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Saturn transit puja from 20 Aug to 9 Sep

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of Saturn is always most feared one. A Saturn Transit brings with

itself havoc, a fear as if doom is knocking on the door. Saturn the

most malefic planet produces significant changes both at the mundane

and the individual levels, when it moves one sign to another. Saturn

passes through the entire zodiac in about 30 years covering one rashi

in 2.5 years. It makes about three rounds in the life of a person.

Therefore it gives good effects only for 7.5 years in one round i.e.

gives good effect only in one-fourth life of individual. Does that mean

that the individual has to suffer for the remaining period of his life?

Saturn can become less evil for major periods by a process of

elimination of his bad effects due to some recommended remedies.

Shani will transit to Kanya Rashi on the 9th of September 2009 from

Singha Rashi after 2 1/2 Years Time. Shani Maharaj is transiting into

Kanya rashi As per drika siddhanta, many people will be releived and

many will be stressed..! Many people will be free from Shani's Sadhe

Sati and many will Come into the first phase of Sadhe Sati.

Lets Understand the effects of Shani Transit on the 12 Rashi's.....!

1. Mesha/Aries :

For Mesha Rashi, The Shani tansit will be happening in the 6th House.

So there will be Physical distress, Diseases, Bad Debt, Enemy Problems

and many other complications for these people. Shani will be entering

Kanya Rashi with Gold Paaya and there will be tensions Promised for

them. There will be religious Yatras and rituals, Long distant

fruitless travels, imprisonment, small accidents, and problem to

siblings entitled..!

2. Vrishabh/Taurus :

The transit of Shani is in 5th house with Iron Paaya. So lot of Hard

Work needed for solving simple things in life. Love life will be good,

there will be birth of children in house, creativity will be on the

peak. Problems from friends and losses due to the same promised.

Partnership will undergo a rough phase, relation with spouse will be

the worse...! Finances and monetary conditions will be a cause of

concern. Alcohol, Smoking will be to the Max. Speech will destroy


3. Mithun/Gemini : Transit

is happening in the 4th House with Gold Paaya. There will be tension in

this Phase. You will buy new property, Vehicle and there will be

servants serving you..! The domestic happiness is promised by the

Family Members. Job, Career will be at stake, might try to switch or

try something of your own. Problems from government promised..! Disease

and enmity will be there. Your personality will deteriorate and people

might hate you..!

4. Karka/Cancer :

Transit is happening in your 3rd House with Copper Paaya...! So the

Best Phase for Karka People. Will achieve whatever you have lost in

last 7 1/2 Years time. There will respect and repute in the society.

New deals, agreements will be signed and will be miraculous for you.

Love and support from siblings will be there. Things will happen with a

slight delay, but these will be concrete for you. Love life, Childrens

will be a cause of concern. Puja, Yatra to holy places promised..!

5. Singha/Leo

: Transit is happening in your second House with Copper Paaya, So

little relief can be there..! You will be entering into the last phase

of Sadhe Sati. Just remain humble and don't do any mistake in this

period, else you have to suffer for the entire lifetime for the same.

There will be improvement in the money sources, you will speak good

about others and for others. You will control your wrong eating habits

and there will be some relief in the family..! You will be prone to

accidents, Property matters should take a back seat, danger from

servants and domestic staff. Friends will be bad with you.., beware of


6. Kanya/Virgo : Transit is

happening in your own sign with Iron Paaya, so hard ship is promised.

You will be in the second phase of Sadhe Saati, so you have to be

cautious. Before taking any decision, think ten times...! The mental

condition will be worse. Just control your mental and emotional balance

and do get succumb to stress and tension. It will affect badly on your

partner, spouse and if married, you will be on the verge of seperation.

The brothers, Sisters your own people will go away from you, and you

will realise who are your true well-wishers. Life will show every

single color to you and you should be ready for the sufferings as it is

coming to you..! Work, Job, Profession will be worse and might have to

leave the current job and settle on something downgraded or not upto

your mark..!

7. Tula/Libra : The transit is

happening in your 12th House with Copper Paaya. So there will be few

good things at the start of the Sadhe Sati. You will travel a lot,

expenses will be huge and wont be able to control your finances. There

will be an opportunity of foreign travel or settlement, which you

should analyse well before accepting. You will get the company of

foreign people and will be disoriented with the kind of direction you

will get in this first phase of Sadhe Sati. You will be thrown far away

from what exactly you should have done in your life, and it will take

you next 10 years to come back on the destined track...! there will be

diseases with you or in the family, which will disturb the entire

domestic happiness..! there will be bad debt and enemy problems...!

