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Humble request for my father's health plz

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Dear Sir,


Name Mr. Durga Shanker Mishra

DOB 4/10/1951

TOB 9:00 AM



Thanks you all respected guruji over here who has shown thier care in looking my chart. well i am more concerned for my dad health. he has been suffering from diabetic and still working as police officer. as the days are near to retirement we are more worried for his health.


its not that we are just doing on astrological aspect we have been in touch with doctors too. but some times we have more faiths on god.


plz advice us, what remedy should we take care as astrology part.and how is his chart on health wise. we all are ready for puja and remedies.


plz advise us.


thanks in advance

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Dear Alokanand,

Diebetes is related to liver and urination. Why it comes no body knows. Once somebody gets it ,controlling is through medication,excercise ,keeping mind stress free and proper diet are essential.Everybody may not be able to control it.

See your dad takes all precautions to keep it under control.

Astrology says when Guru and Sukra get afflicted they get this.

In your dad's horoscope,Jupitor in 5th is retro,in his own house in the constallation of Shani.It is aspected by three natural malefics Ravi,Shani and 8th lord Budha.

Lagna lord and 6th lord Kuja is with 7th and 12th lord Venus and ketu in 10th.There seems to be occupational reason for this problem due to missing homely care,duty tensions etc.

Prayer/puja to Guru and Venus may help. The way is pray to Lord Shiva and Sri Parvathi mata on Mondays.He has to do himself.

Let us hope this can help to some extent ,in addition to other regular medicines etc.

with best wishes,


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Best is visiting Shivalayam and doing abhishekam with milk. If not possible , circumburate the deity 9 times or 18 times....108 times.If it is in the house light a lamp before the deities offer prasad made with milk and pray.No specific mantras required. Wearing a moti depends on how he is feeling after wearing it. Moon is 9th lord close to Sun and is in 12th. Has he lost his father at an early age ?

Kanakpushyarag(yellow saffire) may help him better.

with best wishes,


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