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Jyeshttha Laxmi Sadhana

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From www.siddhashram.org ***


For a wise man Laxmi has great significance because he can make use

of the wealth in his possession for the good of all. An arrogant

person on the other hand having come into money might well try to

show off as a social worker yet actual benefits accruing from his

side would be nil.


As far as my own experiences in the social circles go, the gentry,

the intellectual class generally puts on airs and pooh-poohs at

Sadhanas, whenever the topic might come up in some social gathering.

Yet it's a fact that although they criticise Sadhanas and all forms

of worship in the open, in their hearts they long to tly them if

only to test their efficacy.


They cannot express their feelings openly and hence they fall easy

prey to pseudo-gurus and cheap baseless literature. In fact today

there is no dearth of literature that is based on Sadhanas, yet

whose authenticity is seriously doubtful. And this is only going to

increase, so the only way out is that the real, authentic literature

be made easily available.


And if the high intellectual groups of the society enthusiastically

join this crusade not only shall they themselves benefit, rather

they shall also be able to preserve the knowledge for the future

generations in a proper, systematic manner.


I do not in the least mean that only the intellectuals are eligible

to enter the world of Sadhanas, rather I want such people who could

assimilate the knowledge as well as keep its river flowing way into

the future to come forward. Moreover history is witness to the fact

that even unlettered men with enlightened souls like Kabeer and

Raidas have left behind virtual rivers of knowledge.


The efforts to present this pristine knowledge in a simple form

continue to this day and we are fortunate to have had a great and

nonpareil exponent of ancient Indian sciences, revered Gurudev Dr.

Narayan Dutt Shrimali, to guide us. He has led thousands of Sadhaks

into the labyrinthine lanes of the Sadhana world and helped unravel

mysteries which had been left unsolved even in the most famous

spiritual texts.


In fact books can only explain the step wise procedure of

accomplishing a ritual, while in practical life the Sadhak might

have to face ten different kinds of problems. It's at this juncture

that one needs a Guru, a guide, a teacher.


Keeping in mind the requirements of the present times revered

Gurudev consented to let a very secret and hitherto unrevealed

Sadhana appear on these pages. And he has not done this for the

first time in his life, for he always believed that Sadhanas are

divine gifts and not anyone's personal heritage. This is a Sadhana

very relevant for this age and it pertains to Laxmi- the Goddess of

Wealth and Prosperity.


The Goddess Laxmi has numerous forms, each concerned with a

different aspect of life. Eishwarya Laxmi can get you luxury,

Vasudha Laxmi can make you a landowner, Aayushya Laxmi can be

propitiated for long, healthy life. But there is a form of the deity

which not just makes the Sadhak wealthy and rich but also helps him

in spiritual and mental uplifiment. Jyeshttha Laxmi is the deity in

question, and although several texts have been written on Jyeshttha

Laxmi, most lack practical aspects of her Sadhana.


But why is this deity and her ritual so important? The reason is

that though it is a Tantra Sadhana, even a family man can try it

without going into too many strict rules and restrictions.


This ritual must go on lifelong, but if daily recital is not

possible one can try a special 5 day ritual with the same effects.

If done daily one should chant 3 rounds of the Mantra every day, but

if going in for the five day Sadhana one has to chant 51 rounds of

the Mantra daily, which shall take not more than 2-3 hrs. every day.

And if it's not possible for one to sit continuously for so long one

can chant 21 rounds in the morning and 30 rounds at night.


This Sadhana can be started on any auspicious day. It's best to do

the Sadhana after 10 p.m. One needs a mantra-energised Jyeshttha

Laxml Yantra and a Kamal Gatta rosary for the ritual.


Get into red clothes and sit down cross-legged on a red worship-mat

facing South. Offer vermilion and unbroken rice grains and worship

the Yantra placed on a wooden seat again covered with a red cloth.

Light a ghee lamp or incense.


Chant the following Mantra -


Ayeim Hreem Shreem Jyeshtthaa Lakshmi Svayambhuve Jyeshtthaayei



Even after the ritual if the Mantra is chanted daily (3 rounds)

before the Yantra the effect is said to become a thousand fold. This

is not just a presentation of a Sadhana rather it is a cordial

invitation to all spiritual aspirants to come forward and try the

efficacy of the ritual for themselves.


For more such sadhanas, visit www.siddhashram.org

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