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Question about Pitru dosha

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jai gurudev



nature is truth and provable god.


hinduism is a nature based religion and so respects all

aspects of nature,incl our ancestors.


semitic religion ie judeo-christianity-islam do not believe

in respecting and honoring and worshipping ancestors

so they dont have any system to please ancestors.


i have studied all the religious closely so i say these words

pls dont feel i am saying hateful words.


but this is fact.




om shakti




On 7/21/09, ramesh <rcs131047 wrote:





Dear Sukhirs, you do not know what others[otherthan hindus] do to overcome over the pitridosh, almost all religions fallow something or other to pay a gratitude towards their parents and grand parents...pleas first go through he litratures available on thesetopics ...God bless u ..

, " sukhirs " <sukhirs wrote:>> HI All,

> I have a question. I am curious to know about it. Someone told me I have Pitru dosha and have to do remedy. > We are 1 billion people in India. Who knows or believe in hinduism and follow the rituals etc. What about rest of 5 billion people on this planet. How come they do not have Pitru dosha or other doshas? Why only indians have these kind of Doshas. All came from same source and will merge with same source. Please explain.

> Thanks> Raj>

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Jai Maa Jayadhurga

I do not know about islam.but even christians have all souls day when they go to the cemetry where their loved one is resting.They Offer flowers and light candles which is their way of remembering their ancestors.

--- On Wed, 22/7/09, gopal narayan <gopalnarayan123 wrote:

gopal narayan <gopalnarayan123 Question about Pitru dosha Date: Wednesday, 22 July, 2009, 7:21 AM





jai gurudev



nature is truth and provable god.


hinduism is a nature based religion and so respects all

aspects of nature,incl our ancestors.


semitic religion ie judeo-christianity- islam do not believe

in respecting and honoring and worshipping ancestors

so they dont have any system to please ancestors.


i have studied all the religious closely so i say these words

pls dont feel i am saying hateful words.


but this is fact.




om shakti




On 7/21/09, ramesh <rcs131047 > wrote:



Dear Sukhirs, you do not know what others[otherthan hindus] do to overcome over the pitridosh, almost all religions fallow something or other to pay a gratitude towards their parents and grand parents...pleas first go through he litratures available on thesetopics ...God bless u .. @ s.com, "sukhirs" <sukhirs.> wrote:>> HI All,> I have a question. I am curious to know about it. Someone told me I have Pitru dosha and have to do remedy. > We are 1 billion people in India. Who knows or believe in hinduism and follow the rituals etc. What about rest of 5 billion people on this planet. How come they do not have Pitru dosha or other doshas? Why only indians have these kind of Doshas. All came from same source and will merge with

same source. Please explain.> Thanks> Raj>


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Dear All


Raj ( Sukhir ) has asked a very good question. He

asked the following question.


Why Pitru Dosha or any other dosha are not there in

Non-Hindus ? And why only Hindus have all those doshas.


First of all I would like to thank Raj for asking

this kind of question. It requires an open and brave heart to ask such

questions. It is not about his belief - it shows his eagerness to search the



His question forced me to do research on his question.

What I found was very informative for me too. I have tried to answer the same

in following lines. I hope it will be helpful to everyone who has been thinking

about the same.



What are the Differences in

Astrology Systems ?


It is very tempting to compare Vedic Hindu

Astrology with Western Astrology ( Christian + Islamic Astrology). That is the

joy of comparing the multiple systems of astrology. Just like Western Medicine

Aurvedic Medicine and Unani Medicine, which has different systems of treatments

for the same sickness or symptoms.


The fundamental difference between Hindu Astrology

and the Western Astrology ( including Christian and Islamic Astrology ) is that

the Hindu system of astrology uses the concept of fixed Zodiac. The western

system uses the concept of moveable Zodiac. The Vedic system applies the real

position of the planets used by astronomers against the background of certain

fixed stars. Western astrology is based on the orientation of the Earth to the

Sun. It leads to difference in the zodiac positions itself. For instance,

according to western astrology the Sun is in the sign of Aries from 21 March to

20 April. Under Vedic, or Eastern astrology, the Sun is in Aries from 13 April

to 14 May - a difference of 22 days. This positional variation also applies to

all the other planets.


