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In search of mental peace and spiritual sadhana

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Jai Sadguru devo bhava .. It is amazing site. I am very much impressed with the answers each one is suggesting just a splashing devotion down pour from their hearts. Really I am very happy to note the people very very concerned and wants an advancement in each one of their spiritual progress or peace loving a genuine heart to help others. It is amazing just a gaze or an intitiation thru guruji duration of sadhana I dont know whehter short or longer what ever it may people could give down pour their hearts means the enjoyment of the fruits of sadhana must be amazing one should personally experience not express it out. As few of the well wishers suggested I will try my level best to have initiation thru gurudevji. I wonder even if proceed to Jodhpur is it possible for

Guruji can give mantra sadhana initiation for me. I mean there could be tremendous gathering must have been already there. any way I will not give up if I lose I count one more fail. Else who knows this may be a test from Guru to check whether really I am fit for it. I am thanking all giving me a very good advise(s). Now I realise this site is wonderful and people here are much more than wonders. chandra MANOJ GILDA <manojgilda wrote: Jai Gurudev,Dear PVS CHANDRA,These are the times which force people to follow the spirituality path. It is during these times that one develops an unprecdented energy to virtually overcome all the problems and emerge victorious in the battle if life.I know inumerable disciples of Sadgurudev Nikhileshwaranand Swamiji who have had some dramatic twists and turns in theri life for getting attached with pujya sagurudev.You are on the right path. The first step is in place. Now you should go and take guru diksha from gurudev either in Jodhpur, Delhi or any of the sadhana shibirs.Should it not be possible for you to physically meet gurudev, you can send you photograph to Jodhpur and guru diksha shall be bestowed upon to you.I am sure once guru diksha is bestowed you will find a turn around in your life and career." TAKE CARE THAT

DURING THESE MOMENTS YOU DO NOT GO TO ASTROLOGERS & MANY OTHER DHONGI / PAKHANDI MAHARAJ.ONCE YOU BECOME A DISCIPLE OF SADGURUDEV YOU ARE ALREADY ON THE PATH OF SUCCESS. "Jai gurudev.On Sat, 18 Aug 2007 Mr.Chan_dRa PVs wrote :>Jai gurudev..>>" Gurave sarvalokanam bhishaje bhava roginaam"> Nidhaye Sarva vidyanaam Shree Dakshinamurthiye namah">>" Aprameya Twayateetha Nirmala Jnana Murthaye> Manogiraam viduuraya Shree Dakshinamurthiye namah">>I was born on 18th Dec-1960 time 6.15pm in a village near to>location called Parvathipuram of Andhra pradesh.>Last 6 years I am in a total disgust. I put all my efforts in>professional courses but to my misfortune I never qualify. I am>working abroad in management position. There is no growth. Very big>and good opportunities un expectedly comes to me not because of

my>sincere effort but to say spontaneous. But here too what ever my>effort every thing goes out of my hands just drying of drop of>water.>I am in search of gurudiksha can any one guide me what mantra or>initiation I should take for my spirtual progress. I dont want I>need a severe magical upliftment in life. A slow progress or even>peaceful life which I aspire is it possible thru mantra diksha.>This site just I could come accross on net so joined inthis >group.>can anyone with some astrological base throw some light if>they could say anything in my horoscope indicates for the failures.>Is it possible to know from horoscopes. If any one can>give me a guiding answer I am happy.>>>Thank you>>Chandra>>>

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