Monetary conditions will be weak, your words will do the damage for

you..,and delayed fortune is a promise..!

8. Vrischik/Scorpio

: The transit is happening in your 11 th House, with Gold Paaya..! So

there will be tension promised..! Friend will be good to you and you

will have there support, which will take you to places..! There will be

moderate financial gains too..! Love life, children, Pregnancy will be

a problem..! There will be accidents, burns and fractures in the

body..! Your own personality will be worse physically and mentally and

you will hate everything about yourself, right from your look, out

look, behaviour, Personality etc..! Take care of your parents..!

9. Dhanu/Sagittarius :

The Transit is happening in your 10th House.., with Silver Paaya, so

some good results can be seen. You will get promoted in your job, or

get good gains in the business..! There will be help and support from

the governments and Governments jobs, tenders will come to you

easily..! Your House, Property, Mother, Servants will all be a cause of

concern and you will be disturbed in all these fronts..! There will be

heavy expenses and Puja Yatras or rituals will be offered..!

Partnership, Spouse will be on the offensive front. Chances of getting

separated cant be ruled out...!

10. Makar/Capricorn :

The Transit is happening in your 9th House with Iron Paaya..! So No

alternate for the hardwork. For every single thing, you have to give

your 200% to get the thing done. Delayed fortune.., Delay in

everything, but things will happen to you..! Problems from siblings,

dont sign anything without complete understanding..! Friends will hate

you to the max, Will create problems for you, which will hit you badly.

Long lasting diseases like diabetes, heart problem, blood pressure,

foot diseases are promised..! Don't get tempted of loans and borrowing

money from anybody..!

11. Kumbha/Aquarius :

The transit is happening in your 8th House with copper Payaa. Some good

results for you..! Sudden gains, lottery, inheritance, profit in

speculation, SaTTa and share market is promised. Speech will be harsh

and might create problems for you. Problems from government and seniors

entitled. Career, profession will not go as per your wish..!Take care

of your love life, children..! The rest is good for you..!

12. Meena/Pisces

: The Transit is happening in your 7th House, with Silver Paaya, a bit

of relief to you..! The relationship with spouse and partners will be

very good. You will get benefited by that a lot. Your own Health and

Mind will be loosing balance. Proper care of yourself is advisable..!

Fortune will be delayed.., Mothers health will also be a problem. Don't

trust your servants and don't do any deal for your property..!

Article by: Mr. Sunil Kumar Biradar

Remedies for getting the Good Results of this Saturn Transit:

1. The Sadhe Sati people can have the Sadhe Sati Puja Shanti yagna booked at Rudra Centre website at this link: /dispProduct.php?prodId=4904

2. Offer Shani Dev Puja at Shani Shingnapur.

Specially on 20th August 2009 Amavashya. It is the last Amavashya

before Saturn Transit and very good day to appease planet Saturn. The

Shani Puja can be booked on the Rudra Centre website at this link: /dispProduct.php?prodId=5123

3. Wearing 14 face rudraksh will significantly reduce the effects of Saturn hence it is called maha Shani. The shani shanti pendant can be obtained from Rudra Centre website. The link is: /dispProduct.php?prodId=182



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I assume you are writing about tranist of Shani from Moon Rashi? If so this is in corrrect information please revilew before posting.


Best Regards,



murugesankns, naren, zcs, shreejas01, rai_arch, asheshshah, nvsrkraju, sreedhar_8, ravs_g, reka.satish, mdilkum, bhudev_sharma, subashrazdan, subash_mehta/tse_Inc., sgesh, ramki1, sadhna_anop, anandsagar_in, sanjay.asthana-1, sank81, sankar-bandi, sarahfraser1, sastry_mss, sgadkari2001, sh0052, sharmakdeep, hrishi, shruthi76, smitarao_t, soni26, tsoumyraj, kara0072Date: Wednesday, August 12, 2009, 9:07 AM













