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MahaShivratri Sadhanas?

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Jai Gurudev!


Om Namah Shivaya!


Since next monday Feb 23, 2009, is MahaShivratri, can anyone please

reveal what is the best sadhana and the method to do it on

MahaShivratri day especially for removal of obstacles related to love-

life (as I understand that Shiv Ratri is also considered to be the day

when Lord Shiva was married to Mother Parvati) as well as fulfillment

of all desires both materialistic and spiritual?


Eagerly looking forward to your valuable suggestions...


Om Namah Shivaya!

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Jai Gurudev,You can look in the Jan 09 MTYV magazine. Gurudev has suggested various sadhanas.-- Uma Shankar LadhaAsk not what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive... then go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 2:28 AM, silver_rhine <buddhadevpc wrote:





Jai Gurudev!


Om Namah Shivaya!


Since next monday Feb 23, 2009, is MahaShivratri, can anyone please

reveal what is the best sadhana and the method to do it on

MahaShivratri day especially for removal of obstacles related to love-

life (as I understand that Shiv Ratri is also considered to be the day

when Lord Shiva was married to Mother Parvati) as well as fulfillment

of all desires both materialistic and spiritual?


Eagerly looking forward to your valuable suggestions...


Om Namah Shivaya!

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.. , " silver_rhine " <buddhadevpc






Om namaha shivaya


Yes shivratri is celebrated once a year. It is celebrated for 3 days

but some celebrate the ocassion 1 week.


According to shivpuran there was a misunderstanding between Guru brahma

and guru vishnu as to who was bigger and powerful. They both confronted

each other and to solve this problem LORD SHIVA placed a long iron

pillar between them which stopped their arguments and then a akaashvani

was heard that whoever finds the bottom end or the top end of the long

pillar is bigger than the other.


Brahma immediately sat on his wahan and flew upwards to find the top

end and after spending a considerable time he couldn't find the end of

the never ending pillar so he decided to take a rest.


Vishnu took form of a boar and dug his way to find the bottom end and

after digging for a long long time he too was very exhausted and gave

so he came back on top to wait for Brahma's return.


Brahma after resting decided to come to earth but the minute he moved

he saw ketaki coming down from the top end and then and there brahma

decided to tell a white lie that he found the top end because asuming

that ketaki knew the top end so he took ketaki as a witness to fool



Upon reaching earth Vishnu was surprised to see ketaki with brahma who

introduced him as a witness of finding the top end so Vishnu gave in

and said that ok you are bigger and param bhagwan and that you have

created me instead of me creating you. As soon as he said that the

pillar cracked and out came bhairo and cursed brahma for lying and said

that from hence forward no one will pray to you or there will be any

mandir made in your name on earth. As you know brahma heard 5 heads the

head which told the lie bhairo with his fingernail cut that head off

and told brahma i have done this because this is the head and mouth

which told lies.To ketaki he cursed that the flowers will loose its

sughand and that shiva will from henceforward will not accept it from



To Vishnu he embraced him and gave blessing due to his sat of telling

brahma that he could not find the botton end and therfore he lost the

battle. Bhairo then gave his blessings that he will be worshipped on

earth and there will be many mandirs built in his name by his devotees.

Bhairo also provided Vishnu with his weapons.


After this there was another aakaasvani telling bhairo since he chopped

off one of brahma's head he had commiited brahm hatiya and to wash his

sin he will have to carry brahma's chopped off head through trilok and

gave instruction to brahm hatiya a very frightening devi to chase

bhairo until he reaches kashi and that she will not be able to enter

kashi. Bhairo after running the entire loks finally reached kashi and

got rid of brahmhatiya chasing him. As soon as he entered kashi

brahma's chopped off head fell from his hand and stuck to the ground

where today is the famous Bhairo mandir at kashi and thus bhairo became

the kotwaal of kashi to punish anyone doing any sin at the pavitr stan.


