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Free Muhurt Service

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Here is a new thread for those who are genuine seeker of Muhurt.

Muhurt or Muhurtha is selected for auspicious & important life activities which are generally once performed in life-time. As per the dictums om Muhurt treatises, all the life activities are covered in Muhurt.

Aspirants are requested to selectively use this free service.

Aspirants should give his or her date of birth, time of birth & place of birth. Also; DST, latitude & longitude may also be given to assist in making correct birth chart(s). Other necessary inputs are also welcome.

The activity to be performed and the expected time limit within which the said activity is expected to be performed must also be given.

I shall make an sincere effort to assist the aspirants.

V K Shridhar


Author of “Hindu Electional Astrology” – a compendium on Muhurtas (elections).

For details may log on to


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Dear Aspirants,


Matching of horoscopes for the purpose of marriage & the like, is also covered in the scope of Muhurt.


For those intersted in study the matter related to

"Matching of Horoscopes" may log on to





where 52 pages from the book " Hindu Electional Astrology" is free for down loading & also for the in-depth & detailed study on the subject.


... V K Shridhar

Edited by V K Shridhar
spelling mistake
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  • 3 weeks later...


Dear readers,


It has pained me that there has been no discussion or requirement by aspirants on the subject " MUHURT" - the most useful branch of Vedic/ indian / Hindu astrology.


.. V K Shridhar


V K Shridar Ji,


I understand and respect your feelings. It is just that people come to the forum for various reasons, and many of them come for pressing reasons.


I think the genuine seekers and apirants of vedic astrology or other members will come and participate in discussions when they realize the significance of muhurt. Namaste.

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Dear iloveamma,


For Muhurt (election) please log on to my blog




Yes, Muhurt is selection of wedding day. In addition Muhurt is selected for precise time for the main activity of the marriage. By main activity means; the main activity based on local & social customs.


In some places it is when rounds around fire are taken, some feel when vermillion is put on fore-head of the bride, some feel that when Mangal Sootra is worn, some feel when Panigrahan is performed, some feel when the priest annouces the couple as husbadnd & wife.


In addition there are so many others marriage related Muhurtas, as per dictums of Muhurt treatises.

... V K Shridhar


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Dear readers,


It has pained me that there has been no discussion or requirement by aspirants on the subject " MUHURT" - the most useful branch of Vedic/ indian / Hindu astrology.


.. V K Shridhar

Dear Shri.Shridhar Ji,

You were kind enough to guide me in fixing a marriage muhurat some few months ago & recently on my thread "Navam Pancham&Shashtashtaka"you advised me to refer certain paras on this subject under the head "Matching Of Horoscopes" for necessary guidance and I did accordigly and sought some clarifications in the same thread of mine.

I have just made a request again in the same thread after seeing you here.

You are always here to help us when such necessity arises.

Best regards,


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Dear Atul ji & Readers,

Knowledge must be shared.

You or all are permitted to publish any extract from my blogs. It is their wish whether they acknowledge reference or not.

In the past I had significantly contributed in wikipedia under "Electional Astrology". But since the said website has majority of readers & contributors from the west, lot of deletion has taken place. It dissuaded me from further contribution. In fact they could not digest that Vedic / Indian Muhurt (electional) astrology which started since Vedic era and has withstood the test of time since Vedic era. Those who are interested, may log to history & discussion under “Electional astrology” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electional_astrology

There was interesting sub head " Hindu vs Western electional astrology” added by me in the wikipedia; in addition to other contributions. The sub-head was not digested by western astrologers; and hence has been deleted.

To see the status of electional astrology as on 18.6.2006 may log on


You can see that lot of websites had started extracting the matter on “Electional Astrology” from wikipedia ( having main contribution from me).

Under “astrology” in wikipedia one is given to understand that Indian contribution to the world astrology is practically “NIL” . The matter under its sub- head “Vedic astrology” (para 6.2) is a laughing matter. The situation has arisen due to the fact that Indian astrologers do not contribute or when contribute it is meant for their publicity. Most of the astrologers shun spreading knowledge with them; and want Guru- Shishya prampara, even in electronic era. When I added under branches of astrology that in Indian / Vedic / Jyotisha astrology has 18 branches, it was not digested; and was deleted.