Transit of Saturn is always most feared one. A Saturn Transit brings with itself havoc, a fear as if doom is knocking on the door. Saturn the most malefic planet produces significant changes both at the mundane and the individual levels, when it moves one sign to another. Saturn passes through the entire zodiac in about 30 years covering one rashi in 2.5 years. It makes about three rounds in the life of a person. Therefore it gives good effects only for 7.5 years in one round i.e. gives good effect only in one-fourth life of individual. Does that mean that the individual has to suffer for the remaining period of his life? Saturn can become less evil for major periods by a process of elimination of his bad effects due to some recommended remedies.Shani will transit to Kanya Rashi on the 9th of September 2009 from Singha Rashi after 2 1/2 Years Time. Shani Maharaj is transiting into Kanya rashi As per drika

siddhanta, many people will be releived and many will be stressed..! Many people will be free from Shani's Sadhe Sati and many will Come into the first phase of Sadhe Sati.Lets Understand the effects of Shani Transit on the 12 Rashi's..... ! 1. Mesha/Aries : For Mesha Rashi, The Shani tansit will be happening in the 6th House. So there will be Physical distress, Diseases, Bad Debt, Enemy Problems and many other complications for these people. Shani will be entering Kanya Rashi with Gold Paaya and there will be tensions Promised for them. There will be religious Yatras and rituals, Long distant fruitless travels, imprisonment, small accidents, and problem to siblings entitled..! 2. Vrishabh/Taurus : The transit of Shani is in 5th house with Iron Paaya. So lot of Hard Work needed for solving simple things in life. Love life will be good, there will be birth of children in house, creativity will be

on the peak. Problems from friends and losses due to the same promised. Partnership will undergo a rough phase, relation with spouse will be the worse...! Finances and monetary conditions will be a cause of concern. Alcohol, Smoking will be to the Max. Speech will destroy relationship. .! 3. Mithun/Gemini : Transit is happening in the 4th House with Gold Paaya. There will be tension in this Phase. You will buy new property, Vehicle and there will be servants serving you..! The domestic happiness is promised by the Family Members. Job, Career will be at stake, might try to switch or try something of your own. Problems from government promised..! Disease and enmity will be there. Your personality will deteriorate and people might hate you..! 4. Karka/Cancer : Transit is happening in your 3rd House with Copper Paaya...! So the Best Phase for Karka People. Will achieve whatever you have lost in last 7

1/2 Years time. There will respect and repute in the society. New deals, agreements will be signed and will be miraculous for you. Love and support from siblings will be there. Things will happen with a slight delay, but these will be concrete for you. Love life, Childrens will be a cause of concern. Puja, Yatra to holy places promised..! 5. Singha/Leo : Transit is happening in your second House with Copper Paaya, So little relief can be there..! You will be entering into the last phase of Sadhe Sati. Just remain humble and don't do any mistake in this period, else you have to suffer for the entire lifetime for the same. There will be improvement in the money sources, you will speak good about others and for others. You will control your wrong eating habits and there will be some relief in the family..! You will be prone to accidents, Property matters should take a back seat, danger from servants and domestic staff. Friends will

be bad with you.., beware of them..! 6. Kanya/Virgo : Transit is happening in your own sign with Iron Paaya, so hard ship is promised. You will be in the second phase of Sadhe Saati, so you have to be cautious. Before taking any decision, think ten times...! The mental condition will be worse. Just control your mental and emotional balance and do get succumb to stress and tension. It will affect badly on your partner, spouse and if married, you will be on the verge of seperation. The brothers, Sisters your own people will go away from you, and you will realise who are your true well-wishers. Life will show every single color to you and you should be ready for the sufferings as it is coming to you..! Work, Job, Profession will be worse and might have to leave the current job and settle on something downgraded or not upto your mark..! 7. Tula/Libra : The transit is happening in your 12th House with Copper

Paaya. So there will be few good things at the start of the Sadhe Sati. You will travel a lot, expenses will be huge and wont be able to control your finances. There will be an opportunity of foreign travel or settlement, which you should analyse well before accepting. You will get the company of foreign people and will be disoriented with the kind of direction you will get in this first phase of Sadhe Sati. You will be thrown far away from what exactly you should have done in your life, and it will take you next 10 years to come back on the destined track...! there will be diseases with you or in the family, which will disturb the entire domestic happiness..! there will be bad debt and enemy problems...! Monetary conditions will be weak, your words will do the damage for you..,and delayed fortune is a promise..! 8. Vrischik/Scorpio : The transit is happening in your 11 th House, with Gold Paaya..! So there will be tension

promised..! Friend will be good to you and you will have there support, which will take you to places..! There will be moderate financial gains too..! Love life, children, Pregnancy will be a problem..! There will be accidents, burns and fractures in the body..! Your own personality will be worse physically and mentally and you will hate everything about yourself, right from your look, out look, behaviour, Personality etc..! Take care of your parents..! 9. Dhanu/Sagittarius : The Transit is happening in your 10th House.., with Silver Paaya, so some good results can be seen. You will get promoted in your job, or get good gains in the business..! There will be help and support from the governments and Governments jobs, tenders will come to you easily..! Your House, Property, Mother, Servants will all be a cause of concern and you will be disturbed in all these fronts..! There will be heavy expenses and Puja Yatras or rituals will

