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Proper Shiva Lingam Abishek

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I have searched on line for many hours to find directions of how to do Shiva Lingam worship at my home.


I speak only English, and the limited information I found says to do abishek chanting Om Namaha Shvaya with at least 5 ingredients.


This information is better than nothing, but I am getting my Parad Shiva Lingam in a few days and I need to know how to do a proper puja.


Can someone please please, describe in detail to me how to properly worship this lingam when it arrives?


I specifically would like to know which mantras/chants have to be performed, as I wish to do the proper abishekam each day with the correct prayers. Iti sok if the puja will take some time, I wish to do it each day.


I have health issues, among many other financial, and relationship issues, so if there are specific pujas/practices to cater to these problems, it would be best. I read somewhere that if you offer certain items it will alleviate those issues?


Either way, if someone could please please provide me with detailed directions, I need them urgently.



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Each sampradaya will have their own system of worship, some complex and some simple. Start simple and then add things as you go. Bathe with panchamrita (5 nectars: milk, ghee, yoghurt, sugar water and honey). The bathing utensils/pots should not be used for other things, and should especially never have been eaten from. If you can get a conchshell for pouring the liquids its good, but not necessary.


While bathing you can chant om nama shivaya, or Rudram Chamakam, or you can play a CD of Shiva mantras so you can concentrate more on the service.


Last bathe with plain water to remove all of the sticky ingredients. Dry him with a soft cloth reserved for this purpose. Then apply sandalwood past on him, usually three lines across or "Om". Real sandalwood paste is pretty rare. What they sell today as sandalwood paste is some powder that smells nice. You can use that, or if you like you can get real sandalwood powder, which will be available from government shops in Tamil Nadu like Khadi Gramod Bhavan, or Pumpuhar.


Offer some flowers to him, and decorate him with flowers. Then perform arati to him with incense, lamp (it could be camphor or ghee whick lamps), flowers, etc. This part depends on which sampradaya you come in. In North India they have a different system of arati then in South India.


After finishing arati, you prayer to Shiva to forgive you for the mistakes you made in the worship, and then you should bow down to him and this completes the Puja. Swami Shivananda suggests you spend 10 minutes sitting chanting after the puja to absorb positive energies rather than immediately leaving to do wordly activities.

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Well drscribe except this one,never use conch as abhishek instrument,its forbidden plz refer Shivamahapurana.


If you can get a conchshell for pouring the liquids its good

This is very useful indeed.


Swami Shivananda suggests you spend 10 minutes sitting chanting after the puja to absorb positive energies rather than immediately leaving to do wordly activities.
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Sorry JND I disagree on this,you cannot play with rituals,can you?up to you !
Do as you like. In South Indian temples 108 Shankha abhishekam is common in Shiva temples. Everyone should follow their sampradaya.


For example, you can see here a temple in Madurai advertising 108 Shankhabhishekam for Pradosham puja to Lord Shiva:




You can also see Thirukkadavur Shiva temple near Kumbhakonam, where Markandeya Rishi performed Shankhabhishekam to Lord Shiva, and a Shankha Mandapam still exists there to commemorate the history:



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No no!

Please do not take this privately!

I need to see what you are saying!


Here is the thing...


Firstly, thank you for replying in great detail. I have found these bits of information online....and like I said, they are useful. But they are basic.


I want to recite the actual mantras that are recited during a REAL puja. Although English is my only language, I learn mantras very easily. I can learn mantras/slokas bhajans after 2 times hearing them, if I can read and hear it at the same time.


So I am very eager to learn the PROPER mantras/slokas to recite during a puja at home. I do not want to only chant Om Nahama Shivaya or the Mrityunjaya mantra...I want to invoke God like like if there is a puja at home. Full strength and power...not just through a simple prayer.


I hope this makes it clear...Where can I find the proper recitations to do this?? What are these prayers called? Do you know how I can learn them???


I would very much appreciate if the two of you would disagree in this thread!!!!

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There are many rituals we must follow while doing worship,In Ujjain we see bhasma arti for Shri Mahakal but that does not mean that cremation ground ash can be applied to every God,Godesses and Devas of hindu religion.

This I wrote to him in my message hope you are now satisfied.


No no!

Please do not take this privately!I need to see what you are saying!



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