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Lost my job - Need advice -Very tired

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Dear Gurujan,


I have lost my jon in December 08.


My details are as follows.


DOB: 08-March-1979.

Place of Birth: Kancheepuram.

Time of Birth: 10:30 AM.


I am really tired. I am facing problems for about 15-16 years now.


I wear an Indra Neelam stone. After the job loss I am facing lots of insults from various fronts (mainly domestic). Really having a tough time managing the situation.


I do not have knowledge of jyothisha. So, please suggest a date range during which my situation might improve.( If you say that so you will get good period when so and so graha moves to so and so sthana, I will not be able to find out on my own.)


Also, please let me know if there is some parihara.



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Dear Gurujan,


I have lost my jon in December 08.


My details are as follows.


DOB: 08-March-1979.

Place of Birth: Kancheepuram.

Time of Birth: 10:30 AM.


I am really tired. I am facing problems for about 15-16 years now.


I wear an Indra Neelam stone. After the job loss I am facing lots of insults from various fronts (mainly domestic). Really having a tough time managing the situation.


I do not have knowledge of jyothisha. So, please suggest a date range during which my situation might improve.( If you say that so you will get good period when so and so graha moves to so and so sthana, I will not be able to find out on my own.)


Also, please let me know if there is some parihara.




You are undergoing Sat dasa/Rahu subperiod which is about to end.You will certainly get a job before the middle of August.PLease remove the Indra neelam and wear a white topaz or diamond embedded in silver.You will get a goos break.My best wishes and blessings to you

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