be offered..! Partnership, Spouse will be on the offensive front. Chances of getting separated cant be ruled out...! 10. Makar/Capricorn : The Transit is happening in your 9th House with Iron Paaya..! So No alternate for the hardwork. For every single thing, you have to give your 200% to get the thing done. Delayed fortune.., Delay in everything, but things will happen to you..! Problems from siblings, dont sign anything without complete understanding. .! Friends will hate you to the max, Will create problems for you, which will hit you badly. Long lasting diseases like diabetes, heart problem, blood pressure, foot diseases are promised..! Don't get tempted of loans and borrowing money from anybody..! 11. Kumbha/Aquarius : The transit is happening in your 8th House with copper Payaa. Some good results for you..! Sudden gains, lottery, inheritance, profit in speculation, SaTTa and share market is

promised. Speech will be harsh and might create problems for you. Problems from government and seniors entitled. Career, profession will not go as per your wish..!Take care of your love life, children..! The rest is good for you..! 12. Meena/Pisces : The Transit is happening in your 7th House, with Silver Paaya, a bit of relief to you..! The relationship with spouse and partners will be very good. You will get benefited by that a lot. Your own Health and Mind will be loosing balance. Proper care of yourself is advisable..! Fortune will be delayed.., Mothers health will also be a problem. Don't trust your servants and don't do any deal for your property..! Article by: Mr. Sunil Kumar BiradarRemedies for getting the Good Results of this Saturn Transit:1. The Sadhe Sati people can have the Sadhe Sati Puja Shanti yagna booked at Rudra Centre website

at this link: http://www.rudraksh a-ratna.com/ dispProduct. php?prodId= 49042. Offer Shani Dev Puja at Shani Shingnapur. Specially on 20th August 2009 Amavashya. It is the last Amavashya before Saturn Transit and very good day to appease planet Saturn. The Shani Puja can be booked on the Rudra Centre website at this link: http://www.rudraksh a-ratna.com/ dispProduct. php?prodId= 51233. Wearing 14 face rudraksh will significantly reduce the effects of Saturn hence it is called maha Shani. The shani shanti pendant can be obtained from Rudra Centre website. The link is: http://www.rudraksh a-ratna.com/ dispProduct. php?prodId= 182




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Jai Gurudev,


>>. Kanya/Virgo : Transit is happening in your own sign with Iron Paaya, so hard ship is promised. You will be in the second phase of Sadhe Saati, so you have to be cautious. Before taking any decision, think ten times...! The mental condition will be worse. Just control your mental and emotional balance and do get succumb to stress and tension. It will affect badly on your partner, spouse and if married, you will be on the verge of seperation. The brothers, Sisters your own people will go away from you, and you will realise who are your true well-wishers. Life will show every single color to you and you should be ready for the sufferings as it is coming to you..! Work, Job, Profession will be worse and might have to leave the current job and settle on something downgraded or not upto your mark..! Shani transit will happen to Kanya rashi after 9th

September. The above prediction sounds awafully bad. Just wondering, if all of the above happens to anyone with Kanya rashi, will he/she be able to survive?Shani gives some effect, but how much? and will that be same for all? --- I doubt


For the deciples of Gurudev,there is no need to fear about any such thing. Below is a navgraha Arishta nivaran Sabar mantra !! For more mantras look in the file section after joining this group: /





Regards,AnandAnand's Knowledge Series:

/Tantra Public chat room: http://xat.com/ISSP





kanu priya <kanupriya003 Sent: Sunday, 16 August, 2009 11:48:09 AMRe: Saturn transit puja from 20 Aug to 9 Sep








I assume you are writing about tranist of Shani from Moon Rashi? If so this is in corrrect information please revilew before posting.


Best Regards,



murugesankns@ , naren (AT) cgtconsult (DOT) com, zcs, shreejas01 , rai_arch , asheshshah@rediffma il.com, nvsrkraju@rediffmai l.com, sreedhar_8 (AT) (DOT) . co.uk, ravs_g , reka.satish@ blr.hpsglobal. com, mdilkum , bhudev_sharma@ , subashrazdan@ , subash_mehta/ tse_Inc.@ tsi.com, sgesh , ramki1, sadhna_anop@ , anandsagar_in@ , sanjay.asthana- 1. edu, sank81 , sankar-bandi@ , sarahfraser1@ , sastry_mss , sgadkari2001@ , sh0052 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com, sharmakdeep@ , hrishi, shruthi76 , smitarao_t , soni26 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com, tsoumyraj (AT) (DOT) co.uk, kara0072 (AT) umn (DOT) eduWednesday, August 12, 2009, 9:07 AM













