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Kalasarpa Yogam - Marriage delayed

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I seek your guidance and valued suggestions to over come my problem.


There is always a hurdle in each & every task I do. I get quite no. of proposals however in the final stage some thing happens and it stops. Its quite depressing for my mother. I do not have a father.


I herewith furnish my date of birth and other details. Can any one help me with the remedy for this. I understand that I have kalsarpa yogam. I am not too sure what of type of Yogam I fall under.


Date of Birth : 14th Sep 1976

Time of Birth : 9.30 p.m

Date of birth : Tuesday

Place of Birth : Bangalore.


Eagerly await for your valuable suggestions and help.




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In your chart, 7th lord venus is very weak, since it is positioned in kanya rashi. Moreover, it is positioned with lord of 6th and lord of 8th, which makes fixing the marriage little difficult. In addition, 12th lord is also aspecting your 7th lord, making life little difficult. As you already said, you also have kal sarph dosha. All these factors delay your marriage. In spite of all these, if we see the present dasha/bukti, it is in your favor. You are currently under venus antara which is related to your house of marriage. Hence the marriage can get fixed anytime before March 2010.

If you are residing in bangalore, i suggest you to visit ghati subrahmanya once. It helped many people whom I know in fixing up the marriage.

with regards

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