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When I Prepared Silver

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Jai Guru Dev!!!!!!


Lots of already have been said and highlighted in this forum regarding this intact field. Then I decided to take it positively, as a result of this ,I am going to share a practical experience of being witness of preparing of silver through my own hand in my house just before 5 days i.e 15th may-2009, in the presence of very profound and my elder gurubhai. Obeying his request as order, I am can not giving his name. But I am really very much grateful with the deepest of my heart to give me such a favour of being witness of making of silver without any hesitation.


First you have to arrange the following materials before starting the process. I am giving the approx quantity for making 20 gm silver, you may compute , if you want more:-



Sodium metal-50gm

Kerosene oil-0.5ltr

Salt -1kg

Clay pot small-01

Earthen pot, big enough to contain 5kg material-01

Sodium silicate / wheat flour -100gm

Pure silver or silver bheej-5gm

Mercury – 20gm(or which u want to convert in silver)


Now I am giving the whole process in a very spoon-feeding & systematic manner.


Jobs you have to do before the final day



First one should have to complete the 1 lacs count of the concern mantra to enhance your consciousness to a level.Om namo namo hari hariharaay rasayan siddhim kuru kuru swaha.

Second, take sodium metal and put it into the solution of kerosene oil for at least 15 days.


Now the main process begins…….



Take earthen pot and fill with 5litre water and unite 1 kg of salt in it and make a solution and put it into heat for 45min. after the concern time, you will see that outer surface of the earthen pot covered with white layer of salt. It means that your earthen pot is ready for further process as its all holes of pot have been closed by salt particles.

after that, take mercury, kerosene oil and pure silver/silver bheej in a pot and blending the material for at least 15 min. you will see that the agility of mercury become deprived and it becomes concentrate.

Eradicate the silver and kerosene oil and place mercury into the small clay pot and fill its 75% with salt and remain with soil or dust.

Enclose the pot mouth with clay plate and pack the opening by Wheat flour or sodium silicate.

Now, move towards the earthen pot and cart off the excess water from the earthen pot and stay behind only as much quantity, sufficient to dip the 80% of small clay pot. Put small clay pot within the earthen pot and cover the opening.

After that, start heat up the earthing pot with three different heat levels.



Initial 45 min. – low heat

Mid 45 min – medium heat

Last 45 min – hasty heat



At the end take away the clay pot from the earthen pot and heats with direct fire flame for 15 min.

In the last, your desire will be going to full fill. Just crack the clay pot and you will find that your mercury have been converted into Pure silver.

At the last I want to clear one thing that my aim is not show myself, my aim is to prove the authenticity of the science, called alchemy. Most of us start criticising without knowing anything. Because we all always afraid to accept new things, we accept only those things which we have already know.

I hope. We will remain sensible and always ready to learn the new things with positive zeal and effort..


Jai gurudev


Rohit Sharma

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Jai Gurudev.........!


Rohit ji congrats for yr this remarkable acheivement i can easily guss the marvellous sadhak behind your great effort, this will be a great example for sadaks who desirs to learn this divine science Alchemy which has been revive by Revered Sadguru after centuries, & you have given a example for sadhaks willing to do parad sanskar, & as well those who critisize anything without any groung knowledge keep it up & lets join all together to fulfill our Sadgurudev's dream.


Jai Gurudev



--- On Tue, 19/5/09, Rohit Sharma <coolrohit.sharma21 wrote:

Rohit Sharma <coolrohit.sharma21 When I Prepared Silver Date: Tuesday, 19 May, 2009, 7:44 PM








Jai Guru Dev!!!!!! Lots of already have been said and highlighted in this forum regarding this intact field. Then I decided to take it positively, as a result of this ,I am going to share a practical experience of being witness of preparing of silver through my own hand in my house just before 5 days i.e 15th may-2009, in the presence of very profound and my elder gurubhai. Obeying his request as order, I am can not giving his name. But I am really very much grateful with the deepest of my heart to give me such a favour of being witness of making of silver without any hesitation. First you have to arrange the following materials before starting the process. I am giving the approx quantity for making 20 gm silver, you may compute , if you want more:-

Sodium metal-50gm

Kerosene oil-0.5ltr

Salt -1kg

Clay pot small-01

Earthen pot, big enough to contain 5kg material-01

Sodium silicate / wheat flour -100gm

Pure silver or silver bheej-5gm

Mercury – 20gm(or which u want to convert in silver)

Now I am giving the whole process in a very spoon-feeding & systematic manner. Jobs you have to do before the final day

First one should have to complete the 1 lacs count of the concern mantra to enhance your consciousness to a level.Om namo namo hari hariharaay rasayan siddhim kuru kuru swaha.

Second, take sodium metal and put it into the solution of kerosene oil for at least 15 days.

Now the main process begins…….

Take earthen pot and fill with 5litre water and unite 1 kg of salt in it and make a solution and put it into heat for 45min. after the concern time, you will see that outer surface of the earthen pot covered with white layer of salt. It means that your earthen pot is ready for further process as its all holes of pot have been closed by salt particles.

after that, take mercury, kerosene oil and pure silver/silver bheej in a pot and blending the material for at least 15 min. you will see that the agility of mercury become deprived and it becomes concentrate.

Eradicate the silver and kerosene oil and place mercury into the small clay pot and fill its 75% with salt and remain with soil or dust.

Enclose the pot mouth with clay plate and pack the opening by Wheat flour or sodium silicate.

Now, move towards the earthen pot and cart off the excess water from the earthen pot and stay behind only as much quantity, sufficient to dip the 80% of small clay pot. Put small clay pot within the earthen pot and cover the opening.

After that, start heat up the earthing pot with three different heat levels.



Initial 45 min. – low heat

Mid 45 min – medium heat

Last 45 min – hasty heat

At the end take away the clay pot from the earthen pot and heats with direct fire flame for 15 min.

In the last, your desire will be going to full fill. Just crack the clay pot and you will find that your mercury have been converted into Pure silver.

At the last I want to clear one thing that my aim is not show myself, my aim is to prove the authenticity of the science, called alchemy. Most of us start criticising without knowing anything. Because we all always afraid to accept new things, we accept only those things which we have already know.

I hope. We will remain sensible and always ready to learn the new things with positive zeal and effort.. Jai gurudev Rohit Sharma

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