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If Love, Affection, Humanity, Kindness, Care & Completeness words whenever will be given a frame of portrait that Portrait or a Statue will be definitely of mine Only & Only Sadgurudev “Shri Nikhileshwaranand†will be come in front of all of us…Since last 22 years I have seen and has felt all the above sentiments in him…I have spoken of both seen & feel why not only seen?????Because a seen thing can be a wrong for an instance but the experience is certified by the observations which cannot be wrong even once…It’s just like similar as the Belief & the Faith arises from the Mind and can be shred off but the Respect arises from the Heart and the Soul which cannot be laid down…This is somewhat I believe what’s all yours thinking I cannot comment on the same….

Sadgurudev always says that like the Students are being chosen very carefully and patiently similarly the Teacher / Master should also be chosen by analysing all the points and then we should call him as a “GURU†because once he is the Master there is no space left for any regret and criticism for him…

I have recalled the incident of Shri Paramhans Visshudhanand ji when he had to take prior permission from the Siddhashram for the convocation process for his students. The time span or limit was not fixed for granting the permission but yes, the convocation starts only after the permission…the devotees and the Masters are well aware of the restrictions & the regulations of the Siddhashram. Swamiji has constructed the “VIGYAN BHAWANâ€which is still known as “Visshudhanand Kanan†placed at Varanasi which was created for the complete study of the “Surya Vigyanâ€â€¦.but he was not granted the permission from the Gyanganj for spreading this knowledge in the Masses hence the same was not implemented….

Similarly, when the Sadgurudev was supposed to come between us through Siddhashram, he requested “Dada Gurudev†that if you want to place me in the burning situations I am ready but please grant me the permission to spread the knowledge between all the resident students and that too in an easy form…The point was highly protested by the Siddhashram devotees at that time, but the Sadgurudev remained firm on his point. At last, the Siddhashram have the permission for the same…Do you ever thought why the Sadgurudev demanded this point in front of his Master???

Just because of the reason that his students should not roam here & there in search of knowledge & all the divine & secret knowledge should be gained at a single point easily…

For all of us, Sadgurudev kept secured all the streams of knowledge at single place. Since year 1989 onwards he spread knowledge through campaigns, magazines, personal discussions regularly to the devotees & the students but for this he tolerated all the criticism & the assault of the Tantra System…Due to the continuous giving of the energy and taking all the sins & troubles of the students upon him his body slowly and gradually decreased in the resistance & immunity powers but he never gave up the “Shakti Kriya†inspite he increased this process and conducted the “Urdhvapaat†& “Divyapaat†processes on the students and these were never done by him for his any of the personal interest but yes the main aim of him was this much only that the creation of the active processes gets into the existence at the


It’s not the fact that the problems or the troubles which he was facing was incurable but he never to tried to get rid from that because of the reason that a high quality & disciplined Master can make free his students from all the above only when he himself takes all their worries & troubles…

In relation to all this, he spread the most secret knowledge to the students by conducting a chain campaigning’s no matter whether it’s a subject of devotion of the 10 mahavidhyas; Tantra Sadhna, Muslim – Jain Sadhna; Lama Sadhna; Ugra Sadhna; Shamshaan Sadhna; Parad Vigyan; Ayurved Hypnotism; Astrology or the most amazing & divine & the secret knowledge of “Surya Vigyan†which The Paramhans Visshudhanand himself not got permitted to conduct for the same…

Now, let’s speak about the year 1994 – 98 the devotees of these year must be remembering that Sadgurudev always told one point that – “My body is not the master of Your’s but my knowledge is Your’s Masterâ€â€¦He always says that whenever I will receive instruction from my Guru I will leave everything and will went Siddhashram…

One important point I will like to tell here that the Ascetic (Yogi) of the higher degrees never leave their convocation body but they keep their basic body structure at a hidden & secured place and conducts all the important devotions via another body; their basic body always remains alive just like the Sadgurudev is alive in the form of – Auspicious & Divine Shri “Nikhileshwaranand Ji†……

During a press conference in the year 1992,Sadgurudev has also told that the life of his devotions & sacred life is thousands years & above…In 1996,Sadgurudev started giving those convocations also to the students for which all the holy books have told not to apply unless and until tested accurately before…not only this, he first test all the processes systematically in front of him for 1 hour and then he explains all the things and processes to his students about all the secret devotions…so that the devotees gets success in all parameters…He never think of his personal interest apart from the devotional progress.

