing a guru?


With Best Regards,


God Bless ALL!!!


Om Namah Shivaya!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

@love_alliance18 :


Normally disciple dont finds Guru.


Guru finds their Disciple. So wait for the time to come when guru would find you. I know this is quite different from what you been hearing.


Guru mantra -

This mantra would be given by your guru. This Mantra guide you to proper things/links in life & to be recited only after been given/initiated/diksha by guru. This Mantra is bliss. Wait for ur guru to give u this mantra.


Till then ->

Do everyday 1 mala Gayatri mantra.


Gayatri Matra are like Guiding mantra. If done regularly you would be guided to proper opportunities, correct ppl, correct place, correct intrsting job, etc.

Everything would start happening good.


Yes, this is replacment of Guru Mantra.


Add On :: Gayatri Matra Homa/yagya. This is the best thing you can have at everymonth. Do it yourself!



Dhruv Bhura

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  • 1 month later...


I was just coming here to try to contact you!

I tried to PM you, they only reactivated the PM so that I could get hold of you...

So, I am gonig to email you now! I think you should take down your email address in the last post and the asking me to contact you, because there is a new rule you cannot post like you just did...see the vedic astrology forum first new thread...about the new rule. maybe it is only for that forum? I do not know!

I do not want you to get in trouble from the forum...

Om Namaha Shivaya to you too!! :)

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Firstly, you do not want a HUMAN Guru. I think you mean that you want a Guru who is in the body.


A "human" implies that they are of mortal stature. This is not what you want in a Guru...you ideally want a Guru who is a Sadguru, and Avatar, or one who has realized himself.

The difference is that a Sadguru was born awakened..they are a slice of God in a human form. But someone who is "enlightened" is someone who was born a human soul, but who has completed their cycle of birth and death.

These two beings are on slightly different spiritual levels..the Sadguru is slightly higher and emanate more power. Avatars usually will.


Some enlgihtened beings, may not take disciples. Therefore, you want one who is willing to guide you. What that means, is that they will be willing to oversee your spiritual growth, for however many lifeteims it takes for you to reach the goal of liberation from the cycle of reincarnation.


Both, however, will be able to take you to the final goal of moksha, or liberation, but they must be willing to initiate you as a disciple in order for the bond to be solidfied between you.


In olden days, the disciple would have to undergo rigorous tests by the Guru to see if they were worthy of initiating. Nowadays, in the Kali Yuga, things are a little less formal..and more gurus are giving out initiations, than maybe they would have a long time ago.


So the previous advice is best..the Gayatri mantra, along with PRAYERS TO GOD to help guide you to one who will help you.



How to tell if a guru is real? I actualyl want to write a book on this topic. Well, the best is to give them a mental test...if they pass your mental tests, than you will know if they are real.


For example, I heard one story of someone who was not sure if someone was their guru, so they said mentally something like..Ok. if you are my guru, then you will raise your hand up immediately right now..and the guru did so.

Of course, you can always ask them as well..a real one will NOT TAKE MONEY FOR AN INITIATION...this is one pretty solid way to know if they are real or not.


That does not mean that you should not go see gurus who cost money to see, like in a seminar or something (in the west, although some will refute this...) But for a Guru that you want to be YOUR guru, you want someone who is not interested in money and who does not ask for it to get a mantra.


They lead by example. They never use the word "I" to describe themselves. They do not display any ego qualities...they are not interested in material items. Many of them will not touch money at all. Some will USE nice things, like drive in nice cars, but most of the time there will be people who donated those things. Most real gurus will not have ANYTHING..will not enjoy luxuries..tehy do not need to, they are in a constant state of bliss. They will sleep on the floor, will live by example to their students. They go into trancscendant states. They can perform miracles. You hear miracle stories by those devotees around. Not fabrications...real stories of impossible occurences or huge feats of Grace shed on the disciples.


Depending on your consciousness, you may feel exceptionally blissful in their presence. You may not want to leave their side. You feel overwhelming love, like you never felt before. You want to give back to them. You want to serve them. But you have to be careful, because even those Gurus with Siddhi powers who may not be totally of the Light, will make you experience this as well. So, it is important that you also listen to what your mind tells you. If what they do seems to defy reality and it gets proven to you, then they may be real. But you have to use your discrimination.


A real Guru knows your past present and future. A real Guru knows exactly what your soul needs to progress and will bring it to you.


This should be enough to be able to identify one when you see one.

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@love_alliance18 :


Normally disciple dont finds Guru.


Guru finds their Disciple. So wait for the time to come when guru would find you. I know this is quite different from what you been hearing.


Guru mantra -

This mantra would be given by your guru. This Mantra guide you to proper things/links in life & to be recited only after been given/initiated/diksha by guru. This Mantra is bliss. Wait for ur guru to give u this mantra.


Till then ->

Do everyday 1 mala Gayatri mantra.


Gayatri Matra are like Guiding mantra. If done regularly you would be guided to proper opportunities, correct ppl, correct place, correct intrsting job, etc.

Everything would start happening good.


Yes, this is replacment of Guru Mantra.


Add On :: Gayatri Matra Homa/yagya. This is the best thing you can have at everymonth. Do it yourself!



Dhruv Bhura



My saint found me!

I was doing that mantra, but I didn't know it was used for finding the right way.

Everything happened so smoothly. The guru finds the disciple when the disciple is ready.


I'm happy but confused and searching for ways to go back to him. Living outside an ashram is challenging...

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  • 1 year later...



I don't think there are any specific grounds. A large number of contemporary gurus are fake (or deluded); but there are some genuine gurus also. The problem is that even if a guru is genuine, one might not recognize him/her. Even if you recognize one, it might not work out for you. The same guru might work for one, but not for the other -- depending upon one's existing conditioning.



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