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Bhakti the way they did

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2 names come straight in my mind without any 2nd thought.

Shri Meerabai and Shri Hanumanji.Here I underline that there is NO intention that other Bhaktas were inferior(may God forgive me but the list will be too long if I name famous bhaktas we heard of till date) but honestly these 2 names will remain always on top.

Friends it will be an interesting debate to compare their way of worship,it was nirmal with no wish though their wish of finding and getting God got fullfilled so let's discuss some common and different things between these two mahan Bhaktas of hinduism.Very simple topic I have raised but mind you it may turn out to be a little difficult in words to explain the way they did their Bhakti,hard to describe atleast for me.


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Well you had to leave out my favorite - Shri Prahlad Maharaj!

Between Shri Meerabai and Shri Hanumanji wasn't one more like

bhava bhakti and the other action bhakti?

I don't know if that makes any sense.




2 names come straight in my mind without any 2nd thought.

Shri Meerabai and Shri Hanumanji.Here I underline that there is NO intention that other Bhaktas were inferior(may God forgive me but the list will be too long if I name famous bhaktas we heard of till date) but honestly these 2 names will remain always on top.

Friends it will be an interesting debate to compare their way of worship,it was nirmal with no wish though their wish of finding and getting God got fullfilled so let's discuss some common and different things between these two mahan Bhaktas of hinduism.Very simple topic I have raised but mind you it may turn out to be a little difficult in words to explain the way they did their Bhakti,hard to describe atleast for me.


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Actually there is not much difference between Bhagavan and Bhagavata.He is so kind and merciful,that He gives His bhaktas His own bliss.

Meerabai knew Sri Krsna in a more intimate way.While she had the right to the most sweet regions of Goloka,Hanumanji couldn't go there.


It's not because it is not possible for him.It is becoz for him,His sole life is Ramcandra.



Once,Garuda,Rukmini and Sudarsana got too proud of themselves(Purely Leela.Rukmini doesn't get ego,She is Mahalaxmi.Maya doesn't even come in front of Her.)


So Sri Krsna ordered Garuda,go to this and this place (there is a place where HAnumanji still resides even after His lord ascended.) and get that monkey before Me.


Garuda flapped his wings and left.Garuda is a HUGE bird.He could put a large chunk of the earth in shadow whenever he used to fly.


As soon as he tried his strength on hanuman,he failed to capture him.Instead Hanuman took him in his armpit and flew down,"Let's see who sent you,you bird !"


On the periphery of Dwarika,the Sudarsana was standing guard.Hanuman put sudarsana under his other arm and was in a rampage.


Sri Krsna smiled and called out,"Rukmini Rukmini !!! come fast !! Hanuman is in a rage !!! You become Seeta and I'll become Rama !!! Otherwise,he will destroy everything and You know how strong he is."


Rukmini hurried and tried..But She couldn't become Seeta.Sri Krsna said,"Pray to Radha.She will save Us now."


Rukmini prayed and Radha came immediately,innocence REEKING from Her.She immediately became Seeta.


Just then Hanumanji entered.


"Oh my Lord ! O Mother Seeta !!" He was overjoyed and started dancing.


So,Hanuman loves Sri Krsna also.He loves Narayana also.He loves Shankara also.,but it is Ramacandra Who binds him in a spell.


Only Ramchandra.


Actually,the great bhaktas are not higher or lower.They are just in different rasas.

Also,it is important to note that Hanumanji was Shankraji's avatar.


Shankarji is perhaps present in almost every rasa.As a gopa,As a gopi,As a servant.


He is present as a mountain !!! a mountain for God's sake !

He also became Sri Krsna's flute.


So whatever we see,"Arjuna lamenting-Laxmana suffering from wounds-Seeta crying at Her helplessness-etc"




They just LOVE doing Leela.


In the end,it is not advisable to compare bhaktas...We can only glorify them.


Radhe Radhe !

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No problem...compare my friend. Mata sita says to Hanuman...

Ashish dinh rampriya jana. hohu tat bal seel nidhana.

Ajar amar gunnidhi sut hou . karahu bahut raghunayak chhou. Lord rama says..

Sun kapi tohi saman upkari . nahi koi muni koi nartanudhari.

prati upkar karo ka tora . sanmukh hoi na sakat man mora.

Sun kapi tohi urin mai nahi. dekheu kari vichar man mahi. All from ramcharitmanas...

PL. tell something about meerabai .

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Guptaji Namaste

As per little knowledge I have let me sumarise something with best of my abilities,

Shri Rama and Shri Krishna,both were Avatar of Shri Narayana,one was Maryada Purushottam and another was almost like a magician with his divine karishma which attracted all gopis of vrindavana,pages and pages will be less to describe glories of both these avatars.

you well described Hanumanji and perhaps he was THE ONLY bhakta mentioned in shashtras who wiped tears of Shri Rama-his god when he brought sanjivani buti for Sri Laxmanji so now where is Shri Meera in compare to(we are not comparing,just discussing on both these mahan bhakta)stands ?

No Bhakta ever thought of God as his or her partner and ShriMeera worshiped Shri Krishna in such a way that she gone beyond all limits,her bhakti was far far superior and divine and very tuff to describe in words.Remember when you chose God as your partner he becomes a part of your body and ShriMeera was like that.


Two lines I would like to mention here of two famous Bhajans.

"Duniya chale na Sri Ram ke bina,

Ramji chale na Hanuman ke bina"// This single line describe everything of Shri Hanumanji.

"Mere to Girdhar Gopal Dusro na koi"does this need any commentry?

Remember when Bhakta crosses all boundries of his bhakti,perhaps God starts worshiping bhakta in his mind!! Possible very much possible.

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Would you please translate into English? Thank you.



No problem...compare my friend. Mata sita says to Hanuman...

Ashish dinh rampriya jana. hohu tat bal seel nidhana.

Ajar amar gunnidhi sut hou . karahu bahut raghunayak chhou. Lord rama says..

Sun kapi tohi saman upkari . nahi koi muni koi nartanudhari.

prati upkar karo ka tora . sanmukh hoi na sakat man mora.

Sun kapi tohi urin mai nahi. dekheu kari vichar man mahi. All from ramcharitmanas...

PL. tell something about meerabai .

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Remember when Bhakta crosses all boundries of his bhakti,perhaps God starts worshiping bhakta in his mind!! Possible very much possible.



It's not POSSIBLE.
















It is TRUE !



In the Bhagavatam,He states,"I walk behind My bhaktas...in hopes that the dust off of their feet comes on My head."


Sri Krsna says to Uddhava(who was in gopi bhava) : "You are more dear to Me than Shankara,Laxmi,My own brother Balrama and even Myself !"

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wah wah Hari Bol!Listen Ranjeet God becomes happy when we do simple bhakti,bhakti cannot be complicated,more I or you become softer God will look at us.I never underline my points or shout to prove them.Gyan must come from within,if not it will come one day if not it will come in next birth this applicable first for me next for everyone.So never make things complicated or complex,God hates it.


Sri Krsna says to Uddhava(who was in gopi bhava) : "You are more dear to Me than Shankara,Laxmi,My own brother Balrama and even Myself !"
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