The pillar which cracked lost its height and became the first shivling

and the first shiuratri was celebrated and the very night LORD SHIVA



What sadhana to do ?


fasting 21.2.09 miss one meal 6pm-7.30pm -RUDRA ABHISHEKAM




22.2.09 8.00am-12.00 LAITHA HOMAM


12pm kalash sthapana

1pm arti & pushpa mantra (pushpanjali)

miss 2 meals



23.2.09 MAHA SHIV RATRI nirajal varth ( no eating or drinking)

For those who are sick or diabetic you are allowed to eat one coconut

only for the entire 4 pahar or 24 hrs. Eating friuts or drinking milk

your vrath will be broken. Once mata parvati asked shiva that your maha

shivratri vrath is very difficult and not everyone can do it especially

those who are sick. So she asked shiva if he could create a fruit which

has both water and fruit. To make this story short i hope you know that

shiva used his trisul to chop off the original head of ganapati. After

cutting ganapati's head his trisul carried the original head to brahmlok

this was also one of the reason why he chopped of ganapatis original

head. To please and provide parvati such a fruit the tirsul came back

with a cocont and it fell at mata parvati feet. Shiva then said here is

your fruit and for those who are sick drinking and eating the gari

their vrath will not be broken. The original head of ganapati thus

became a coconut and is offered as a vali in puja ceremonies. You see

how generous our shiva is by chopping off his son's head for the kaliyan

human beings



10am Trishati archana

11am Shiva Mahima Stotra






10pm-11.30pm rading of shiv puran

11.30pm sharp dhyan sit comfortably and concentrate on any

shiva murti or picture because at sharp 12 am SHIVA praveshes in all

shivlings, murtis and pictures of his and a devotee who has strictly

followed his vrath and puja can get darshan of bhole nath as per

shivpuran or he will surely give you some ishara by sound, belpatras

falling of shivling or flowers offered on shiva or ling flying off and

falling as ashirvaad. Everyone will experience his/hers own experience

of shiva.


As you know shivaratri is done in 4 pahars. according to hindu religion

a day is made up of 60ghati which is equivalent to 24 hrs. a period of

3 hours is called a pahar and therefore there are 8 pahars in one day

with 4 during the day and 4 during the night


day time : 6am,9am,12am,3pm

nighttime :6pm,9pm,12pm,3am


So you can see if we started our puja on maha shiv ratri at 6pm then we

must actually end the puja at 3am and go home if you are celebrating it

at a temple.


For those who do not know what to do at home. Simply offer shiva with

devotion a lota of jal, then a lota of milk with lowa (puffed up

unbrokenrice) then again a lota of jal. Since our dhyan will be of

paachmuki shiva on this day we should give him 5 lotas of jal for a

very simple puja.For those who want to do alittle more then offer

dhatura, dhatura leaves and flowers, small pices of sugercane, belpatra

pushpanjali of white sughandith flowers.One can also mix a lota of

water,milk,sugar honey,flowers and few drops of perfume and offer shiva

with devotion.


If you have shivpuran you can read chaar adhiaye per pahar so when the

last 4th pahar ends you would complete 16 adhiyaye.A simple jaap of






I hope this simple method will be some benefit to you.








> Jai Gurudev!


> Om Namah Shivaya!


> Since next monday Feb 23, 2009, is MahaShivratri, can anyone please

> reveal what is the best sadhana and the method to do it on

> MahaShivratri day especially for removal of obstacles related to love-

> life (as I understand that Shiv Ratri is also considered to be the


> when Lord Shiva was married to Mother Parvati) as well as fulfillment

> of all desires both materialistic and spiritual?


> Eagerly looking forward to your valuable suggestions...


> Om Namah Shivaya!


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, " silver_rhine " <buddhadevpc wrote:


> Jai Gurudev!


> Om Namah Shivaya!


> Since next monday Feb 23, 2009, is MahaShivratri, can anyone please

> reveal what is the best sadhana and the method to do it on

> MahaShivratri day especially for removal of obstacles related to love-

> life (as I understand that Shiv Ratri is also considered to be the


> when Lord Shiva was married to Mother Parvati) as well as fulfillment

> of all desires both materialistic and spiritual?


> Eagerly looking forward to your valuable suggestions...


> Om Namah Shivaya!


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