Vedic astrology acknowledges only nine planets -

Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and the two nodes of the Moon

called Rahu and Ketu. These nodes, recognized by astronomers, are points on the

ecliptic path of the Sun which the Moon cuts every month as it circles the

Earth every 29.5 days.


Besides the 12 signs, Vedic Astrology breaks down

the 360 degree circle into 27 constellations called nakshatras. There is no

equivalent in Western astrology.


The outer planets - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto - as

well as the asteroids are not used in Vedic Astrology as they are considered to

be too distant from the Earth and small to have an influence on human affairs.

On the other hand, the western astrology considers all outer planets like

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in the forecasting.


Western Astrology uses progressions and transits to

measure timing of major events or changes in our lives. Vedic Astrology uses

the system of planatory periods, called Dashas. Given an accurate birth time,

the dasha system can accurately show when each period of fortune or misfortune

will begin and end, and provide actual dates. The system can indicate the

timing of such events as well as their extent. Again Western astrology has no

comparable system.


The most important feature of Vedic Astrology is

the use of hundreds of Planetary combinations, called Yogas, which are used to

make detailed assessments of the power and influence of planets in particular

areas of a person's life. Knowledge of these detailed rules provides a more

accurate interpretation of a horoscope. Again Christian and Islamic Astrology

has no comparable system.


Apart from above mentioned differences, there are

other differences, which differentiate the Hindu Astrology from Other Astrology



What are the reasons for

differences in Astrology Systems ?


Historical Influence



and Astrology


Christianity and Astrology are seen as Incompatible

by modern orthodox Christian teachings. Additionally, astrology stands against

the modern scientific reasoning society. Generally, the scientific community

and others educated in the scientific method consider astrology a supernatural.



Western church leaders throughout history have at

times given different amounts of credibility to astrological investigations,

predictions, and learning. Astrology had a small amount of support in early

Christianity, but the support was decreased during the Dark Ages.


The Catholic Encyclopedia, says that the kind

Constantine issued death sentences for the astrologers of that time. After whom

the astrology disappeared for centuries from the Christian parts. Saint

Augustine also fought against Astrology to prevent it.


Because of all these reasons, the Astrology

disappeared during the so-called "Age of Reason" in the 1600s only to

reappear again in the last 120 or so years. This fractured history of Western

astrology has not helped the continuity of learning or building up of

experience over the ages. Consequently Western astrology is fraught with many

missing parts, blank spots, and discontinuities.


Islam and



Astrology was a subject of study and debate by

early Muslims. In early Arabic sources, "ilm-al-nujum" was used to

refer to both astronomy and astrology. In medieval sources, however, a clear

distinction was made between ilm al-nujum (science of the stars) referring to

astrology, and ilm al-hay'ah (science of the figure of the heavens), referring

to astronomy. Both fields were rooted in Greek, Persian, and Indian traditions.



But Astrology was a subject to consistent critiques

by Muslim religious scholars and scientists. Astrological forecasting required

a fair amount of exact scientific knowledge and thus gave partial incentive for

the study and development of astronomy in Islam.


Astrology is considered by many Islamic scholars as

haram (unlawful), as knowledge of the Unseen is known only by Allah.


Some scholars believe that astrology is a

prohibited field of study. Most Islamic Scholars considered it forbidden

because it is based on illusions, not on concrete facts. The study of astrology

was also refuted by other medieval Muslim astronomers such as Al-Farabi

(Alpharabius), Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen), Avicenna and Averroes. Their reasons

for refuting astrology were often religious (conflicts with orthodox Islamic



According to other Islamic Scholars, Astrology is

about studying the influence on the course of natural earthly occurrences and

human affairs - which is prohibited by the Quran, the Sunnah, and the unanimous

agreement of the Muslim scholars. Furthermore, astrology was considered forbidden

by all Messengers of Almighty Allah."


All this reasons has prevented Investigations,

Developments and Study of Astrology in Islamic disciples around the world.


Hinduism and



Vedic culture has its own unique theology,

philosophy, arts, sciences, and literature which exist to this present day.

Vedic astrology is an integral part of this culture and has been practiced

since time immemorial. Jyotish Vedanga is one of six supplementary appendixes

of the Vedas. For thousands of years many Rishis (sages) maintained the

tradition of Vedic astrology on a parallel track with the Vedas.


