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Real Mantra.

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Hi Folks,


I have been following this group for over year now, very close to

two. I have seen people come with their problems, some get solution,

some do not. I have done a great deal of search on finding on

mantras of various kind. To my utter surprise I have found

following: some people were actually able to get Siddhi without a

physical diksha, some people got diksha and did not get siddhi and

left. I am led to believe that you need to be blessed to even find a

Guru. I am not saying that you should stop seeking, but believe me

you will not get unless you are destined.


With that said, comes question in my mind, people who are

desparately seeking answers to their questions and their karma, must

have an option to pray and ask for devine help, without being in

lucky boat to have a Guru. That must be some sort of Guru seeking

mantra - if I may call. I live in New York and I was never lucky

enough to find a kind soul who would like to part his/her wisdom -

for me too there must be a Guru, if there is a God. I tried places

but was put off by demand of money here and there. I understand that

everyone needs money but money to sell art is definitely not

becoming of a Guru. I am utterly frustrated, do not suggest me to

seek another Guru who is limited by his/her desire to mint money

more than probably what a worldly individual does. I seek Guru who

seeks the righteous path for the lost individuals not merely seeks

money from seeking souls. If you have knowledge of any mantra of

kind, please share it with me. Also please let me know easiest way

of doing it as being in US, many things are simply not accessible,

like Gular ki chal etc. I am willing to put in my best effort.


I also feel that there is something more than the mantra that I

chant. It is a cover up. Real mantra lies elsewhere. Why otherwise,

someone could seek what he/she wants in 11000 chants, others do not

get in 125,000 chants? No there has to be a secret path that people

follow and no one tells.


I have also practices Kundalini Yoga for a while. I get vibrations

in various places of my body I get concentration rising to forehead

with every chanting, but I still do not see my Guru. How do people

claim to see Guru in meditation? Is that real?


If you have knowledge, please share it. If you do not like my post,

feel free to ignore it. (Admonishing will not yield anything to you

are me either).


Thanks in advance.

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