Transit of Saturn is always most feared one. A Saturn Transit brings with itself havoc, a fear as if doom is knocking on the door. Saturn the most malefic planet produces significant changes both at the mundane and the individual levels, when it moves one sign to another. Saturn passes through the entire zodiac in about 30 years covering one rashi in 2.5 years. It makes about three rounds in the life of a person. Therefore it gives good effects only for 7.5 years in one round i.e. gives good effect only in one-fourth life of individual. Does that mean that the individual has to suffer for the remaining period of his life? Saturn can become less evil for major periods by a process of elimination of his bad effects due to some recommended remedies.Shani will transit to Kanya Rashi on the 9th of September 2009 from Singha Rashi after 2 1/2 Years Time. Shani Maharaj is transiting into Kanya rashi As per drika

siddhanta, many people will be releived and many will be stressed..! Many people will be free from Shani's Sadhe Sati and many will Come into the first phase of Sadhe Sati.Lets Understand the effects of Shani Transit on the 12 Rashi's..... ! 1. Mesha/Aries : For Mesha Rashi, The Shani tansit will be happening in the 6th House. So there will be Physical distress, Diseases, Bad Debt, Enemy Problems and many other complications for these people. Shani will be entering Kanya Rashi with Gold Paaya and there will be tensions Promised for them. There will be religious Yatras and rituals, Long distant fruitless travels, imprisonment, small accidents, and problem to siblings entitled..! 2. Vrishabh/Taurus : The transit of Shani is in 5th house with Iron Paaya. So lot of Hard Work needed for solving simple things in life. Love life will be good, there will be birth of children in house, creativity will be

on the peak. Problems from friends and losses due to the same promised. Partnership will undergo a rough phase, relation with spouse will be the worse...! Finances and monetary conditions will be a cause of concern. Alcohol, Smoking will be to the Max. Speech will destroy relationship. .! 3.. Mithun/Gemini : Transit is happening in the 4th House with Gold Paaya. There will be tension in this Phase. You will buy new property, Vehicle and there will be servants serving you..! The domestic happiness is promised by the Family Members. Job, Career will be at stake, might try to switch or try something of your own. Problems from government promised...! Disease and enmity will be there. Your personality will deteriorate and people might hate you..! 4. Karka/Cancer : Transit is happening in your 3rd House with Copper Paaya...! So the Best Phase for Karka People. Will achieve whatever you have lost in last 7

1/2 Years time. There will respect and repute in the society. New deals, agreements will be signed and will be miraculous for you. Love and support from siblings will be there. Things will happen with a slight delay, but these will be concrete for you. Love life, Childrens will be a cause of concern. Puja, Yatra to holy places promised..! 5. Singha/Leo : Transit is happening in your second House with Copper Paaya, So little relief can be there..! You will be entering into the last phase of Sadhe Sati. Just remain humble and don't do any mistake in this period, else you have to suffer for the entire lifetime for the same. There will be improvement in the money sources, you will speak good about others and for others.. You will control your wrong eating habits and there will be some relief in the family..! You will be prone to accidents, Property matters should take a back seat, danger from servants and domestic staff. Friends will

be bad with you.., beware of them..! 6. Kanya/Virgo : Transit is happening in your own sign with Iron Paaya, so hard ship is promised. You will be in the second phase of Sadhe Saati, so you have to be cautious. Before taking any decision, think ten times...! The mental condition will be worse. Just control your mental and emotional balance and do get succumb to stress and tension. It will affect badly on your partner, spouse and if married, you will be on the verge of seperation. The brothers, Sisters your own people will go away from you, and you will realise who are your true well-wishers. Life will show every single color to you and you should be ready for the sufferings as it is coming to you..! Work, Job, Profession will be worse and might have to leave the current job and settle on something downgraded or not upto your mark..! 7. Tula/Libra : The transit is happening in your 12th House with Copper