In the year 1998, at the occasion of “Gurudev Birthday Ceremony†he gave 14 divine convocations and on the last day when he declared about the “Angusht Sharir Dharan & Veer Vaitaal Yukt Trinetra Jagran Diksha†for his students – Dada Gurudev specifically told him not to explain the same at any cost and told him to come back again at Siddhashram….but the Sadgurudev told that I have promised my students and even if you want to call me back I will come but will spread this process to my students…He not only gave these convocations but also told the process by which the students can anytime contact the Sadgurudev through their devotions & the meditations…

At the time of closing ceremony of the birthday, the Sadgurudev said “Good Bye†by bowing both of his hands in a requesting manner whereas in every concert whenever he took leave he used to waive his hands always…Is this was not enough to understand that what price he had paid for all the processes he explained to us…Perhaps, we will never be able to understand this…but he was well aware about the fact that the worthless students like us are habitual of seeing only the body as the Sad guru and that’s why he left the divine statue of “Trimurti Guru†full of knowledge as our path follower so that we will not miss out somewhere in the path and he himself remains as a cover all around us so as to fulfil our worships & prayer at a faster rate….

Now I have few questions…Are you interested in giving answers of them???????????


At the time of Sadgurudev,many of the devotees were present who used their brains more and remained full of worries every time…Today, the no.of such devotees increased too much. Who is responsible for this???? Whenever we accept convocation from the Guru because of fulfilling our wishes with non belief and faith and not with the full heart and soul how that convocation will be fruitful for us??? The success of convocation is binded with the thread of Respect & Belief, but is both the things lies with us???If not, the seeds of the convocations which Sadgurudev has germinated within us how it will be developed??? The Sadgurudev has worked for the whole life and that too in front of all with all his firmness and adhered to his decisions all the time…that was only the reason he gave the highest degree seat – GURUPAD to the “Trimurti†Gurudev which was qualified with all the devotional to all of us with our approval in a devotional environment which was well approved as per the dignity of the Siddhashram and certified by the holy & sacred books also…Then how it is possible that few brothers between us became the Whole sole Guru and if they were Guru the devotees who have learned from them how they became the members of the “Nikhil Parivaar�??? Does the Sadgurudev given any sort of designation – Guru Pad to any of them??? NO…inspite of the fact if for any instance we take any convocation from these type of devotees then in

this case we would be responsible for any Profit or Loss on personal basis because in this there is no contribution of the Nikhil Guru….no matter the people think that the devotee is being taught by the Sadgurudev but the truth is this if that devotee was attached with the Sadgurudev he never would have crossed his limits of the values…because being a Master is not wrong but to become self by own and taking advantage of Guru name is totally wrong…Isn’t it ???? I have received too many letters from the devotees who have taken “Raseshwari Diksha†but from the devotees who have given the same are neither aware about the Raseshwari Diksha nor they have conducted the same…Explaining anything just by reading the books is not trustworthy and justifiable and there is no role of the Sadgurudev in these type of processes… If you are attached with the Sadgurudev it is not all possible that you will suffer from the “Tantra Badhaâ€â€¦This is not my wordings, but these are the wordings of the Sadgurudev which will never be wrong…If our dedication will be there in the Sadgurudev shelter no trouble can defeat us and my life is a live example of this… And, if any such knowledge is lying with the so called Gurus I urge them to give any proof for the same because when we have not conducted any such devotions related to those subjects then how the convocation will be fruitful for us??? Is this not a subject to give a thought??? Why such eagerness to become a Guru????Have we followed all the responsibilities of a student, or have we fully acquainted with the Sadgurudev teachings & the learnings??? The Nikhil who have embedded the whole Universe in his hands just like a fruit we thought that we have fully gained the knowledge and we ourselves have decided that we have become the Guru and we are fully equipped for it… Each student which are engaged or attached with the Sadgurudev and the Siddhashram is very well aware of all the values and the traditions…Infect as per the holy books it is a saying – no matter you make thousands of Gurus but if you have gained the knowledge of the Sadgurudev and after the process of “Shaktipaat†or the convocation process if we go for the other Guru and try to gain other things then the results of the Sadgurudev knowledge will not be beneficial for us and will not give any results because the meeting of a Sadgurudev means Completeness and after that also if we roam here & there in search of a knowledge we will not be able to reach anywhere….

We all have heard that Sadgurudev always told the students the Guru Shankaracharya was having only one (“Pad Padm†– student name) who gave poison to him just because he wants to become the Guru and look I have thousands of Pad Padm who have surrounded me and anytime can harm me because of their selfishness ( And we all know that what was the aim of “Pad Padm†and who are these thousands one???) Am I stating something wrong ????

My aim is not to hurt anyone but these are my points which I am observing now a days around myself…Agreeing on all the points is not necessary for you all but what I feel that might be some people give a thought on this…I just want to state that blaming Guru for unsuccessfulness is not the end result we first have to analyse ourselves…Do any of you have feel proud that you all are cultured from the base of the Siddhashram and if this is so believe me no bad luck can even touch you…and if you do not feel any proud in it then there is a need of self analysis and if any of the trouble still remains in our lives we are the only persons responsible for the same…


Thanks & Rgds…



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