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some easy peocess for making gold

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Each element in the nature undergoes some transformation after a long time as per the natural process and this process and rules are then analysed by the Alchemist by which he can conduct this Transformation process at a much faster rate in its “RASSHALA†or the Lab and gets success much easily through his processes…We have many things around us through which we can make Gold / Silver…By reading the important points of this and the “PARAD SAMSKAAR†you have to understand the “Swarna Tantram†& “Swarn Siddhi†very thoroughly and also have to analyse the same…

The fact behind this is these processes in the ancient books have been named & written as the “Shuddhikaran (means – Purification)â€â€¦These processes provide the element the property of piercing anything at a very rapid state and this is how these matters can be made active by these processes…

That’s why I have urged you all to Pls.go through the holy & divine books and learnings given by the Sadgurudev…and understand the same…

Here, I am giving those processes which are already accomplished in all respects and you all have to do only to take care about the purification of these matters…so that the processes gets succeed and Your’s life also becomes happy and peaceful…

For getting success in “RAS SHASTRA†– Raseshwari Sadhna & its convocation (DIKSHA) is necessary…By doing the Sadhna through “SWARNAKARSHAN BHAIRAV SADHNAâ€,the devotee definitely gets success in the processes…


Take 1 Tola (1 Tola = 10 gms) of Ras Kapoor (Camphor) and put in the between of the “Papnas Nimbu†(Lemon) and wet the same into the cloth….Allow it to dry. After this give a light blow through ½ kg.(Dry Cow Dung – also known as Kande)…As soon as it gets cool extract the ash of the “Ras Kapoor†from the cloth…Now if a devotee puts 1 Ratti (also known as Carat) of this “Ras Kapoorâ€into melted Copper, his difficult work can also be accomplished…

Take 1 Tola (10 gms.) each of Varki Hartaal, Haldiya Vish & Parad and mortar them with the Aloe Vera Juice for 12 hours and make Bars of these…After this, place these bars in a casket (Sam put) of Earth Lamp and tie these with Seep Choona (Oyster Lime) under a cloth and give a light blow through 3 Kande(Dry Cow Dung)…and as soon as it gets cool, take the same out…When 1 gm.of this is treated with the 10 gms.of Melted Copper, it becomes GOLD…

Take 3 Tolas of each Haldiya Vish & SÄmbhar Salt and mortar these with the 1 Kg.of Palash Tendrils (the tree Butea frondosa)) and make a soft dough of it and keep it wet in a cloth… and allow it to give a light blow of 1.5 kgs.Kande…As soon as it gets cool extract out the ash of the same…When 1 gm.of this ash is treated on the 30 gms.of Tin, the Tin changes into Silver….

We will discuss about the 8 – 18 Values (Samskaars) of the Parad in our next Article…

Till then – JAI GURUDEV & take care…

Thanks & Rgds…




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