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India is great and God is One.

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This Email is for Dr.Zakir Naik and other Christian priests who love to discriminate God by the name of religion, Allah or Jesus will never forgive them for what they are doing on earth.


I recently went to a good Shiva temple and in return brought Prasad (sweet from temple) to share with my co-workers. In my office there is one Muslim and Christian, they both did not eat that offering because their religions strictly told that Islam/Jesus only way to go to heaven.



I recently found Dr.Zakir Naik (from Islam) and from Joyce Mayer and other Christian leaders from different countries are coming to India and destroying the peace in India.


They should know that in India a Muslim can be elected as a president ( Abdul Kalam), a Christian can be elected as president or Minister. We Hindus never discrimiate.


But in Pakistan can any Hindu / Christian be a Presdient?

In America can Any Hindu / Muslim be a President?


But in India it happens...We Indians are great...We treat everyone as one , India is an example for Unity in Diversity.


I surprised with those two co-worker attitude towards God. I am Brahmin and recite many mantras. But still when my Father was sick I went to a Darga as well as to a Church to pray to God. And when brought Prasad from Darga all Hindus had taken it including that Muslim but except that Christian.




I did not agree with it, I feel like these people cooked up some stories in Bible .


We Humans have got a chance to rectify our mental problems and to live in peace.


Let other religions priests know that


God has provided Mother to feed Milk as soon as child takes birth. God never showed discrimination


God has provided Air without discrimination to all people as soon as we take birth .


God has provided water to drink without discrimination.


God has provided Blood to supply oxygen in all human bodies without discrimination.


Discrimination is not in God. Discrimination is taking place in these stupid priests.


God is always one. One has to develop an attitude to see and get God in every thing.


Zakir and all other Christian priest who discriminate God are like Frogs in well.


The Little Frog had been living at the bottom of an old well since he was born. He thinks that his well is the only big world all other things outside of his well are not so great. One day a yellow sparrow flew down to the bottom of the well, picked up the Little Frog on his back, and flew out of the well.


Finally Frog said "Thank you very much. If you had not brought me out to see this world, I would never have known that there are such beautiful things that exist outside my well." The Little Frog never tried to go back to his old well again.


These people really in need of a Yellow Sparrow.




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I`m a Catholic who loves to eat prasadam if offered. Meanwhile, those who insist that Christianity is the only way to God are not yet self-realized. This also holds true for those who say that Jesus is not a historical personality. It`self-realization that takes away all our biases.

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I`m a Catholic who loves to eat prasadam if offered. Meanwhile, those who insist that Christianity is the only way to God are not yet self-realized. This also holds true for those who say that Jesus is not a historical personality. It`self-realization that takes away all our biases.

Good to read a reply from you. Thanks for the comment. I do see Some Christians in Gayatri Pariwar club, Shree Mata Ji group and other Hare Krishna groups. And I also know that they even celebrate Christmas though they joined Hindu groups. I use to sing songs on Jesus in my college days.I know that he is one of the forms of Lord. It’s nice to see some great people like you. you people are blessed by Lord. Give me your email address and let me add you in my friends list.




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Dear Kishore please remember that Jesus taught his followers according to time and circumstance. So he told his followers "I am the only way". He told this to his followers specifically. He didn't come to India and tell the Gopis this... He didn't tell Narada Muni this..

Don't feel bad about it. It is just their ignorance that they can't understand why Jesus was saying that in the first place. It's not that other relgious processes may have been false, it is just where he was teaching a lot of people were so stupid they couldn't understand many things so Jesus had to treat his followers like children and make sure they strictly followed him. I am reminded of that verse where Jesus tells his followers that their ears are too full of wax to understand what he is teaching.

Think of this hypothetical example. God is an ocean and there are many rivers leading to the ocean. These rivers can be likened to the different processes or relgions one can take to reach God. So in this way God is unlimited and almighty. He is known in all universes not just in this earth planet. And so he is also has many names too. With that said it we can understand that there are different processes by which we can reach God. Unfortunately not everyone has intelligence to understand this point. So better you not try and argue with these people who are not so smart.


Also remember, when you were a child your mother or father may have kept close eye on watching you. Telling you not to do this or that as a matter of protection. So if someone is not so intelligent or a bit weak we tell them they should just follow us.. So there's no fault with Christians or Muslims. They have to do their things according to their own level. Don't worry about it.


Muslims and Christians are very passionate, not so much interested in thinking laterally - so better to leave them be. And if they say islam and jesus is the only way to go to heaven.. that's fine. Why do you even want to go to heaven anyway? Heaven is still part of the material world and everyones stay in heavenly planets is temporary. As a hindu you should aim for bhakti only. And if you reach any Vaikuntha planet you have succeeded.


I think you should forget these people. Zakir is a cheater too. No use in trying to contact him.

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Don't take my word for it. I am not so learned on this point. But I think at that point, if you've reached some Vaikuntha planet then knowledge of what you'd done in the past would be of no concern. Depends on your personality. Obviously if you have arrived in Goloka then all your daily activities would be bhakti so it would just be a matter of waking up or coming back to your natural constitutional position. Then you can assume that you had succeeded in your bhakti. Your every day would be immersed in bhakti it would just be a matter of switching over.


