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palmistry 6 (Fingers)

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jai gurudev








Every person has five fingers including the thumb. As the thumb has

very vital place in palmistry, its description and types etc. are given


The discussion here is concerned with the remaining four fingers only.

Some people have more than five fingers on their palms. But its

discussion has been included in physique.

According to Bhavishya Puraan, fingers should be round and not flat or

square with brightness having no splits when joined together should

have proper shape to prove them to be auspicious. On the contrary

crooked shape, wavy fingers indicate a person in poverty.

Garuda Puran gives more details of fingers. Straight fingers are good

and helpful, indicate the persons long life. Thin fingers indicate a

person of weak memory. The flat fingers indicate that a person prefers

jobs at others rather than having his own business. Thick fingers show

a person in poverty and if the fingers have backward bent, it is an

indication of death of a person by weapon.

According to Vivek Vilas, flat, thick and crooked fingers with splits

between them show a person of poverty. The fingers having longer

phalange and having many lines on the mount of Mercury are the symptoms

of the person having many children and good health.

According to Samudra Tilak, if the nail of the little finger reaches

the top knuckle of the ring finger, the person is very rich though the

cores are hardly found.

According to Vivek Vilas if there is a split between the index finger

and the middle finger the person is poor in his early life. If the

split found between the middle finger and the ring finger the poverty

meets in the middle of life, if the split is found between the ring

finger and the little finger, the poverty comes in the end of life and

if the splits are not found in the fingers, the person is found to be

wealthy in those periods.

Vivek Vilas specifically mentions that if the little finger reaches the

nail/top knuckle of the ring finger, the person is rich as well as his

in-laws are also rich.

According to Naarad Samhita, if the little finger crosses the second

knuckle of the ring finger and goes as high as the nail of the ring

finger, the person can live for a hundred years. If the little finger

reaches only the top of the second knuckle of the ring finger, then the

person can live for 80 years, if less than that he can live for 70

years, still lower that is only the middle and the second knuckle of

the ring finger, he may live for sixty years.

Bhavishya Puran has specific mentions regarding the fingers of women.

The woman whose fingers are round shaped and all the three knuckles of

the fingers are proportionate, conical towards the top with soft skin

is of good fortune and rich material pleasure.

According to Skanda Purana (Kashi Khand), if women have more than three

knuckles on any or more fingers, if fingers are thin, wrinkled,

bony(fleshless) or very much red in colour or too small or having

splits, then these women are found to be unfortunate. Their misfortune

has been interpreted further as follows.

The women having splits among the fingers and having the fingers too

small or if the middle portion of her palm is so shallow or thick so as

not to hold even a small quantity of water given to hold on it, the

women cause poverty to her husband.

In accordance with the western theory of palmistry, the fingers are classified in four groups.



Extreme conical -

having conical shape from the bottom of the fingers towards the top


Conical -


fingers having conical shape after the first phalange.


Square -


having all square shape from the bottom to the top of the fingers.

Spread shaped fingers -


having square shape up to the second knuckle of the fingers and then thicker or square shape at the top of the knuckle.



Of the four mentioned above, the first type shows a person in his

thoughts of actions and the next types show the persons faster in

thoughts and actions respectively.


1) Extreme conical shape



2) Conical shape



3) Square shape

50% 50%

4) Spread shape

20% 80%




The number of phalanges on the fingers are generally three. There are

methods of calculating age and the person's fortune or misfortune by

seeing the number of phalanges on the fingers and the type thereof. If

any of the three phalanges of fingers has a cross or horizontal line,

the person suffers from some unfortunate event in that portion of life

(Of course it also counts on which finger it is). If all the fingers

have more than three phalanges, the person is bound to go to jail for

fights or thefts etc. if the palm has whiteness, the person goes to

jail for political or similar reasons. If the phalanges of the fingers

have rising on them, the person shows a matured intellectual growth and

prefers to go by his own thinking rather taking advice from the others.

