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Mantra & sadna questions

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Hi ,

My Name is Rahul. Request anyone to assist me , which god or goddess should i pray.or which sadna would go fruitful for me . I dont have any guru or dont know any one regarding the same .


Please guide me with any mantras or sadnas with its rules and regulations or direct me to a person who can assist me.


My details -


date of birth - 21-May-1978

Time of birth - 07:15:00sec a.m

Place - Mumbai

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Hi ,

My Name is Rahul. Request anyone to assist me , which god or goddess should i pray.or which sadna would go fruitful for me . I dont have any guru or dont know any one regarding the same .


Please guide me with any mantras or sadnas with its rules and regulations or direct me to a person who can assist me.


My details -


date of birth - 21-May-1978

Time of birth - 07:15:00sec a.m

Place - Mumbai

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If you want to get into sadnas, you need to have guru!

Where are you from? which city?


Which GOD to pray -

You can find out who is your kuldevi & start her sadhna. Praying to Kul devi is praying to ur mom/mother/maa.

Only for this you dont require a guru.


Once you get siddhi of Kuldevi, your 50% work is done.

Also Kuldevi normally get pleased more easily then any other deties, because mom can never say no to her child. (same way like when a child ask icecreame to mom, she can never say no). Kuldevi is much much nearer to a person then other gods.


Also, when you start getting success in sadhana, you would come to know slowly about the truth - ALL GOD IS SAME. ALL SADHANA/energy DONE MIXES WITH THE ONLY ONE PARATHAMA(SUPREME GOD).

Their application can differ but all are same (ex. Lakshmiji for money, Ganeshji for Luck, fame, etc)



Dhruv Bhura

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Hi ,


I am from Mumbai. I really want to get in sadna , For that i have also got rudraksha mala of 108 beads . But would like to start from right direction. I will be highly obliged if u would help me in gettin a perfect sadna. I would be obliged to speak to you , If you would provide me your cell nos.


Dhruji - To start a sadna has become my thrist , but slowly , with right direction and with patience and with a right help...


Awating for your blessingful reply...





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I will be highly obliged to meet you . Request you that when you arrive in mumbai , Please provide me your cell nos or If you want I can provide my cell nos to you via this conversation.


Just would like to ask you , that have you achieved any siddhi or power thru your sadna ?. and what kind of difficulties have you faced to achieve it ...The reason for asking this is to mentally and physically prepare myself for such sadnas....because nothing is easy and No pain without gain in life.


07-Jul-09 is GURU Purnima , very auspicious day , I was thinkin to start a mantra sadna with your help Dhruji....


Heartest Request to you to guide me thru all this, so that I can live my life in a better way and also to help other people resolving their problems ( IF i get the authority from Guru and God almighty ) , as there is lot of pain and sorrow all around, which is the main reason for me to start a sadna so that i can help myself and the people around me.


Awaiting For your reply Dhruji..


Yours truly,



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If you want to get into sadnas, you need to have guru!

Where are you from? which city?


Which GOD to pray -

You can find out who is your kuldevi & start her sadhna. Praying to Kul devi is praying to ur mom/mother/maa.

Only for this you dont require a guru.


Once you get siddhi of Kuldevi, your 50% work is done.

Also Kuldevi normally get pleased more easily then any other deties, because mom can never say no to her child. (same way like when a child ask icecreame to mom, she can never say no). Kuldevi is much much nearer to a person then other gods.


Also, when you start getting success in sadhana, you would come to know slowly about the truth - ALL GOD IS SAME. ALL SADHANA/energy DONE MIXES WITH THE ONLY ONE PARATHAMA(SUPREME GOD).

Their application can differ but all are same (ex. Lakshmiji for money, Ganeshji for Luck, fame, etc)



Dhruv Bhura


Namaste Rahulji,


Can you pls tell more about Kuldevi? What is her mantra and how do you do her sadhana?

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This mantra is normally given by your kul devi pujari.


Incase if they dont have, use -


||Om aim hreem kleem chamundai vichayee ||


I use this & is very very powerful. This mantra revealed me another power mantra which cant be disclosed.


Sankalp is necessary.


"Life does not mean just living on or breathing. Just eating food, marrying and producing children is not the aim of life. The real goal of life is in realising the purpose for which one has taken birth."



