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when will I die?? will it be suicide or murder??urgent pls reply..

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1.First of all i tell you no body died in this world.As energy can't be created neither destroyed.so is a life. one only transform from one form to another.


2.Why two option suicide or murder. Why not natural transformation.Let it be natural.Come what may you have to live your life with fighting spirit and energy.


3. god bless you


Rishi Vatsyayan

Edited by rishivatsyan
spelling mistake
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Dear Manju ji,


I saw your post here and knowing your background from other threads, I wanted to reply again even though I am not an astrologer.


Are you still staying in a safe place away from your husband? Has he made any threats to your life? If so, you should immediately seek the help of the police, atleast file a report. I understand that you are still holding on to the marriage, but your life is more important. I understand how tough this phase is. Like I mentioned before, I went through some abuse from my previous marriage and in-laws as well. Please DO NOT give up hope. This is the toughest time of your life, if you give up, you let those who are against you win.


Hope you still have your job and are still financially independent. If your husband realises that you are scared, he will only abuse you more. Be strong and when he sees he has no control over you ie., he does not scare you, he will stop. That is the nature of abusers.


This is your life. Do not let others control its ultimate destiny. Apologies if this email sounds too preachy, but I just felt the need to reach out to you. I send some prayers to the Almighty for your safety. And pray that He give you the mental strength to get through this testing phase in your life.

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Smt Manju,

This is due to ashtama shani to your birth star Dhanista pada 1(natal moon) .It ends by 9/9/09. You have excellent future. He can't dare to control you ,it is you who is going to control him.

Pray lord shani till 9/09. Future is yours.

Pray Sri Ganeshji every day who controls your intellect and relations.

There is no necessity to think of murder/suicide etc.Your horoscope is strong ,others have to be careful of your strong personality.

wish you good luck ,


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On 30th june a plane crashed in Indian ocean. A 14 year old girl survived the accident by clinging to a piece of plane for 13 hours. Not because she was physically very strong. She did because she didn't gave up. She decided to fight, fight till end.


We may not win every war we fight, but we will not win any war we do not fight.


Be brave and fight, this is the time which differentiate between the winner and the looser. Only that living being has a right to climb the next step of ladder of evolution who had the ability to survive on the previous step.

This is the time to show your abilities. More you will be heated more you will shine at the end.


Our wishes are always with you

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