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Why did Rama and Krishna do 'evil' deeds?

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Guest Tenali Ram

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Guest Tenali Ram

Hare Rama/Hare Krishna


Rama asked his wife to walk on fire. This doesn't seem nice. He also slaughtered a low-caste man who was reciting the veda.


Krishna, on the other hand, called himself brahmachari and yet abducted many women. He lied throughout the Kuru war, instigated Arjuna to kill his relatives.


All this doesn't point to any divinity at all in these two blokes. Why is it we consider them on par with the Brahman described in upanishad?

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Hare Rama/Hare Krishna


Rama asked his wife to walk on fire. This doesn't seem nice. He also slaughtered a low-caste man who was reciting the veda.


Krishna, on the other hand, called himself brahmachari and yet abducted many women. He lied throughout the Kuru war, instigated Arjuna to kill his relatives.


All this doesn't point to any divinity at all in these two blokes. Why is it we consider them on par with the Brahman described in upanishad?


Krishna didn't kidnap any woman. He rescued those who asked him to. And what exactly did he lie about during the Mahabharata War? He didn't instigate Arjuna to do anything. Arjuna had a duty as a kshaitrya and Krishna reminded him of that. Not to mention that those family members he killed were standing on the battle field ready to kill him.

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All your question seem to be not questions at all, but simply posts to insult Hindu gods, goddesses and saints. As such I will have to assume you aren't a Hindu, but just someone from another religion here to insult Hinduism.


Any further questions will be deleted. If you have real questions to which you are looking for answers, send them to me by email and I will answer them. Any further replies posted here will be deleted.

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Hare Rama/Hare Krishna


Rama asked his wife to walk on fire. This doesn't seem nice. He also slaughtered a low-caste man who was reciting the veda.


Krishna, on the other hand, called himself brahmachari and yet abducted many women. He lied throughout the Kuru war, instigated Arjuna to kill his relatives.


All this doesn't point to any divinity at all in these two blokes. Why is it we consider them on par with the Brahman described in upanishad?


It is hard for ordinary people to unerstand the extraordinary ways of the Supreme Lord. I never knew why my mom would give me a spanking when I was a kid. But now I do. So the point here is that what ever Ram and Krishna did is for the ultimate good of everyone. Understanding that good is the goal of life.

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Dear Tenali Ram,


Post no 3 of Jahnava nitai das is right. Don't misuse the forum.


How do you feel if some body adresses your parents/ kith and kin as blokes?


it is sacrilege!!


A person with such a bent of is deemed unfit, to receive answers.

There is a proper way to question.

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Mr. Tenali. About 3000 years back, a Greek Philosopher answered a question "Why do Gods do ungodly things?". This was with reference to the Gods in the Greek epics. But you will get your answer there.


Do go to the library and read the answer. It is not available on the net. I do not even remember the name of the Philosopher.


Greek Philosophy answers many questions which are raised about Hinduism.

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It is hard for ordinary people to unerstand the extraordinary ways of the Supreme Lord.


One simple thing you (and Tenali) could do is *READ* the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. Sri Krishna and Sri Rama did not do any of those things that Tenali ascribed to Him.


If people could make it a point to read the source material, questions like these would not arise. You do not need to give oblique answers that do not answer the question. This only reveals that you yourself do not know what he was talking about.


A Christian missionary propagating lies about Hinduism is nothing new. What is disturbing is a Hindu accepting such lies as truth and then trying to rationalize them using philosophy. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the literature.

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These questions are not motivated by an eagerness to learn. The wording of the questions shows that.


But similar questions have been asked by devout Hindus and have been answered by Acharyas.


Rama's conduct towards Sita and Krishna's conduct during the Kurukshetra war have been analyzed and appropriate explanations have been given.


A straight denial is not appropriate.


The usual exhortation of the Brahmins/Purohits to study the scriptures (whenever they are asked inconvenient questions for which they do not know the answer) does not get us anywhere.


The reply by Jahnava Nitai Das is the right one.

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A Christian missionary propagating lies about Hinduism is nothing new. What is disturbing is a Hindu accepting such lies as truth and then trying to rationalize them using philosophy. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the literature.


Disturbing Indeed.And another hindu wants greek literature to be read to find answers.How pathetic.

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Hare Rama/Hare Krishna


Rama asked his wife to walk on fire. This doesn't seem nice. He also slaughtered a low-caste man who was reciting the veda.


Krishna, on the other hand, called himself brahmachari and yet abducted many women. He lied throughout the Kuru war, instigated Arjuna to kill his relatives.


All this doesn't point to any divinity at all in these two blokes. Why is it we consider them on par with the Brahman described in upanishad?


What it seems in appearance is not necessarily the same in substance.


Before trying to know God... try to know Thyself.



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Why reply to such silly posts?Just ignore them totally.

Yes. Because these questions even if asked by a devout Hindu can not be answered in a forum like this.


Please see this discussions




The same posters posting similar views.


A number of threads have been started by agent provocateurs.






So let us ignore such threads entirely.

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Everything God does is divya/divine. Maya does not affect Him. He is the master of Maya. Those who find faults in God are Nastik and not worthy of worshipping any deity whatsoever. Such a persons mind becomes cursed and all bad comes their way.


God bless the intellingence of such aasuri souls.

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The poster named Tenali Ram is the same poster who was named Manmohan Singh previously (IP addresses are same). He is here to discredit the Hindu religion.