Dhruv Bhura

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This mantra is normally given by your kul devi pujari.


Incase if they dont have, use -


||Om aim hreem kleem chamundai vichayee ||


I use this & is very very powerful. This mantra revealed me another power mantra which cant be disclosed.


Sankalp is necessary.


"Life does not mean just living on or breathing. Just eating food, marrying and producing children is not the aim of life. The real goal of life is in realising the purpose for which one has taken birth."



Dhruv Bhura


Dear Druvji,


So if I understand it correctly the mantra you gave above one can do mala-japa with without initiaton (diksha) ?


Can you also tell me what kind of sankalp one has to make?


I await your reply.





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Pls let me know when u r in mumbai ...I am just counting days for 13th july 09 to come...Request you to pls intimate me ..... Pls .


I have started a bit of mantra sadna, just as a practice session ( for temperory basis ).....but I am not finding that peace of mind and heart... There is a lot a heat which i am experiencing in the same....


Pls request you to guide me in the same or should i stop the sadna right now



Yours Truly ,


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Dear Neelkanth,

The mantra given by Dhruv should not be chanted without initiation. Mantras should not be picked up from books and started. They should be recited under the guidance of a Guru.


Dear Dhruv,

Why are you asking people to chant mantras which need initiation ? Are you giving them initiation ? If so and you are taking the responsibility, then it is different.

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Have you read all my posts above?


Anyways, regarding this mantra, i had been doing this mantra from very very long time...even before i had met my guru.


I never had initiation of this mantra, & have quite... sorry huge succeesful results with this. It is this mantra & my kuldevi which then gave me another powerful mantra in my sadhanas (similar to above mentioned mantra). What you require is self confidence & trust in yourself. Never be scared of any devi. They might look scary also, but when u start doing sadhana you would know how lovely, how komal, how suhkmaya they are. Trust me i am inexpressive to tell you how much you enjoy. Never be scared. Never loose your trust in you whether you would be able to achieve this or not.


Dugraputra, there are 2 way to attain siddhi -

1> Self realisation & getting command over it (Takes time & not at all wrong)

2> Diksha or initiation by guru (quicker & easier - 99% successful within short time because you have proper guidance)


do you keep taking diksha for everymantra before you recite? (mantra for ganesh, narayan, shiv, durga, hanuman, Kalimaa, Narshiha, etc)

Does your guru talk to you when u have difficulties in sadhana, when you are not getting appropritate results, When you dont know where to lead? My guru talks to me & i really love him.


@ ALL -

Guru is like torch in your life. He would keep on guiding you where & when to lead next.

Unlucky are those who dont have one. Trust me.


P.S. - I would not take any responsibilites & credits for any one here. For your success & for your failure. I can only do is pray for you & be wellwisher.


Love you all & regards,

Dhruv Bhura

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Dear Dhruv,

Every mantra is not suitable for everyone. For you it can have done good. For the person who asked the question, it can do good OR cause 'trouble' by bringing out the bad karma in order to destroy the bad karma. Hence it needs to be done under the protection of a Guru. Your personal experience is hence not easily extensible to others. It depends on the state of the person who is chanting it. This is the traditional knowledge for the Navarna mantra.


For sadhana- doesnt your own Guru parampara require you to take diksha for each sadhana ? The navarna mantra is not one to be trifled with in any case.

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The problem here is that we do not know what the members want? If they want the Mantra for some specific worldly purpose, then the Mantra should be different than for those who want it for spiritual advancement.


As one who had posted a number of Mantras of different Deities over the internet (under a different name. Many of those posts have been copied to this forum) during the period 2001 to 2004, my experience is that this does not benefit any one.


I think we should advise the members about the pros and cons of Mantra Sadhana. May be I will try to start a new discussions about that.


dhruvbhura, the Navarna Mantra is recited differently for different purposes. For Maranam, Vasheekaranam, Ucchatanam, Sthambanam etc. the way it is said is different and different procedures are followed. These are unrecorded instructions. That is why people wonder about this Mantra and its usage.

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@Kaliupasak, Durgaputra

Can you advice me with how mantra if not taken from guru & chanted without diksha can give bad karma. I guess i really need to revisit my knowledge in this.


Knief can cut apple & kill person also. Tool is same, its how you use them.


