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Hare Krishna.

This question may be more suitable for those who were introduced to KC via ISKCON and those currently involved with ISKCON. I had approched a senior devotee with this question once but he did not get back to me.


I am in a very confused stage of my life rite now. I was fortunate enough to have the privilege to attend Vrindavan Gurukula since a very young age. Thus I am eternally indebted to Srila Prabhupada for his causeless mercy. I am now at a point in life where I feel that I should take initiation to be formally connected to the Guru Parampara.


Having been brought up in ISKCON I strongly feel that I should stay within the house of Prabhupada and be initiated under his authority. Or is this my ignorance? Am I committing an offense by having such thoughts? After all Krishna is specially dear to so many Gaudiya devotees and there are plenty of sources that are linked to the Parampara system.


My dilemma has been further troubled after I saw the RITVIK debate video.


I would really appriciate any sincere answers to help me.

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Having been brought up in ISKCON I strongly feel that I should stay within the house of Prabhupada and be initiated under his authority. Or is this my ignorance? Am I committing an offense by having such thoughts? After all Krishna is specially dear to so many Gaudiya devotees and there are plenty of sources that are linked to the Parampara system.



I don't understand why it is an "offense" to consider taking initiation from one guru as opposed to another. For that matter, I don't understand why it's anyone else's business who you take initiation from. It's your life. I agree with JND - focus on your sadhana. I would add to this that you should read and learn whatever you can, and try to evaluate every prospective guru in an intelligent way without falling back on blind faith unchecked by objective analysis of the guru's knowledge and character.

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God is in the details.


What I want to point out is --that the things that you must not fail to appreicate or overlook is the "details" or IOW the "standards" that are maintained in its minutia of everyday sadhana/life.


Yes, it's OK if the bonefide Guru is from a different matha --but it is the details that you will live with.


[i do not recognise ritvik reform people. There are faults to found by all 'building maintanace personel' --but you are probably above that status of worker --seek out the nectar befitting your stature]


Also, I agree with JND - focus on your sadhana.

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People are saying things like "wait" and "do your sadhana" and so forth, but I dont agree at all. I really don't appreciate any of the advise given thus far.


Your life doesn't really start until you have received diksha. Your sadhana is given to you by your guru. Obviously, you shouldn't rush out and accept a guru carelessly, but you should definitely be seeking one right now. Make sure they actually have a disciplic succession. A line of diksha gurus leading to Nityananda, or Advaita or to whoever the head of their parivar is, other examples being Gadadhar or Narottama, etc. Your spiritual life actually begins when you have received the shelter and blessings of Sri Guru.

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You definitely need to do your research. Look around, don't be afraid to ask questions and put yourself out there. See what the Guru and His disciples are like and ask yourself, "Is this what I want to become?" Prabhupada is not confined to an organization, and sometimes those that have a true understanding of Him and His mood may be well outside such an organization. Revisit any assumptions about Gurus you've considered in the past and see if they actually hold. Most importantly, listen to your heart. Are you prepared to offer all your love, faith and sincerity unto this person and do you know what that involves? This is no joke and the consequences will last your entire life. It is not a thing to be taken lightly.


Just some thoughts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i think only humbly crying will help.When Sri Krsna sees,'Oh he's crying.He must be hooked up with a mahatma' and then He tells one of His dear bhaktas gently,"My dear,please bestow your mercy on this person.He is crying for Me."

The mahatma replies,"Like my mercy matters.You've already put his case in front of me.Now i have to go to him,what other choice do i have but to do whatever You want ??"


Going to sampradayas is good...But sometimes(ritviks),frauds are found even in sampradaya.


Vamshivat babaji says,"CRY !!! Don't do anything else."

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Hare Krishna.

This question may be more suitable for those who were introduced to KC via ISKCON and those currently involved with ISKCON. I had approched a senior devotee with this question once but he did not get back to me.


I am in a very confused stage of my life rite now. I was fortunate enough to have the privilege to attend Vrindavan Gurukula since a very young age. Thus I am eternally indebted to Srila Prabhupada for his causeless mercy. I am now at a point in life where I feel that I should take initiation to be formally connected to the Guru Parampara.


Having been brought up in ISKCON I strongly feel that I should stay within the house of Prabhupada and be initiated under his authority. Or is this my ignorance? Am I committing an offense by having such thoughts? After all Krishna is specially dear to so many Gaudiya devotees and there are plenty of sources that are linked to the Parampara system.


My dilemma has been further troubled after I saw the RITVIK debate video.


I would really appriciate any sincere answers to help me.



There`s a program in the Catholic seminary for those who want to become a priest that prior to ordination, a candidate goes into a REGENCY. It means, the candidate is allowed to go out of the seminary and into the wilderness. He comes back and be ordained as priest if he feels it`s truly his vocation.


I think you should go out of Prabhupad`s house and go into the wilderness. Find your real self there. If you feel you are really meant to be in Prabhupad`s house then you come back. That`s what Lord Jesus did. He went into the wilderness and came back to preach Christ consciousness.

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