The Vedic astrology has an unbroken tradition over

5000 years long. And continuous research and study has helped its practitioners

reap the benefits of such a long unbroken tradition. The traditional knowledge

of Vedic astrology was kept protected even during the time of mogul attacks and

British government. As the Astrology was part of the Vedas, it was supported by

religious scholars and hence supported by all hindu disciples.


One of the earliest authors of Vedic astrology,

copies of whose work are still to be found, is Pita Maha who wrote a treatise

on astrology called Pita Maha Siddhant(a). He lived and wrote this book about

3,000 BCE. Vashishttha wrote several books on astrology like Panch Siddhant

Kosh, Soorya Siddhant, Nityanand, Brihad Jatak etc. The grate work of

Varahamihira, Aryabhatta, Brahmagupta, and Bhaskaracharya is known to the



All these reasons have flourished the knowledge to

the common hindu man. Of course, the deep and continuous study is required to

learn and understand vedic astrology properly.


Other Influences





The Christian society has been favouring personal

freedom from dark ages. The concept of personal freedom evolved such a social

structure where each person is responsible for personal wish, needs and deeds.

The person holds no social obligation or responsibilities to convey gratitude

towards dead relatives, other than saying thanks or visiting the cemetery.

There are no beliefs, arrangement or rituals towards dead relatives, friends,

gurus or parents.


Moreover, the Christian community is a scientific

community, who is largely a non-believer of life beyond death. Praying our dead

parents and grandparents to please them is considered a foolish thing among Christian

scholars. If a dead person cannot influence our lives, there cannot exist any

yoga like Pitru Dosha according to their belief.





Islamic culture and society has evolved around the

strict principles of the Holy Quran. According to Quran, the mankind on earth

was sent by the almighty Allah. Only Allah is authorized and has power to control

the life of all the mankind. Whatever happens to a person is in full control of

Allah. Nobody else has such a power to interfere Allah's wish. In this case,

how the soul of dead ancestors can influence the life of a person. This

strongly affects the development and study of Islamic astrology as well. This

is why you may not find any Pitru Dosha in Islamic astrology.





Hindu society is fairly living around Vedic

principles, and the principles of their deities like lord Vishnu, Shiv, Brahma,

ram and Krishna. A philosophical, religious and social culture formed around

the teachings of Vedas, Puranas, shruti, smruti and Bhagvad gita always

believed and accepted all that comes from the teachings from all great works by

saints, sagas, rishis, yogis, sanyasis, gods, mahatmas, pandits and what

not...! This helped astrology to

flourish and was became part of every hindu's life. Of course, many hindus are

non-believer of astrology, but majority of believers are still protecting the

valuable knowledge and our pride.




From above discussions we can state that, Indian

Vedic Astrology has got much better Environment and platform for Research,

Development and Study. We also found that there is a basic difference in the

principles and methodology between Hindu Astrology and that of rest world. We

found that Hindu astrology is much richer than that of Christian and Islamic



The principles governing Vedic astrology have

remained unaltered for thousands of years. On the other hand, the Astrology in

Christianity and Islam has evolved through many ups and downs and has no consistent

track record. Furthermore, their astrology has mainly evolved through research

into cosmic influences as each new planet or major asteroid was discovered,

which has then been added to the natal charts and included in their



From studying above reasons, we can conclude that

there are many social, religious, historical reasons that have influenced the

research, development and study of Hindu, Christian and Islamic Astrology.

Considerable differences exist between these systems of astrology. One

arrangement or system of prediction may not be present in another system of

prediction. You may choose any of the system for predictions, but the

difference in principles and methodologies can give different predictions.


I believe this will help all of us to clear the

doubts about Hindu astrology and other astrology systems.


May param pujya gurudev's blessings shower on



Regards to all,


Jai Gurudev

, "sukhirs" <sukhirs wrote:>> HI All,> I have a question. I am curious to know about it. Someone told me I have Pitru dosha and have to do remedy. >

We are 1 billion people in India. Who knows or believe in hinduism and

follow the rituals etc. What about rest of 5 billion people on this

planet. How come they do not have Pitru dosha or other doshas? Why only

indians have these kind of Doshas. All came from same source and will

merge with same source. Please explain.> Thanks> Raj>

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