I wish that specialist in various branches of Indian / Vedic astrology must contribute in wikipedia to tell the world that astrology existed in India since Vedic era & has authoritative Granthas & numerous treatises blessed by our sages; which has withstood test of time for the last so many millenniums.

… V K Shridhar

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Muhuruta astrology


In Hindu system of astrology, astrology is given status of “eyes of Vedas”, as one can perceive past, present & future through this futurity branch of knowledge; then its most useful branch – Election (Muhurtha) – has a

rightful status of “brain”; as certain moments are auspicious / fruitful than other, is known through electional astrology only. And aspirant is rendered guidance to plan birth of life events for fruition of aspirants desires through astrological, spiritual, mundane, environmental omen & sound energies available at the moment of initiation of the selected activity.


Hindu system of Electional (Muhurt) astrology covers all the life activities right from conception to performing of the last rites after death. It also covers some activities on which there is no human control; like puberty &

teething; with a view to take precautionary measures in addition to delineating their effects.


The guidance provided by this branch of knowledge is fundamental, & when effectively used along with the sound professional knowledge related to the activity, degree of success & fruition (Siddhi) is almost certainly assured.


Hindu electional astrology since the time immemorial from the birth of the Vedas is being profitably used in Yagyas (ceremony in which oblations are offered) & performing Samskaras (pronounced as Sanskaras - sacraments for purification of the body, mind & soul). None of these rites were thought possible without auspicious Election (Muhurt). Without auspicious Election (Muhurt) they lose their purpose of purification.


By acting on auspicious Election (Muhurt) for conception & Punvasan Samskaras (sanctification of pregnant woman), one can have choice of sex of progeny; safety & health of foetus can be assured through Seemanta Samskar (for health of foetus); warding of evil effects of planets & adverse birth time through Jaatakaram Samskar (for

destroying evil effects on newly born); higher level in wisdom, education, wealth & profession is achievable through Vidyaarambh (starting of education) Samskar; longevity, health, disease free life through tonsure Samskar; continuous gain of ornaments & the like through ear boring Samskar; spiritual development & purification through Upanayana Samskar (wearing a scared thread); health & proper medical development through Aanaprashan (first feeding to a child) & first feeding in milk; peace of the departed soul through proper last rites; are achieved on compliance of prescribed Election (Muhurt) .


Regarding marriage related activities, one should seek election for engagement, sending invitation cards, solemnizing of marriage, first sexual union & first return of bride to her father’s house; to ensure mutual love,

virtuous wife and, felicitous & harmonious married life.


In lot many day to day activities, Election (Muhurt) has its role in achieving higher success through lesser efforts.


Start of a travel of importance at favourable time for an aspirant shall surely bring success to him; wearing of ornaments & clothes in the prescribed Election (Muhurt) shall lead to prosperity & well being; fast progress, development & profits are assured in new venture & business initiated at felicitous Election (Muhurt).




Election (Muhurt) has emanated from Vedas, Shaastras, Puraanas, Shrutis, Smritis, scriptures, and other canonical, religious & mythological holy books.In the matters of daily routine & the activities performed daily, do not require Election (Muhurt). Like a person who daily shaves, need not follow Election (Muhurt) but shall do better to avoid after-noon & malefic days like Tuesday & Saturday, especially night-time.


Like a person who has to travel urgently without having time to consult ephemeris or astrologer, he may travel to meet the exigencies like performance of death rites, to attend marriage & the like rites, on hearing obituary news.


This article is adapted from http://besttimeofelection.blogspot.com/2005/10/when-aspirant-should-approach.html with written permission of Author (Respected V.K. Shridhar ji).


About Shri V.K.Shridhar Ji:


The author is a mechanical engineer & is at present working as Director under Ministry of Commerce, Government of India. He has served over 33 years in the Government & has expertise in quality management in engineering field, & is a qualified quality assessor. He has invented ten engineering items, & obtained Indian Patents for seven items.

He has written a compendium on Vedic electional astrology titled “ Hindu Electional Astrology “. The book deals with the subject in three parts : principles of elections, prescriptions & data base. For details may log on to web site http://www.besttime-astrology.com. He has also written a book tiled “Gauging Practice for Ten Degrees Modified Screw Threads”, which is a pioneering effort in the field. He has delivered lectures in a numbers of national seminars on engineering issues. He has studied astrology for over three decades as a hobby & is admirer of the wealth of knowledge blessed by Sages & exponents in the fields of spiritualism & astrology.

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