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Health Benefits for our Guru Bhais & Behanas

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Namaskaram,Just want to share the benefits of taking 1 table spoon of APPLE CIDER VINEGAR(ACV) daily in your soup, food , salad or simply taking it in a glass full of water which is the best form taking it. I still remember how my aaji used to hold our nose to give us the ACV due to its awful smell. We dreaded to be sick to avoid it.As i grew older i soon realized its medicinal benefits and it costs so little to purchase a bottle which last for months. As they say " An apple a day keeps the doctor away " An older version is "To eat an apple going to bed, makes the doctor beg his bread".ACV is the nature's most perfect food which can cure the following diseases:1. Helps maintain a youthful vibrant body while slowing the natural aging process.2. Aids digestion and assimilation.3. Relieves painfulful soar throats and Laryngitis.4. Helps sinus, asthma, and flu sufferers breathe easier.5. Control and stabilizers weight.6. Ends dandruff and prevents itchy scalp and dry hair.7. Fights arthritis by flushing harmful toxins and crystals from joints tissues and organs.8. Soothes sunburn and maintains healthy skin.9. Cures blood pressure, diabetes, heart diseases, allergies, migraine headaches and the worst feared CANCER.The western doctors didn't believe in the properties of the ACV and what it can do. Actually they knew it but didn't want to expose it because they would be out of business. So the minute one starts to promote natural remedies the pharmaceuticals are the first and doctors will try to advertise some sort of false advert about how dangerous is to take ACV but just recently some of the doctors have come foward to accept the wonders of the ACV treatment.

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