Paaya. So there will be few good things at the start of the Sadhe Sati. You will travel a lot, expenses will be huge and wont be able to control your finances. There will be an opportunity of foreign travel or settlement, which you should analyse well before accepting. You will get the company of foreign people and will be disoriented with the kind of direction you will get in this first phase of Sadhe Sati. You will be thrown far away from what exactly you should have done in your life, and it will take you next 10 years to come back on the destined track...! there will be diseases with you or in the family, which will disturb the entire domestic happiness..! there will be bad debt and enemy problems...! Monetary conditions will be weak, your words will do the damage for you..,and delayed fortune is a promise..! 8. Vrischik/Scorpio : The transit is happening in your 11 th House, with Gold Paaya..! So there will be tension

promised..! Friend will be good to you and you will have there support, which will take you to places..! There will be moderate financial gains too..! Love life, children, Pregnancy will be a problem..! There will be accidents, burns and fractures in the body..! Your own personality will be worse physically and mentally and you will hate everything about yourself, right from your look, out look, behaviour, Personality etc..! Take care of your parents..! 9. Dhanu/Sagittarius : The Transit is happening in your 10th House.., with Silver Paaya, so some good results can be seen. You will get promoted in your job, or get good gains in the business...! There will be help and support from the governments and Governments jobs, tenders will come to you easily..! Your House, Property, Mother, Servants will all be a cause of concern and you will be disturbed in all these fronts..! There will be heavy expenses and Puja Yatras or rituals will

be offered..! Partnership, Spouse will be on the offensive front. Chances of getting separated cant be ruled out...! 10. Makar/Capricorn : The Transit is happening in your 9th House with Iron Paaya..! So No alternate for the hardwork. For every single thing, you have to give your 200% to get the thing done. Delayed fortune.., Delay in everything, but things will happen to you..! Problems from siblings, dont sign anything without complete understanding. .! Friends will hate you to the max, Will create problems for you, which will hit you badly. Long lasting diseases like diabetes, heart problem, blood pressure, foot diseases are promised..! Don't get tempted of loans and borrowing money from anybody..! 11. Kumbha/Aquarius : The transit is happening in your 8th House with copper Payaa. Some good results for you..! Sudden gains, lottery, inheritance, profit in speculation, SaTTa and share market is

promised. Speech will be harsh and might create problems for you. Problems from government and seniors entitled. Career, profession will not go as per your wish..!Take care of your love life, children..! The rest is good for you..! 12. Meena/Pisces : The Transit is happening in your 7th House, with Silver Paaya, a bit of relief to you..! The relationship with spouse and partners will be very good. You will get benefited by that a lot. Your own Health and Mind will be loosing balance. Proper care of yourself is advisable..! Fortune will be delayed.., Mothers health will also be a problem. Don't trust your servants and don't do any deal for your property..! Article by: Mr. Sunil Kumar BiradarRemedies for getting the Good Results of this Saturn Transit:1. The Sadhe Sati people can have the Sadhe Sati Puja Shanti yagna booked at Rudra Centre website

at this link: http://www.rudraksh a-ratna.com/ dispProduct. php?prodId= 49042. Offer Shani Dev Puja at Shani Shingnapur. Specially on 20th August 2009 Amavashya. It is the last Amavashya before Saturn Transit and very good day to appease planet Saturn. The Shani Puja can be booked on the Rudra Centre website at this link: http://www.rudraksh a-ratna.com/ dispProduct. php?prodId= 51233. Wearing 14 face rudraksh will significantly reduce the effects of Saturn hence it is called maha Shani. The shani shanti pendant can be obtained from Rudra Centre website. The link is: http://www.rudraksh a-ratna.com/ dispProduct. php?prodId= 182




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  • 4 weeks later...

Jai Maa Jayadhurga

These general predictions rarely affect.One has to look at one's horoscope and see planetary possitions dasa bukti and if saturn is really bad.Sade sathi first round is bad second its good.It giveds benefits.One way to minimise effects is use of Gemstones after consulting a good astrologer cum Gemmologist.Dasaratha maharaj's slok on Shani helps to minimise.Above all worship of shani on saturday at a shiva temple reduces the effect.--- On Mon, 17/8/09, Khatri Anand <khatrianand wrote:

Khatri Anand <khatrianandRe: Saturn transit puja from 20 Aug to 9 Sep Date: Monday, 17 August, 2009, 9:18 AM




Jai Gurudev,


>>. Kanya/Virgo : Transit is happening in your own sign with Iron Paaya, so hard ship is promised. You will be in the second phase of Sadhe Saati, so you have to be cautious. Before taking any decision, think ten times...! The mental condition will be worse. Just control your mental and emotional balance and do get succumb to stress and tension. It will affect badly on your partner, spouse and if married, you will be on the verge of seperation. The brothers, Sisters your own people will go away from you, and you will realise who are your true well-wishers. Life will show every single color to you and you should be ready for the sufferings as it is coming to you..! Work, Job, Profession will be worse and might have to leave the current job and settle on something downgraded or not upto your mark..! Shani transit will happen to Kanya rashi after 9th

September. The above prediction sounds awafully bad. Just wondering, if all of the above happens to anyone with Kanya rashi, will he/she be able to survive?Shani gives some effect, but how much? and will that be same for all? --- I doubt


For the deciples of Gurudev,there is no need to fear about any such thing. Below is a navgraha Arishta nivaran Sabar mantra !! For more mantras look in the file section after joining this group: http://groups. / group/guru- nikhil/





Regards,AnandAnand's Knowledge Series:

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kanu priya <kanupriya003@ >@ s.comSunday, 16 August, 2009 11:48:09 AMRe: Saturn transit puja from 20 Aug to 9 Sep








I assume you are writing about tranist of Shani from Moon Rashi? If so this is in corrrect information please revilew before posting.


