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Our Goal is Love

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Love? Go and teach that to your Christians first. Because as far as I know, Christians do not know what Love is and they do not appreciate Life either.


Abortions, Adultery, Children out of wedlocks, teenagers having sex when they turn 16 and so many more corruptions occurs in US and Europe. At least Hindus are well enough to know what Morale and Ethics are and live their lives accordingly. That is respectable AND admirable.


People like you do not know what it means to be One with God. Do you think every tom, dick and harry can do that? In order to become One with God, One MUST make him or her clean - physically, mentally AND Spiritually. That is what Hindus are doing and Hindus should be proud that they have a noble goal in life. They should not entertain people like Christians and Muslims.



Lets find out what an all knowing personality has to say-


Sri Ramakrishna : "Ah-the jnanis,they want to become sugar..but the bhaktas,they want to taste sugar-how sweet it is."



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This may appear random but :


When Sri Krsna told Uddhava Paramhamsa: "Go and give Brahmgyan to the gopis of Vrindavana."


And so the great Uddhava went.He met the gopis and gave his lecture on Niraakar Brahm.


The gopis told him,"Uddhavji you expect us to meditate on Niraakar Brahm.We would definitely meditate but we do not have control over our minds ! gayyo(hindi) !! The mind has gone !!! It is with your Shyamsundara !!!"


Sri Kripaluji Maharaj : "Oh Gyanis don't call Brahm only Niraakar.If He were only Niraakar,how would He be able to become the mascara of the Gopis' eyes and chase them in Brajadhama ?"


A valid question don't you think ??


Come on gyanis !!! answer this question. (just kidding...I'm afraid of the mayavadis.lol)

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Ranjeetmore, I`m a registered member of this website ( www.yogananda.net). They follow the teachings of Yogananda Paramahamsa. Because their theme is LOVE, they pray for each other`s welfare. If one of them gets sick, the members pray for his/her recovery. You can see how harmonious they are towards filling the emptiness with LOVE not HAte.

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but,dear melvin,surely attachment of the mind(which we call love in the material wolrd) is certainly supposed to aimed towards someone who is spiritual-shuddha sattva-Like Hari and guru.


Mam ekam sharnam vraja.


attachment of mind only towards Me-Sri Krsna.


all the other good deeds...go on doing...who will stop us ???


but the mind should always remain in Sri Krsna.


95% of Gauranga's associates were householders.Love is a very general term.We have to be specific: Love towards Sri Krsna and guru and all the compassion etc etc towards the downtrodden.


This is the ideal.

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but,dear melvin,surely attachment of the mind(which we call love in the material wolrd) is certainly supposed to aimed towards someone who is spiritual-shuddha sattva-Like Hari and guru.


My View: Yes my dear ranjeetmore you`re correct.


Mam ekam sharnam vraja.


attachment of mind only towards Me-Sri Krsna.


My View: Yes. That`s also correct.


all the other good deeds...go on doing...who will stop us ???

but the mind should always remain in Sri Krsna.


My View: Yes, ranjeetmore. You`re absolutely right.


95% of Gauranga's associates were householders.Love is a very general term.We have to be specific: Love towards Sri Krsna and guru and all the compassion etc etc towards the downtrodden.


My View: Yes, we have to be specific about it. But if you gonna tell this to the SRF devotees of Yogananda Paramahamsa you will be surprised at what they`ll tell you. Go ahead and register ( www.yogananda.net) and you will know what I mean.

This is the ideal.


My View: There`s also such a thing as radical.:)


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Originally Posted by ranjeetmore

Lets find out what an all knowing personality has to say-

Sri Ramakrishna : "Ah-the jnanis,they want to become sugar..but the bhaktas,they want to taste sugar-how sweet it is."



When did you started quoting ramakrishna dear sir ranjeetmore.

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I have quoted from Shiva purana,From Shankaracharya and from the devi bhagavatam...

There's no harm in quoting ramakrishna.Agreed,many of his teachings are misleading...but then again so were Shankaracharya's...But this doesn't mean you insult him or dismiss his writings altogether.


Lord Shiva has maintained that whatever conforms with the Bhagavatam HAS TO BE ACCEPTED,EVEN IF A SHAIVITE IS SAYING IT.

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I have quoted from Shiva purana,From Shankaracharya and from the devi bhagavatam...

There's no harm in quoting ramakrishna.Agreed,many of his teachings are misleading...but then again so were Shankaracharya's...But this doesn't mean you insult him or dismiss his writings altogether.


Lord Shiva has maintained that whatever conforms with the Bhagavatam HAS TO BE ACCEPTED,EVEN IF A SHAIVITE IS SAYING IT

Yes ofcourse i was just asking.

Ramakrishna is a great saint.

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This is wrong...If Shankaracharya was preaching his advaita in this age,Srila Prabhupada would have said the same thing about him.


But we all know that Shankaracharya was acting like that...


I honestly find prabhupad's critism wrong...maybe it was meant for his devotees-so that they would not meander towards ramkrishna mission..

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No if you actually read about ramarkishna just wikipedia him youll know some reasons why srila prabupada said it.Ramakrishna had again and again claimed to be rama and krishna.

His devotees of the ramakrishna mission were all propaganding such things.

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No if you actually read about ramarkishna just wikipedia him youll know some reasons why srila prabupada said it.Ramakrishna had again and again claimed to be rama and krishna.

His devotees of the ramakrishna mission were all propaganding such things.


lORD buddha taught there no God at all.It is best not to read ramkrishna's teachings but it is imperative to respect him from afar,eventhough it is hard to respect some of his disciples.

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lORD buddha taught there no God at all.It is best not to read ramkrishna's teachings but it is imperative to respect him from afar,eventhough it is hard to respect some of his disciples.

So thats why i have told you hes a great saint,but there are things which are not to accepted very well.

Now youre comparing buddha to ramakrishna.So you beleive he is an avtara.

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sant. A frank question. Why are you guys, so Avathara phobic. I consider all of them as Saints. I believe only in Dasa Avathara, the original Avatharas. No Godmen/Godwomen, Avatharas for me.


Makes life simple.


That is refreshing, sir.


It also follows that all those people who made claims of Avathara of God are fake.Simple, is it not?.

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Our Goal is Love is the heading of the discussions.




The real goal of bhakti is love of God. But how can we love God if we don`t even know how to love ourselves and our fellowmen? What`s the use if we compare our religion with others if it would only lead to debate and hate?

We may have embraced the best religion in the world but it`s not the winning ticket to heaven. It`s love.

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"When people become lover of mammon, matter, that means decline of religion. And when people increase love of Godhead, that means real religion. So Kṛṣṇa comes, or Kṛṣṇa's servant or representative comes, to adjust things. When people forget love of Godhead, somebody, either Kṛṣṇa, God Himself or His representative comes to adjust things. So this Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is incarnation. They are teaching love of Godhead. We are not teaching some ritualistic process, that "You become Hindu. You become Christian. You become Muhammadan." We are simply teaching, "You try to love God. You have forgotten God. You have declared, 'God is dead.' These are all nonsense. God is there. You are here. You are suffering because you have forgotten God. You try to love God. Your normal life will come back. You will be happy." This is Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement." - His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, lecture on Bhagavad-gita 4.7-10 - Los Angeles, January 6, 1969

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