This is the most subtel level of Navaran mantra which i have posted in here. I know all these applications which you have mentioned in here & these are which not possible without diksha.

Infact if you start unlocking this mantra very properly in sadhana - it has all 3 female energies - Lakshmi, Saraswati & Sati/parvati. So the basic one above can be used by everyone & i stand on this.


Also, to add on, truth is (which should not be disclosed here, unfortunately i have to reply these posts) even OM NAMAH SHIVAAY(& many other common mantra) can be used for Maranam, Vasheekaranam, Ucchatanam, Sthambanam etc.

Wondering right!! This is all sadhana all about.

Remeber all energy comes & goes to same entity - Supreme God.

When you start realising you will know all god are same, there form varies. Energy is enegry - can be used for good or bad - you should know Theory of Karma... that what would happen if you use for bad.


I gave my personal experience because i am not suppose to disclose other ppl experience. I have many success stories with the same with many people...disclosed only mine & this is just one of the mantra.


Another simple application of this mantra for student-

Chant this 108 times before every exam & when back from exam again 108 times & see results.


God bless you all.


Dhruv Bhura

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Jai Maa,


I just want to tell all of you one thing......


Sadhana if going wrong can give wrong/negative result.But bhakti never so try to be bhakt not be sidh or sadhak(i pray & do jaap only for get bhakti of my lord)


sadhka will get what id his bank balance(what sadhana he did)


bhakt will get god bank account.


This may Believe & Base of my God puja.....As on Today I am A sadhak or may be one bad man with bad habit but i will pray to god to turn me in to a bhakt (only he can & he will do this).


Mata Rani Bless Us all.


Abhishek Bansal

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Mantras are not to be treated lightly or trifled with.I agree .Mantras lose the potency if we just treat it casually.Any mantra or vidya learnt without a Guru is akin to begetting a son thro illegal means,Shastras proclaim.Whhen all this knowledge is given by Shastras,we cannot discard or disregard shastras here and use our discretion.It would only mean that we are not sincerely following shastras

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The problem here is that we do not know what the members want? If they want the Mantra for some specific worldly purpose, then the Mantra should be different than for those who want it for spiritual advancement.


As one who had posted a number of Mantras of different Deities over the internet (under a different name. Many of those posts have been copied to this forum) during the period 2001 to 2004, my experience is that this does not benefit any one.


I think we should advise the members about the pros and cons of Mantra Sadhana. May be I will try to start a new discussions about that.


dhruvbhura, the Navarna Mantra is recited differently for different purposes. For Maranam, Vasheekaranam, Ucchatanam, Sthambanam etc. the way it is said is different and different procedures are followed. These are unrecorded instructions. That is why people wonder about this Mantra and its usage.



Would you mind writing me at my personal email? I have a question about what you just wrote. You can use my ID: janardana109 at gmail. Thanks!

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Hey Guys,


Chill out yaars....at the end the reasult is important......whether u take a capsule from the chemist or from the doctor himself....the reasult should be that u should be alright and healthy.....


Ya , just one thing is that no wrong medicine should be given ...it might take ur life also ...is the same with sadnas..


Take care,



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Hey Guys,


Chill out yaars....at the end the reasult is important......whether u take a capsule from the chemist or from the doctor himself....the reasult should be that u should be alright and healthy.....


Ya , just one thing is that no wrong medicine should be given ...it might take ur life also ...is the same with sadnas..


Take care,




That is exactly the point. There are thousands of medicines available with the Chemist. But for certain strong medicines a Doctor's prescription is necessary. The doctor examines the patient and determine whether the medicine is suitable for him/her. Then the medical companies also do research and find out about the side effects and advise you. The doctor is aware of these side effects and takes these into account while prescribing.


The Guru is like the Doctor.


These rules are in force to protect the common man. All medicines are not over-the-counter Drugs. Treating all mantras as the same is like treating all medicines as over-the-counter drugs. The law prevents you from buying and taking Pethidine for a Head ache. Of course you can always bribe someone, get Pethidine and take it for a minor Head ache.


What we are trying to do is to warn people against using strong Mantras without knowing whether it is really necessary or about the side effects.


But then nothing can prevent a determined person from taking Pethidine for a head ache. Yes. Pethidine does cure a head ache also.


Similar is the case with Mantras.

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