Best Regards,



murugesankns@ , naren (AT) cgtconsult (DOT) com, zcs, shreejas01 , rai_arch , asheshshah@rediffma il.com, nvsrkraju@rediffmai l.com, sreedhar_8 (AT) (DOT) . co.uk, ravs_g , reka.satish@ blr.hpsglobal. com, mdilkum , bhudev_sharma@ , subashrazdan@ , subash_mehta/ tse_Inc.@ tsi.com, sgesh , ramki1, sadhna_anop@ , anandsagar_in@ , sanjay.asthana- 1. edu, sank81 , sankar-bandi@ , sarahfraser1@ , sastry_mss , sgadkari2001@ , sh0052 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com, sharmakdeep@ , hrishi, shruthi76 , smitarao_t , soni26 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com, tsoumyraj (AT) (DOT) co.uk, kara0072 (AT) umn (DOT) eduWednesday, August 12, 2009, 9:07 AM













Transit of Saturn is always most feared one. A Saturn Transit brings with itself havoc, a fear as if doom is knocking on the door. Saturn the most malefic planet produces significant changes both at the mundane and the individual levels, when it moves one sign to another. Saturn passes through the entire zodiac in about 30 years covering one rashi in 2.5 years. It makes about three rounds in the life of a person. Therefore it gives good effects only for 7.5 years in one round i.e. gives good effect only in one-fourth life of individual. Does that mean that the individual has to suffer for the remaining period of his life? Saturn can become less evil for major periods by a process of elimination of his bad effects due to some recommended remedies.Shani will transit to Kanya Rashi on the 9th of September 2009 from Singha Rashi after 2 1/2 Years Time. Shani Maharaj is transiting into Kanya rashi As per drika

siddhanta, many people will be releived and many will be stressed..! Many people will be free from Shani's Sadhe Sati and many will Come into the first phase of Sadhe Sati.Lets Understand the effects of Shani Transit on the 12 Rashi's..... ! 1. Mesha/Aries : For Mesha Rashi, The Shani tansit will be happening in the 6th House. So there will be Physical distress, Diseases, Bad Debt, Enemy Problems and many other complications for these people. Shani will be entering Kanya Rashi with Gold Paaya and there will be tensions Promised for them. There will be religious Yatras and rituals, Long distant fruitless travels, imprisonment, small accidents, and problem to siblings entitled..! 2. Vrishabh/Taurus : The transit of Shani is in 5th house with Iron Paaya. So lot of Hard Work needed for solving simple things in life. Love life will be good, there will be birth of children in house, creativity will be

on the peak. Problems from friends and losses due to the same promised. Partnership will undergo a rough phase, relation with spouse will be the worse...! Finances and monetary conditions will be a cause of concern. Alcohol, Smoking will be to the Max. Speech will destroy relationship. .! 3.. Mithun/Gemini : Transit is happening in the 4th House with Gold Paaya. There will be tension in this Phase. You will buy new property, Vehicle and there will be servants serving you..! The domestic happiness is promised by the Family Members. Job, Career will be at stake, might try to switch or try something of your own. Problems from government promised...! Disease and enmity will be there. Your personality will deteriorate and people might hate you..! 4. Karka/Cancer : Transit is happening in your 3rd House with Copper Paaya...! So the Best Phase for Karka People. Will achieve whatever you have lost in last

