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Kundalini Awakening (A)

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From the base of our spinal cord to the crown of our head, there are

seven energy points or chakras, connected to each other, which are

collectively known as the Kundalini. Every chakra of Kundalini

appears like a lotus. The number of petals of these lotuses represent

the kind of power a perticular chakra contains.


The first of these chakras is the Muladhar Chakra. Muladhar literally

means 'main base'. This chakra is located in the basal region of the

vertebral column at the mid spot between anus and reproductive organ

and it is visualized as a red lotus with four petals. It represents

the earth element.


Most of our powers and energies are concentrated in this chakra.

Usually, these powers remain in a less active or dormant state.


Mainly, there are four beej mantras, each representing one of the

four petals, for activating this chakra. First is 'Vam' which

activates the first petal resulting in a better nervous system.

Second is 'Sham' which activates the second petal resulting in

physical and spiritual beauty. Third is 'Sham' (written differently

in sanskrit) which activates the third petal resulting in increased

muscle mass and strength. The fourth is 'Sam' which activates the

fourth petal resulting in a magnetic personality.


These are some of the many benefits of activating this chakra:


1. Control over the earth element.

2. Rejuvenated tissues and muscles, powerful immune system and

increased strength.

3. Elimination of skin diseases, backache, anemia and kidney related


4. Magnetic personality, joyful life without any kind of fears.


After the activation of this chakra, a person can also help others

have all the above-mentioned benefits with a transfer of energy.

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