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Struggling to get married

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Dear sweety_idiv


I would say that the native has quite a few obstructions in the chart causing delay in giving the marital bliss.


Though the 7th lord Mercury is well placed in the 7th (retrograde) but he is extremely close with 6th and 11th lord Venus. 6th house has two malefics strengthening the sixth house of celibacy.


Upapada lagna in Leo has Moon who is the 12th lord (from UL) and 8th lord from lagna. Rahu in the 12th from UL - outsiders causing interference in getting marital relations finalized. Saturn in the 2nd is also causing sorrow and sadness and withdrawing sustenance.


There is also quite a malefic confluence of Jupiter, Mars and Saturn in the 8th house from lagna in Navamsa. This is something to watch out for after the wedding. Not much significance now.


The native is currently running Rahu/Jup in Vimshottari - Jupiter who owns a trine from the UL and is the lagna lord can bring about a relationship.

Rahu/Jup ends in Sep 2009 and this period has strong potential.

The native will most definitely be married before her next birthday Jun 2010.


Fasting on Sundays and worshipping Vishnu with Vishnu Sahasranamam on a regular basis will bring about this very soon.


With Best Wishes


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Dear member classic72. Thankyou for your detailed reply! I appreciate it.


Once again I post the details of my daughter. I'm looking for an alliance for her for 5 years but unable to settle her in marriage. When will she be getting married?


Her details are


DOB : 9/6/1981

TOB : 20:07

Place : chennai, tamilnadu.

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Dear all,


Thankyou for ur support and help.

Could anyone help us further on this issue?

I am looking for an alliance for my daughter for the past 5 years and am not able to fix a groom for her.


Her birth details are :

DOB : 9th june,1981

Time : 20:07

Place : chennai, tamilnadu.


Please help us! We are in a dilemma!

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