7 1/2 Years time. There will respect and repute in the society. New deals, agreements will be signed and will be miraculous for you. Love and support from siblings will be there. Things will happen with a slight delay, but these will be concrete for you. Love life, Childrens will be a cause of concern. Puja, Yatra to holy places promised..! 5. Singha/Leo : Transit is happening in your second House with Copper Paaya, So little relief can be there..! You will be entering into the last phase of Sadhe Sati. Just remain humble and don't do any mistake in this period, else you have to suffer for the entire lifetime for the same. There will be improvement in the money sources, you will speak good about others and for others.. You will control your wrong eating habits and there will be some relief in the family..! You will be prone to accidents, Property matters should take a back seat, danger from servants and domestic staff. Friends

will be bad with you.., beware of them..! 6. Kanya/Virgo : Transit is happening in your own sign with Iron Paaya, so hard ship is promised. You will be in the second phase of Sadhe Saati, so you have to be cautious. Before taking any decision, think ten times...! The mental condition will be worse. Just control your mental and emotional balance and do get succumb to stress and tension. It will affect badly on your partner, spouse and if married, you will be on the verge of seperation. The brothers, Sisters your own people will go away from you, and you will realise who are your true well-wishers. Life will show every single color to you and you should be ready for the sufferings as it is coming to you..! Work, Job, Profession will be worse and might have to leave the current job and settle on something downgraded or not upto your mark..! 7. Tula/Libra : The transit is happening in your 12th House with

Copper Paaya. So there will be few good things at the start of the Sadhe Sati. You will travel a lot, expenses will be huge and wont be able to control your finances. There will be an opportunity of foreign travel or settlement, which you should analyse well before accepting. You will get the company of foreign people and will be disoriented with the kind of direction you will get in this first phase of Sadhe Sati. You will be thrown far away from what exactly you should have done in your life, and it will take you next 10 years to come back on the destined track...! there will be diseases with you or in the family, which will disturb the entire domestic happiness..! there will be bad debt and enemy problems...! Monetary conditions will be weak, your words will do the damage for you..,and delayed fortune is a promise..! 8. Vrischik/Scorpio : The transit is happening in your 11 th House, with Gold Paaya..! So there will be

tension promised..! Friend will be good to you and you will have there support, which will take you to places..! There will be moderate financial gains too..! Love life, children, Pregnancy will be a problem..! There will be accidents, burns and fractures in the body..! Your own personality will be worse physically and mentally and you will hate everything about yourself, right from your look, out look, behaviour, Personality etc..! Take care of your parents..! 9. Dhanu/Sagittarius : The Transit is happening in your 10th House.., with Silver Paaya, so some good results can be seen. You will get promoted in your job, or get good gains in the business...! There will be help and support from the governments and Governments jobs, tenders will come to you easily..! Your House, Property, Mother, Servants will all be a cause of concern and you will be disturbed in all these fronts..! There will be heavy expenses and Puja Yatras or

rituals will be offered..! Partnership, Spouse will be on the offensive front. Chances of getting separated cant be ruled out...! 10. Makar/Capricorn : The Transit is happening in your 9th House with Iron Paaya..! So No alternate for the hardwork. For every single thing, you have to give your 200% to get the thing done. Delayed fortune.., Delay in everything, but things will happen to you..! Problems from siblings, dont sign anything without complete understanding. .! Friends will hate you to the max, Will create problems for you, which will hit you badly. Long lasting diseases like diabetes, heart problem, blood pressure, foot diseases are promised..! Don't get tempted of loans and borrowing money from anybody..! 11. Kumbha/Aquarius : The transit is happening in your 8th House with copper Payaa. Some good results for you..! Sudden gains, lottery, inheritance, profit in speculation, SaTTa and share

market is promised. Speech will be harsh and might create problems for you. Problems from government and seniors entitled. Career, profession will not go as per your wish..!Take care of your love life, children..! The rest is good for you..! 12. Meena/Pisces : The Transit is happening in your 7th House, with Silver Paaya, a bit of relief to you..! The relationship with spouse and partners will be very good. You will get benefited by that a lot. Your own Health and Mind will be loosing balance. Proper care of yourself is advisable..! Fortune will be delayed.., Mothers health will also be a problem. Don't trust your servants and don't do any deal for your property..! Article by: Mr. Sunil Kumar BiradarRemedies for getting the Good Results of this Saturn Transit:1. The Sadhe Sati people can have the Sadhe Sati Puja Shanti yagna booked at Rudra

Centre website at this link: http://www.rudraksh a-ratna.com/ dispProduct. php?prodId= 49042. Offer Shani Dev Puja at Shani Shingnapur. Specially on 20th August 2009 Amavashya. It is the last Amavashya before Saturn Transit and very good day to appease planet Saturn. The Shani Puja can be booked on the Rudra Centre website at this link: http://www.rudraksh a-ratna.com/ dispProduct. php?prodId= 51233. Wearing 14 face rudraksh will significantly reduce the effects of Saturn hence it is called maha Shani. The shani shanti pendant can be obtained from Rudra Centre website. The link is: http://www.rudraksh a-ratna.com/ dispProduct. php?prodId= 182





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