I too have pondered if it possible to recall past activities on the earthly plane. I haven't come across an answer yet. But I've read that it is like waking up and you just brush the past off as it were nothing and then you get back to your activities.

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Don't take my word for it. I am not so learned on this point. But I think at that point, if you've reached some Vaikuntha planet then knowledge of what you'd done in the past would be of no concern. Depends on your personality. Obviously if you have arrived in Goloka then all your daily activities would be bhakti so it would just be a matter of waking up or coming back to your natural constitutional position. Then you can assume that you had succeeded in your bhakti. Your every day would be immersed in bhakti it would just be a matter of switching over.


I too have pondered if it possible to recall past activities on the earthly plane. I haven't come across an answer yet. But I've read that it is like waking up and you just brush the past off as it were nothing and then you get back to your activities.


Was it Maitreya Rsi who said to Vidura, " Krsna is within everyone`s heart and without as the Time factor."? In short, it`s only Krsna who will let us know we have reached Vaikuntha in time. Anyone who says it`s otherwise is hogfed.

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Wait I am not sure I understand what you're saying. I thought you were asking how can one know when he has reached vaikuntha. In your case specifically Goloka vrndavana. Well then I ask you, wouldn't it be the case that you open your eyes and see Krsna in front of you playing and then you go and join in? Wouldn't that be a clear enough indication that you've reached?

What is the use of relating with paramatma for gopas and gopis when their prayojana is directly in front of them.


Also I am little confused. I thought you were asking how can someone remember in vaikuntha that they had practised bhakti previously..

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Was it Maitreya Rsi who said to Vidura, " Krsna is within everyone`s heart and without as the Time factor."? In short, it`s only Krsna who will let us know we have reached Vaikuntha in time. Anyone who says it`s otherwise is hogfed.

OK that's fine. But please paste the whole quote. I just don't see the point in Krsna telling me that I am in Goloka Vrndavana if he is directly in front of me. That Krsna is in front of me should be clear enough in itself for me to understand that "Yes I am here with Krsna".


And also, if I am with him and I have come straight from the earthly plane would it really be of importance that this issue of my transition into the spiritual plane is discussed with Krsna. As a small gopa or gopi I would be much more interested in playing. I could see Dvarkavasi Krsna explaining this sort of thing but not Syamsunder Krsna. So this is difficult for me to grasp considering there is no Dvarkavasi Krsna in Goloka Vrndavana

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OK that's fine. But please paste the whole quote. I just don't see the point in Krsna telling me that I am in Goloka Vrndavana if he is directly in front of me. That Krsna is in front of me should be clear enough in itself for me to understand that "Yes I am here with Krsna".


My View:Thehat, have you truly experienced Krsna being in front of you?


And also, if I am with him and I have come straight from the earthly plane would it really be of importance that this issue of my transition into the spiritual plane is discussed with Krsna. As a small gopa or gopi I would be much more interested in playing. I could see Dvarkavasi Krsna explaining this sort of thing but not Syamsunder Krsna. So this is difficult for me to grasp considering there is no Dvarkavasi Krsna in Goloka Vrndavana


My View: If a picture paints a thousand words, Thehat, then why can`t I paint you? Because the words will never show? What I really mean here is that Krsna is present within everyone`s heart as the Supersoul and without as the Time factor. That Krsna is the only One who could reveal to us if one has reached Vaikuntha. There`s always a time for departure and a time for arrival. No one can reach Vaikuntha if there`s the absence of Time.


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"Many devotees of Lord Caitanya like Śrīla Vṛndāvana dāsa Ṭhākura, Śrī Locana dāsa Ṭhākura, Śrīla Kṛṣṇadāsa Kavirāja Gosvāmī, Śrī Kavikarṇapūra, Śrī Prabodhānanda Sarasvatī, Śrī Rūpa Gosvāmī, Śrī Sanātana Gosvāmī, Śrī Raghunātha Bhaṭṭa Gosvāmī, Śrī Jīva Gosvāmī, Śrī Gopāla Bhaṭṭa Gosvāmī, Śrī Raghunātha dāsa Gosvāmī and in this latter age within two hundred years, Śrī Viśvanātha Cakravartī, Śrī Baladeva Vidyābhūṣana, Śrī Śyāmānanda Gosvāmī, Śrī Narottama dāsa Ṭhākura, Śrī Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura and at last Śrī Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura (our spiritual master) and many other great and renowned scholars and devotees of the Lord have prepared voluminous books and literatures on the life and precepts of the Lord. Such literatures are all based on the śāstras like the Vedas, Purāṇas, Upaniṣads, Rāmāyaṇa, Mahābhārata and other histories and authentic literatures approved by the recognized ācāryas. They are unique in composition and unrivaled in presentation, and they are full of transcendental knowledge. Unfortunately the people of the world are still ignorant of them, but when these literatures, which are mostly in Sanskrit and Bengali, come to light the world and when they are presented before thinking people, then India's glory and the message of love will overflood this morbid world, which is vainly searching after peace and prosperity by various illusory methods not approved by the ācāryas in the chain of disciplic succession." - His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Introduction to Srimad Bhagavatam

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