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I have a quaestion and i don't know where to post it so i've decided that i will post it here (hope it's ok).


So i need hellp with my condition. Two times a day i'm doing (in the morning 30 minutes and in the evening for one hour) chakra shuddi dharana, Surya Namaskara in the morning (three cycles), whene i'm at work i chant Ganesh mool mantra (with no hellp of mala) and after evening dharana i do japa on ganesha mantra and after work in the woods if i can, too!


So what my problem is, is that through almost all day i feel that i have some blockade in my head and in my heart and stomack, too! Why is that? Is it that because my chakras (and body as well) are cleaning or opening? Is that because i'm doing to much sadhana? Will it get better? What to do?


I'm doing all that for almost a month now!


Hope you can hellp,

Have a great day or night,

Namaste to all!

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Ahara Vimaladvaita,


This is when the guide of a guru helps. Since you are very far away, I hope someone really knowledgeable could help you in this forum.


Do set a time to pray and ask god to help you to get trough this obstacle, I am sure there will be some improvement.


I leave it to the seniors to guide you further, namaste.

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I can only tell you about him.

MY mother had gone to some of his followere meditation and she like d it.

I watch him on tv.

I have little knowledge about chakras and all that,but he has al lot of knowledge.Certainly if you are interested you can contact him or his people.

Shiv Yog

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Let me tell you some amazzing things

Baba is empowered with sanjivani vidya which has been acquired by the siddhas through severe austerities.

People have been cured of kidney stones,and various other diseases.

Baba transfers sanjivani vidya to the people and this they do mahamrityunajay sadhana which dissolves karmas.

People ive heard get happy and people around them also change.

YouTube - Avdhoot Baba Shivanand Ji

YouTube - Shiv Yog - Rishikesh Shivir Part 1

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I will consider about that but i did however found out what is hapening with me :)! I did to much of practise for beginners mind and i didn't sleep enough!! So now i have slow down myself and i'm doing less and slowly mowing up. I also stoped repeting mool ganesh mantra and i will start doing some prayers on ganes and songs for the beginning :)... thank you all!!!!

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Sitting meditation cannot be stressed enough.

The mantras do clear and open you, but sitting meditation assists in clearing out and calling the light down to "do it's job" so to speak.

I suggest learning a certain meditation practice, if you are not doing one now.

Also, if problems like this continue, then there are most likely psychic links that are attached to your energetic field. it is normal, and they are probably trying to clear out.

My suggestion is to go into a deep state of sitting meditation and ask god to release and remove such sensations and to reveal to you what they are.

You will be shown. Then surrender it to God.

Hope that helps.

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Thank you iloveamma! I do meditate on ganapati mantra for few weaks now. I even started to pray to Ganesha. Prayer for me is like talking with the god. It is beter now and i don't fell no blockade and i even started to be more physicaly active and that hellps me a lot. For now i'm opening chakras more through physical activetis and similar. And of corse i do Surya Namaskara. :)

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Hi again,

When i say meditate, I do not mean on a mantra.

I mean meditate to quiet your mind, to concentrate on your breathing, so eventuallly you can get to a state where you have no thoughts.

Prayer and exercise is important.

But meditation is also very very crucial.

So, please try to take up a sitting, quiet meditation where you try to simply watch your mind.


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