He accepts the advice only after scrutiny of their feasibility.




The index finger :


If the index finger is unnaturally longer, then such a person loves to

dominate over others and is dictatorial in nature. If they are very

long then such a person is very cruel. If along with the mount of Mars

is well developed, then the person is obstinate and does not even

hesitate to murder anybody. If the index finger is small then the

person shuns responsibility of any type. If the finger is bent then the

person does not get honour and fame.


The middle finger :


If this finger is long and normal, then it indicates foresight. If it

is unnaturally long then such a person always remains dissatisfied and

unhappy. If it is flat then this asserts the nature of the person. If

this finger is short then this person's personality lacks depth and his

actions often signify this. Such a personality lacks seriousness. If

the middle finger is bent then it indicates hysteria and violent

nature. If this finger is bent towards the index finger, then such a

person without reason has to bear defame and fallacy. If this finger is

bent towards the ring finger, then it indicates that some person in the

family will die an accidental death and he will be worried. Along with

this, if the index finger is short then in such a person's family some

member would have more than one marriage and there could be a widower

or a widow in the house.


The Ring finger :


If the ring finger is naturally long, then such a person is of

aesthetic nature. If it is unnaturally long, then such a person could

be inclined towards gambling. If this finger is short then it indicates

that the person lacks aesthetic qualities and is only interested in

amassing wealth. If the finger is bent then such a person is not of

ideal nature but indulges in bad deeds and actions. Due to this there

are constant tensions between him and family members. If there is a

mole on this finger then such a person initially will get defamed and

later on get fame and honour. If the ring finger and the index finger

both are of equal length then such a person is of humble and

straightforward nature. These indications are often found in ascetics

and mendicants.

This indicator is a big obstacle for maternal and family happiness. The

spouse of such a person expires and thereafter the person remains



The little finger :


In most of the people, one finds this finger slightly bent. If this

finger is straight then such a person is intelligent but cannot

properly avail to opportunities coming in life. He cannot adjust

himself according to the demands of the changing times.

If the little finger is unnaturally bent then this indicates bad

qualities and demerits in the person. Such people are political,

cunning and are cheaters by nature.

If this finger in length up to the middle phalange of the sun finger,

then it is considered normal. If this finger is long and normal, then

these people are very good communicators and are excellent in public

relations. Their nervous system is sound and they are intelligent and

witty. People having a long little finger are successful in business,

arts, politics etc. The people having short little finger suffer from

inferiority complex. If the little finger is knotted then such a person

is very intelligent.

If there is a mole on the little finger then such a person has to

suffer defame because of stealing larceny. If this mercury finger is

bent then the person is cunning, apt in his work, foresighted, honest,

logical, practical an independent in thinking.

If the finger is bent and the nail is short then the person is of intellectual nature.

If the hand is thin, black and has evil signs on it and if the little

finger is bent then this person could be a sycophant and he shuns work.

In such a hand, if the headline emerges from the Mount of Mars, then

such a person will devise big conspiracies.

If there is a sign of a cross and mole or a stain then such a person is

involved in illegal and immoral trade. He has connections with some

anti-social elements and has to go to jail. With the aforesaid demerit

if the heart line goes between the finger of Saturn and Jupiter then

such a person will be a rapist and will be licentious.

If the mercury finger is unnaturally bent and if the hand is small,

chubby and is of inferior type and if other fingers are also bent then

such a person is liar, a cheat and a robber.

Generally the little finger is the thinner than the other fingers. But

in this finger alike other fingers is broad then this person is very

much attracted towards pleasures of the bed. Along with this if the

Mount of Venus and Aggressive Mars is well developed then such a person

does not even care about society to fulfill his sensual desires.

If the first phalange of the Mercury finger is circular, such people

have gift of speech. If it is pointed then he is intelligent and is

artistically gifted. If the first phalange is squarish then such a

person has business skills and if it is pestle shaped then such a

person is clever in civil engineering and allied fields.




Anu H Kumar

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