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Sadhana and Guru: Part 3

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This is the concluding part of my three parter post, Sadhana and Guru, where we are trying to understand what is a Sadhana and why we need a Guru to succeed in it. I believe, many, who read the second part of this three parter post, have very well understood 'Sadhana'. If you are amongst those, read on; you may soon be on your way to success in your own sadhana. If you are not, you are wasting your time reading this.Who is a Guru?To explain this better, I searched the word 'Guru' at Dictionary.Com and found the following meanings:

A teacher and guide in spiritual and philosophical matters.

A trusted counselor and adviser; a mentor.

A recognized leader in a field like the guru of high finance.

An expert.In terms of Sadhana and Mantra, a Guru is the one who has reached the highest level in a sadhana that you wish to learn; who knows everything about that sadhana including the secrets of success and the causes of failure; who can guide your towards the path leading to the highest level.Why do I need a Guru? I can pick a mantra from a book or a website, chant it and succeed on my own?Oh, really? Then, why did you go to school? Why everyone goes to school from their early childhood? Anyone can buy books and everyone buys books anyway? If you are serious about Sadhanas, you need a Guru for the same reason you needed to go to school. Moreover, there are many aspects of Sadhanas that only an able Guru can teach you. There are plenty of Sadhanas, if not all, in which even a slight mistake can result in your death.How do I find a Guru?You can't. A Sadhana is not a quick-fix solution to puny little problems of daily life.

If you are not looking for a Guru who would get everything for you in no time while you'll sit back and enjoy a comfortable life for free, then an able Guru would find you. Furthermore, meeting a Guru is a natural process and you should never let anything; any person, any advertisement, any need, any desire, any temptation; influence it. If you are worthy, you would, certainly, be found by your Guru.I feel, my Guru is selling mantras for his/her own food / worldly comforts.Then, you should immediately leave such a Guru. The basis of Guru - Disciple relationship is trust. Either you must trust your Guru or you must leave your Guru - simple! Let me ask you something. Didn't you pay your teacher when you were in school? Don't you pay your doctor for treating you? Doesn't your employer / client pay you? If the answer to any of these questions is 'YES' then why do you expect the Guru to be an exception? 'Guru Dakshina' (fee paid to the Guru for his/her teachings)

is an age old tradition. 'FREE' is not the criteria that separates the real Gurus from the rest.Have you ever thought, why is the Guru considered higher than the God? Not because the Guru can get you to the God and not because you can get plenty of 'out of this world' powers through the Guru; but, because of the love you can get from your Guru. Your parents love you; your brothers, sisters, friends, husbands, wives and children love you; but none of them can second the Guru in loving you. Whenever you are hurt, your Guru feels the pain more than you. Your Guru can even give his/her life to save yours. And what you do in return? You leave everything to your Guru and call it 'complete surrender' (which, surely, is a bad idea). You say, I want this, I want that and I want everything right now. Since what you want is different from what you really need, you may not always get what you want. And when this happens, you straightly declare your Guru a fraud which increases your bad

karma and drastically decreases your chances of success. Let me tell you a story. A few days ago, in another group, a person posted something like this: "I request all members to send their age, sex, location, name and anubhuti (divine experience) so that I can develop faith". "What a pity", I thought. Here, on the web, we all are just IDs, not even names. We don't know each other, we probably will never know each other, in most cases, we can't see or hear each other, we can't touch each other while our Guru is a live person standing in front of us whom we can see, touch and hear. Yet, a person needs testimonies from unknown IDs to have faith in his/her Guru.Have faith in yourself. Learn to trust your Guru. Let your conscience be your judge. Only then, you can be successful in any Sadhana. Only then, you can be successful in your life. Only then, you can be complete and break out of the Life-Death Cycle.That's it folks! This is my final post to this group. May God

bless you with success and happiness. Good Bye.Tantra Shaktimantra_tantra_yantraOm Ayeim Hreem Kleem Chamundayei Vichche

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