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Sublime Creation?

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A few years ago I had a profound personal experience that culminated in a moment that would lead to a complete shift in my perception of life. I was 33 years of age at the time and for various reasons I found myself making a request to the Cosmos but before I share this with you I would like to explain that at that time I was not unhappy nor was I happy and neither was I on some all consuming quest for spiritual insight rather I was just working from home and basically had some spare time to reflect on who am I and how do I fit into this conscious experience of a universe.


The request though was completely direct and not some random notion or vague idea but a very specific request made at a conscious moment in time and little did I know that I was going to receive an answer beyond anything I was even aware to be aware of. The request was simple in the sense to actually ask it whilst not fully comprehending what the response if there was to be one could be. I asked the cosmos that since I was beginning to question life, the universe and everything it would be far easier and far more effective if the "Cosmos" itself would assist me and reveal it's true nature and I will if such a request is granted flow where ever it takes me. That was that, the request was placed and the moment passed as I left the kitchen where I just happened to be at the time.


A week or two went by and to be honest I had allowed the cosmic request incident to fade away into the background of my mind as it was one of many various things to do listed in my many things to do and consider list that I generally referred to as actually my mind. Well as one would have it there just happened to be a specific moment in time when I received an answer as direct and specific as the one I had projected. Suffice to say this was utterly unexpected and clearly the moment was without warning and profound beyond description as there are in fact no words that could possibly convey the intent with which the reply was given. All I will say is the reply was not some complete disclosure there and then to the mystery of existence, it was far more poetic than that. Simply put, the Cosmos or as I prefer to say the "Sublime Creator" made it known beyond any doubt that the request was received and that from this moment onwards if I am observant enough I might just catch sight of Cosmic truths that maybe just maybe will allow me to transcend my consciousness.


To give you some idea of just how mind blowing this was and how this experience was so far removed and beyond anything that was then within my sphere of experience, I spent the next month freaking out but I spent the immediate 24 hours really and I mean really freaking out and definitely not in a bad fearful sense since after all this was Cosmic Consciousness on the phone but more like in a "what the?" run that past me again cause that's hysterically funny and it's really freaking me out man sought of way.


One thing that at that time was a bizarre concept for me (generally for most people) and was subsequently revealed was Shivambu which at the time was like next you'll be having me drink my own urine for Christ's sake and then low and behold the Cosmos is saying now that you mention it Shivambu is one of the central paths in the illumination of ones consciousness but don't get caught in the mind loop and always laugh cause humor transcends.


To bathe in the mind of Sublime Creation is to find who we are through the essence of ourselves.


Peace (or is it Peess!).



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