Wow, really? You mean he isn't a sincere soul with a genuine interest in Hinduism? :eek:


I hope you are not going to now tell me that he isn't really Manmohan Singh, the prime minister of India. :mad:

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Yes. Because these questions even if asked by a devout Hindu can not be answered in a forum like this.


They can be answered, assuming that the person doing the answering has a clue about Hindu scriptures. Then he could tell the questioner that his questions are based on false assumptions. Rama did not tell Sita to "walk on fire." Sri Krishna did not advocate "mass murder." These questions are so stupid that it is shocking that any Hindus would take them seriously. You don't need to go to the Greeks to answers these questions any more than you need to go to Muslims, Christians, or even Swami Vivekananda. Just read the Ramayana and the Mahabharata and find out what really happened.



Please see this discussions




The same posters posting similar views.


That is because it is the same poster with a different handle. How is it that you didn't realize that?

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One simple thing you (and Tenali) could do is *READ* the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. Sri Krishna and Sri Rama did not do any of those things that Tenali ascribed to Him.


If people could make it a point to read the source material, questions like these would not arise. You do not need to give oblique answers that do not answer the question. This only reveals that you yourself do not know what he was talking about.


A Christian missionary propagating lies about Hinduism is nothing new. What is disturbing is a Hindu accepting such lies as truth and then trying to rationalize them using philosophy. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the literature.



Thank you for instructing me to read further. I am no philosopher like yourself. It was an answer to help a sincere person understand how to overcome contradicting statements in our scriptures rather than answering the question itself. You are right. I am wrong.

Your servant,


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Thank you for instructing me to read further. I am no philosopher like yourself. It was an answer to help a sincere person understand how to overcome contradicting statements in our scriptures rather than answering the question itself. You are right. I am wrong.

Your servant,



You do not need to be a "philosopher" to read Mahabharata and Ramayana. I do not consider myself a "philosopher." Like all things, if you want to learn, you must invest the time. My point is simply that you should refrain from providing answers to questions which you do not know the answers to. Your answer as posted seems to acknowledge that Sri Rama and Sri Krishna did do all those terrible things. The Christian fundamentalist can then copy-cut-paste your quote to his Hindu hatred website and use it to stir up more prejudice against Hinduism. This in turn affects all of us.


Whether you like it or not, when you speak up on behalf of Hinduism in a public forum, you will be treated as an ambassador of your religion and culture. Your comments will affect how the culture and attitudes of millions are preceived by foreigners who have money and big guns. If you think that is far-fetched, then consider for a moment that the British rationalized their dominance over India by perpetuating ugly stereotypes about men routinely burning their women over dowry, killing people over caste, etc. And this was done without the instantaneous access to free information which the internet provides.


Those of you who took apologistic or neutral stances in regards to these kinds of prejudiced questions are not doing anyone any favors. Please resist the urge to post until you have familiarized yourself with the facts. This is not just directed at you, but also the Neo-Hindu who advised that we should go to the Greeks to get our answers about Hinduism, the Hare Krishna who just repeated that everything God does is "divine" (thus rationalizing the false accusations), etc.

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Whether you like it or not, when you speak up on behalf of Hinduism in a public forum, you will be treated as an ambassador of your religion and culture.


Those of you who took apologistic or neutral stances in regards to these kinds of prejudiced questions are not doing anyone any favors. Please resist the urge to post until you have familiarized yourself with the facts. This is not just directed at you, but also the Neo-Hindu who advised that we should go to the Greeks to get our answers about Hinduism.


Timely post and well written.

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Mr. Tenali. About 3000 years back, a Greek Philosopher answered a question "Why do Gods do ungodly things?". This was with reference to the Gods in the Greek epics. But you will get your answer there.


Do go to the library and read the answer. It is not available on the net. I do not even remember the name of the Philosopher.


Greek Philosophy answers many questions which are raised about Hinduism.

It might have been Socrates or Plato.. Just tell me, what was the answer?

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You do not need to be a "philosopher" to read Mahabharata and Ramayana. I do not consider myself a "philosopher." Like all things, if you want to learn, you must invest the time. My point is simply that you should refrain from providing answers to questions which you do not know the answers to. Your answer as posted seems to acknowledge that Sri Rama and Sri Krishna did do all those terrible things. The Christian fundamentalist can then copy-cut-paste your quote to his Hindu hatred website and use it to stir up more prejudice against Hinduism. This in turn affects all of us.


Whether you like it or not, when you speak up on behalf of Hinduism in a public forum, you will be treated as an ambassador of your religion and culture. Your comments will affect how the culture and attitudes of millions are preceived by foreigners who have money and big guns. If you think that is far-fetched, then consider for a moment that the British rationalized their dominance over India by perpetuating ugly stereotypes about men routinely burning their women over dowry, killing people over caste, etc. And this was done without the instantaneous access to free information which the internet provides.


Those of you who took apologistic or neutral stances in regards to these kinds of prejudiced questions are not doing anyone any favors. Please resist the urge to post until you have familiarized yourself with the facts. This is not just directed at you, but also the Neo-Hindu who advised that we should go to the Greeks to get our answers about Hinduism, the Hare Krishna who just repeated that everything God does is "divine" (thus rationalizing the false accusations), etc.


Dear Raghu,

I wonder if you consider anyone but yourself to be a qualified ambassador of Hindu philosophy. My friend, I spent the last 2 hours looking through some of the posts you wrote. I can see you are very well educated. Please come to your senses. Please let go of that ego. You will shine bright with all your knowledge. This is not some official Hindu website. Even a Christian or Muslim could answer this saying something completely outrageous. Words are nothing...try to feel.

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