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The Sadhana for a Sadhana

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Sadhanas fascinate all. And I am no exception. The lure of unlimited

powers, the dream of fulfilling all desires almost instantly and the

lust of absolute supremacy are reasons enough to blind any eye

including the most vigilant ones. While making the rare success even

more illusive, these reasons sometimes help a Sadhak keep going

despite all odds.


After initial difficulties, I was able to complete my sadhanas with

relative ease and with results acceptable enough to be called

successful. But I was not happy. Either I was expecting too much or

there was something wrong. I tried hard, I tried everything I could

but nothing worked. Everything seemed right yet nothing seemed right.

I sought Gurudev's advice. He smiled and said, " Yes. There is

something wrong and if you wish, I can fix it right now. But you had

promised never to join the mob of my other disciples, hadn't you? "

And I had made that promise. Clearly, he wanted me to work it out on

my own.


Once, during a sadhana, I was shown the code for a complete software;

now, I intended to find all the secrets of high level sadhanas

through another sadhana. I began. One month passed, nothing

happened. Two months, three months - still nothing. On the fourth

month of my rigorous sadhana, I finally started to get hold of

things. Though, I was now able to see my mistakes, it took me another

eight months to eradicate them. I also learnt an unusual sadhana,

unlike anything I had known before. Since only Gurudev was capable of

telling me what exactly it was, I sought his advice again. As always,

he knew everything and therefore, I didn't bother telling him

anything. Smiling, he said, " So, you found it. It's yours now. It can

not be taught, it can only be learnt. " and placing his hand on my

head, he said, " Do I need to tell you that I am proud of you? "


Mirrored at: http://sadhak.wordpress.com/2008/04/06/the-sadhana-for-a-

sadhana/ and http://chronicles-of-a-


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